Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎May 16, 2024
05:42 AM
1 Upvote
As all these ideas are viable in theory and application. The problem is it separates the file from the original. Hence negating the nondestructive philosophy. Nondestructive should not only be for the image itself, but for the renaming process as well.
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‎May 15, 2024
01:24 PM
Bridge is a step I never use. I haven't used bridge in decades. I'm not about to start doing it now. I'm hoping Adobe fixes this.
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‎May 15, 2024
11:40 AM
Yes, everyone has a different process and different kinds of files. I just need the last four digits of my RAW file to be incorporated so the client and I can find it in the future. I do so many images (at least 12 TB per quarter) and so many corporate photo shoots that one off name changing is not an option. Just need Adobe to give us a workaround. I think most people are in the same boat as I am, regardless of whether you're doing amateur, business-to-business, or business-to-public photography. I'm business-to-business, and I have clients who are very specific and demanding about what they receive and how they receive it.
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‎May 15, 2024
10:55 AM
1 Upvote
Of course, they don't care what the process is, but they do question the enhancements. What they don't know won't hurt me, and having to explain what enhancements I did, sucks. It takes up my time to explain. One client even said that other photographers from around the country we work with don't add AI enhancements to our pictures. Of course, I smiled and we looked at their images in comparison, and frankly, they were not as nice.
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‎May 15, 2024
09:50 AM
Please pardon me if I'm not explaining this correctly. When I shoot a raw file and I import it into Lightroom. I edit the files and then I Denoise the image which creates a new original file that is a DNG file. Is there any way to get rid of the tag (enhanced-NR) that Lightroom renamed my image and keep my original file name? I don't mind that it's a DMG file. I just need the original file name to stay intact if possible possible. I don't want my clients to know that I enhanced their pictures. If I batch rename or rename the file on export, the file has lost its original four-digit file name, and I need to rename it with a completely different file name that does not reference the original final name. Should I ever need to go back to the original file name. After the enhancement, the new file name becomes the original file name of the DMG file created by the denoise process. This is a real problem for me, especially with one or two of my clients. I called Adobe tech support, and there is no solution for this issue as of right now. Again, I do not want my clients to know that the file is enhanced. Plus, I would like to keep the original file name so I can reference that in the future.
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‎Aug 12, 2023
09:42 AM
After I updated to 12.4, the masking tools are not finding the subject or background properly anymore. I have a bunch of colleagues at work for me, and everybody's computer seems to be a little bit different. When we first started using these tools. Everything seems to work flawlessly. Group shots of everyone were chosen on the subjects. Backgrounds behind subjects were always chosen properly through AI. But since I've updated the software to 12.4. It no longer is seeing the subject we're background properly. I sent a screenshot to my colleague. He has the same exact shot that I have. And when we went to select the subject, it selected parts of the subjects and parts of the background. I've been having this program problem on every photo. It is not finding the edges of people or backgrounds. And not distinguishing between, the two in many cases. This is a new issue.. Again, my colleague has 12.4 as well and his is doing a much better job distinguishing between subject and background. In some cases I have to select each subject in the group. Select all of them and invert. That will give me a properly cut background in many cases. But it is not perfect. It doesn't always work just right. In some cases in a group shot some people cannot be found by the AI all of a sudden this new upgraded version. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling. But the problem still exist. I'm wondering if it's compatibility with my computer.
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‎Oct 26, 2020
08:10 AM
When I moved to a new photo. If I click on the cropping tool in the development module. The padlock shows as being locked. But when I try to crop. It is no longer craft but still shows the padlock as being closed. I move my Mouse over the padlock and it indicates that it's open. It is very deceiving and I'm losing time wondering if it's open or closed. This is a very deceiving issue and I'm losing time and frustration when I realize that the crop is not locked.
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