Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Oct 28, 2024
05:51 AM
For 30+ years, I believe, I've used the same tool. In the same location. With the same, solid results. Now, 30+ years later, after having paid I have no idea how many thousands of dollars for a program, updates, and now subscriptions, I have to go begging for an answer, and, oh yeah, have tech support disconnect and/or not answer me. The first guy switches me to the Photoshop team. The guy on the Phothoshop team, he didn't know. He asked me a bunch of questions, and then he said he needed a couple of minutes to go check with someone. Really? Possibly the most basic question someone could have? Okay. Well, thank you, Semaphoric. I still feel like an idiot, but, at least I have an answer.
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‎Oct 28, 2024
05:24 AM
Seriously. No one has a clue about this? I guess I'll have to give up Photoshop then after 30+ years of use because I'm not going to pay a lot of money per month for a program that suddenly doesn't work. Ciao.
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‎Oct 27, 2024
01:58 PM
Last week, I could grab type with the direction selection tool and move it anywhere. Now, since some update, I cannot. I have to type number into the Transform area. Also, my tools shifted to different positions in the tool bar. I need to get this fix please. I'm on an older Mac and tried to get tech support help via chat. The guy said give me 2 minutes. 10 minutes later, he's not back, and I'm logged out.
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‎Aug 23, 2017
03:44 AM
DO NOT FOLLOW THE OPTION given by STAFF Monica Singh. I just did that, followed the directions to a "T", and when I relaunched InDesign, the app would not launch, said it was now corrupt. I had to uninstall, get rid of my prefs, and then re-download. Going to the cloud with these programs was the worst decision Adobe has made, ever, for users. The apps plainly suck. They are buggy, they are slow, and it is BS that I have to pay $600 a year FOREVER to use crap apps.
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