‎Nov 04, 2023
01:49 PM
I was one of the ones that was having trouble with the v13 when it came out, where if I used masking, especially the new color point selection it would just suddenly stop working and then crash. I thought 13.0.1 fixed it but it's not a feature I use a LOT. Today, it's crashing again. I worked on one two photos. Those were fine. The next one? Crashed. Even just clicking on that photo causes it to crash and I can't do anything else. I feel a like it might be connected to my copying the masks from a previous photo and pasting them as that was when it crashed but I'm not sure. I've again walked it back to 12.5 as this is unusable for me. I'm not sure if this is connected to a bug that's still being worked on or not. But it seems like I just can't use the color point selector at all.
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‎Oct 12, 2023
06:35 AM
IS this being worked on? I'm seeing a lot about needing crash reports but nothing about if this is actually being looked into.
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‎Oct 11, 2023
05:44 PM
Mine is crashing too. I imported new photos, edited a few and then it started crashing. I did submit two reports but now when it crashes the report dialogue never comes up. I simply can't click on anything and have to force-quit it. I'm rolling the program back to the previous version for now. I was really excited for some of this but this is way too frustrating. I hope you got some of the crash reports from mine.
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‎Jul 27, 2023
05:22 PM
The only workaround for me so far is to install an earlier version. I installed Beta v24.7 and the regular v24.6 and have no issues in either. So revert if you can until there's a fix.
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‎Jul 27, 2023
11:16 AM
I was also having the issue with Photoshop 2023 v24.7 (not the beta version), which was why it seemed like a LR bug. I have walked both beta and regular back to the last versions (24.7 beta and 24.6 regular) and they are working fine.
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‎Jul 27, 2023
08:28 AM
I use Windows 11. I have tried both the default Edit as... and I have tried it as a separate function. Both give the same behavior. I also get this behavior with the latest PS 2023 update (v.24,7). If I walk that back to 24.6 I do not have the issue. I did try uninstalling and reinstalling the latest versions but that was a no go. I have walked PS to 24,6 and Beta to 24.7 and am no longer having the issue.
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‎Jul 27, 2023
07:40 AM
So I uninstalled Photoshop Beta. And now it is not in my creative cloud and I seem to not be able to reinstall it? Did I just screw myself over completely and no longer will have access to Beta? I was making some major use of the new remove feature that I will be devastated to lose. How can I reinstall Beta?
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‎Jul 27, 2023
07:26 AM
I realized now that I am wrong. This is also now happening with Photoshop 2023 v24.7 I will attempt to uninstall and reinstall both of them I guess. I did try to uninstall/reinstall LR with no changes.
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‎Jul 27, 2023
06:52 AM
Uninstall/reinstall did not work. It still comes up saying it can't launch it and then finally opens it. Definite bug that is REALLY irritating as it slows down my workflow significantly.
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‎Jul 27, 2023
06:45 AM
This is exactly what happens for me. It does eventually open but it's often a couple minutes later. I am attempting to uninstall and reinstall Lightroom Classic to see if that will forge a proper connection. But I'm getting very frustrated. This is a big part of my workflow.
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‎Jul 27, 2023
06:22 AM
I just recently updated Photoshop Beta to 2024 v25.0 on my Windows 11 machine.
Now when I try to open photos from LR 12.4 using the "edit in...", it hangs up for a time and then comes up saying "The file could not be edited because Adobe Photoshop 2024 could not be launched."
When I hit "Ok" it then opens the file in Photoshop 2024.
This happens with every file, even if Photoshop 2024 is already up and running at the time.
This does not happen with 2023 v24.7.
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‎Nov 01, 2021
12:17 PM
Ok I am NOT crazy. I'm looking at an old tutorial that was used in a class I took for using the radial filter. The dark part that's being applied by the radial filter is OUTSIDE the circle and "invert" is not checked off. On the new one that I'm using, in the radial filter, it's applying to INSIDE the circle and "invert" is not checked off.
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‎Nov 01, 2021
11:48 AM
Ok the reset sliders did indeed keep the sliders to whatever is originally selected! Now if I can just find some way to make the radial filter come up inverted every time.
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‎Nov 01, 2021
11:43 AM
Re: #1. Mine definitely was outside the circle automatically. If anything was set up in preferences, I can't find out where. About 99% of the time I apply the filter to what is OUTSIDE the circle, so having to check off invert every single time is really irritating. And yes, I liked that it would at least come up with the original settings. So if I was using burn for a radial filter, even if I altered it after, for every photo after that, it would come up with the original burn settings and I wouldn't have to reselect it every time. It's just two extra mouse clicks for each photo (and with tendon issues, the less clicks the better!). I will check and see if the reset all sliders changes anything!
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‎Oct 31, 2021
06:41 PM
Ugh sorry folks. I thought I clicked on LR Classic and now I see I clicked on CC. I don't know how to move the post and it won't let me delete it!
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‎Oct 31, 2021
06:38 PM
I have two issues that I'm hoping there's some way to resolve: 1. Radial filters previously were automatically applied to what was OUTSIDE the filter. I had to check off "invert" to apply it to what was inside it. Now it's the opposite. But I cannot find a way to keep it so that every time I pull up the radial filter, it's already inverted. IS there a way to do this? In the old version of LR, if I made the change before applying a filter, it stayed that way every time. 2. Along the same line...things like the radial filter, brushes, etc. automatically pulled up my latest selection. So if I used "burn" for a brush, when I pulled up the radial filter, it would come up with burn first. Now when I do that, the next comes up saying "Burn (edited)" but everything now says 0. Is there some way to make this "stick" like it used to? I often use a radial filter on each image in a group and it's becoming a huge pain to always have to select the type AND invert it. I am on a Windows machine if that helps at all.
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