‎Jun 28, 2024
09:41 PM
Can you where the layer boundry shortcut resides?
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‎Jun 28, 2024
09:29 PM
mine don't work anymore either to adjust tools size
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‎Mar 05, 2024
01:57 PM
In Beta don't see the show control transform box in the move tool. Its' in the reg version
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‎Dec 23, 2023
12:28 PM
Can't move my text png to my open image that i'm editing. Only happens since Beta update. Error says I can't use the move tool.
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‎Jun 19, 2023
11:59 AM
1 Upvote
Mohit, If this is the one using Control E in LR and getting an error message In PS saying there's not enough room to open, I just started getting the error again. I tracked down another solution from someone in LR Community a couple years ago. All they did was reset their worspace default. I use Essentials so I just did a simple Workspace reset and no more message. I don't think it matters what Workspace you use, just reset it. If you get issue again try this too...David
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‎Jun 19, 2023
11:51 AM
1 Upvote
Sameer K, I just found a very simple solution that someone in LR posted a couple years ago. Doesn't make sense but it corrected the issue of not enought room to open image in PS. Adobe needs to address this, I can't be the only one having this issue.
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‎Jun 19, 2023
11:39 AM
Sameer K, Again I have the dreaded error message in Photoshop, can't open, not enough room. Using Control E, it the image will not open in PS unleass I do it twice. Again, is this coming with updates to PS?? It's really annoying and I can't remember how to address it..
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‎Apr 09, 2023
11:14 PM
I don't know why this worked but when I put "old" at the end of the name in the instrutions It started to work again. That was more than a week now. Try this if you haven't gotten a solution yet. Let me know what happens..This was given to me by Sameer, Adobe employee Windows 10/11: Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings Press Windows + R & type this is the Run Window - %APPDATA%\Adobe Rename the Adobe Photoshop folder by adding a .old at the end. (Adobe Photoshop 2023 > Rename > Adobe Photoshop 2023. old) These changes will give a fresh start to Photoshop as a fresh install. Let me know how it goes. Thanks!
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‎Apr 09, 2023
11:08 PM
I had the same issue, all of a sudden I couldn't open LR images in PS CC because not enough room message. I complained 3 or 4 times with no working solution. Uninstalling and reinstalling didn't work. Yes I could try 3 times and it would open but that's a pain. Finally I got a goofy solution that worked. I'll copy and past it, it might work for you.
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‎Apr 03, 2023
11:06 PM
I did this and it started working again thanks. Don't know why but it works. Rename the Adobe Photoshop folder by adding a .old at the end. (Adobe Photoshop 2023 > Rename > Adobe Photoshop 2023. old)
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‎Apr 01, 2023
03:51 PM
1 Upvote
Hi Sameer, I also uninstalled PS CC and reinstalled it, since I had the same issue last year. It did not correct the issue. I only edit NEFs so my files are quite large. I've done this for years and this just started 2 weeks ago David
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‎Apr 01, 2023
03:49 PM
I added the system info and uploaded to the link you wrote and it's also attached here. David
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‎Mar 24, 2023
07:56 AM
1 Upvote
Can't open LR edit in PS due to error...."Could not open because there isn't enough room to display the document"....This is annoying and I can't find an answer....I've attached a screen shot.
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‎Sep 11, 2022
06:03 PM
Hi Ranjisha, Someone suggesting removing PS from CC and reinstalling it. I did and so far it's opened all my NEFs. If it happens again I will alert you....David
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‎Sep 10, 2022
01:07 PM
Thanks Ranjisha for reaching out...This just started, although I had the same issue a couple years ago. I mainly shoot raw. I'll check if I have some jpegs to try. 23.5.0 is my Photoshop version, and 11.5 is Lightroom classic. I use a desktop HP with 32 ram. with 2 hard drives of which one is solid state. I'll check if another version of PS is on my computer but I have Photoshop CC and only do the upgrades that come with it. I see others in the community have had the same issue. It is something just in the last couple weeks I believe. I've unchecked the open doc as tabs, but it still does it...
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‎Sep 08, 2022
01:22 PM
1 Upvote
I'm having the same issue in September 2022
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‎Sep 08, 2022
01:21 PM
I'm having the same issue. I also had this issue a year ago. Apparently they haven't found the right fix yet. If I try a few times the file will open, but it's very annoying..
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‎Sep 08, 2022
09:39 AM
Periodically I get this error message that my NEF can't open in PS CC from LR Classic. I tried the fix in the message, but my photo still won't open.
{Title edited by Moderator}
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‎Jul 13, 2021
08:48 AM
Found the same. This is the stupidist thing to have to go through. Adobe can be so counter productive!
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‎Apr 21, 2020
04:59 PM
So I started a second catalogue on an external drive. I used it on a second computer in another state. When I came home, I merged the 2nd catalogue to my Master catalogue. It went fine. I would like to use this catalogue again when I go away again. I left the NEF photos on it, but the edits and collections are also still on it. How would I delete them, since i've already merged them to my Master cataloge. Hope this make sense.. David
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‎Mar 15, 2020
08:17 PM
Many times when i'm done using Lighroom and do the backup, my hardrive won't give the ok to remove. It almost always says it's in use by another program. I don't like removing it until it's ok. Usually I have to shut the computer down to remove it. I'm on for hours at a time, and i'm sure it will say it's in use. No matter I shut all programs off, it still gives the message. It does this on 2 different computers I use... Is this happening to anyone and how do you remove it safely.....thanks
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‎Jun 12, 2019
08:07 AM
Hi, i'm attaching a screen shot. Not sure why I have the file location for sybnched photos...What file is supposed to be there? I can't find instructions for the preference section... Also, should we be deleting synched data from time to time??? Thanks DAvid
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‎Jun 12, 2019
07:59 AM
Thanks for your information..my situation is mostly the same setup as yours...David On Thursday, June 6, 2019, 11:29:47 PM CDT, WobertC <forums_noreply@adobe.com> wrote: Message comes up on LR startup created by WobertC in Lightroom Classic — The desktop-focused app - View the full discussion It doesn't really matter where your catalog is located- but obviously on an external drive you must have the drive attached to use the catalog. One Catalog located on the fastest internal drive is often recommended (unless you want to use your catalog remotely). Now your photo files- They can exist on any number of drives, internal and external, and the Catalog will reference those files anywhere, but to edit, develop, print, those photos, the drive with those photos must be connected, otherwise the photos show as "Missing" in the catalog. I have three drives connected C: D: E: -Note the Green light to indicate they are "Online" https://forums.adobe.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-11111431-1767446/ScreenShot011.jpg If I remove the USB E: Drive the Green light goes out and drive is marked as "Offline"- https://forums.adobe.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-11111431-1767447/ScreenShot012.jpg Now my E: drive is showing all my photos on that drive as "Missing"- and as I have not used photos on this drive for some time, and maybe rebuilt my previews at some stage- it does not even show me previews, just grey images. https://forums.adobe.com/servlet/JiveServlet/downloadImage/2-11111431-1767448/ScreenShot013.jpg Re-connecting the USB drive will allow the photos to re-link and re-build the previews. I use the CC version All Adobe software is now "CC"- v8.3.1 is now referred to as "Lightroom-Classic". The cloudy version 2.3 is now called "Lightroom"- confusing hey! If the reply above answers your question, please take a moment to mark this answer as correct by visiting: https://forums.adobe.com/message/11111431#11111431 and clicking ‘Correct’ below the answer Replies to this message go to everyone subscribed to this thread, not directly to the person who posted the message. To post a reply, either reply to this email or visit the message page: Please note that the Adobe Forums do not accept email attachments. If you want to embed an image in your message please visit the thread in the forum and click the camera icon: https://forums.adobe.com/message/11111431#11111431 To unsubscribe from this thread, please visit the message page at , click "Following" at the top right, & "Stop Following" Start a new discussion in Lightroom Classic — The desktop-focused app by email or at Adobe Community For more information about maintaining your forum email notifications please go to https://forums.adobe.com/thread/1516624. This email was sent by Adobe Community because you are a registered user. You may unsubscribe instantly from Adobe Community, or adjust email frequency in your email preferences
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‎Jun 07, 2019
07:11 AM
Thanks all useful info I have one more issue. I always have some photos that haven't synched. The message says so many pending or synching, but it never does it. How do I get those images to synch. I've attached a screen shot. I don't know how these ended up not being synched. Also, that button that says "Delete All Synced Data". Is that something that should be done?? Thanks for your help, I am not a fan of Adobes Help documentation, it is not written for people to understand..Dave Girson
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‎Jun 06, 2019
04:06 PM
I'm using Adobe Lightroom Classice 8.3.1 I use the CC version
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‎Jun 06, 2019
04:01 PM
HI Akash, The letter "I" external drive was my original catalogue and photo storage, has about 30, 000 photos on it. It had my photos and LR Cat file. Adobe support had me move my LR Cat file to my computers drive. I merged another catalogue X to this one.. I took a LR private course and they taught us to start lightroom from an external drive and have the LR Cat on that drive too. I thought you should have one catalogue on each external drive you use. Since then I've learned to keep one catalogue on the computer and use multiple hard drives for the photos, which makes more sense. I can't find any Adobe documentation that teaches that... thanks for your help.
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‎Jun 05, 2019
07:38 PM
I use 3 hard drives for my photos. My catalogue is on the computer. Each time I start up I get this message in a window.....[Lightroom cannot write to the following directories. Until this problem is resolved, syncing from Lightroom may not function correctly.]..It lists my X hard drive which i'm not using. Again I have 2 other drives I am using. Should I be doing something to stop this message instead of just hitting the OK button to make it go away??? Thanks, David
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‎Nov 15, 2018
07:03 AM
After doing a bit of editing on an image in Lightroom, I send to photoshop to finish edit. When I save after edit, the photoshop edited image does not reappear back in Lightroom. Can't find the edit that I did..In the lightroom window, it still shows the unedited image
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‎Oct 20, 2018
04:10 AM
Thanks, I understand now...I had moved Photoshop to the D drive by just moving the folder. The program worked fine, but when I was in LR CC, it couldn't find the Photoshop program to send an edit....I had to move PS back to C...Thanks for the advise...David On Saturday, October 20, 2018, 3:03:51 AM CDT, Axel Matt <forums_noreply@adobe.com> wrote: | Moving Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC from C drive to D drive Axel Matt marked WobertC's reply on Moving Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC from C drive to D drive as helpful. View the full reply Marked as helpful: OS=Windows? For most Windows users- software .exe programs must be installed on Drive C: (the OS drive). If there are work-arounds, I do not know of them. You can however store your Lightroom Catalog with its Preview cache folder, along with all your photo files on another connected internal or external drive. This is the way my system is working- Programs installed on C: an SSD, Lr Catalog & Image files on D: drive (internal large spin drive). Following Moving Lightroom CC and Photoshop CC from C drive to D drive in these streams: Inbox This email was sent by Adobe Community because you are a registered user. You may unsubscribe instantly from Adobe Community, or adjust email frequency in your email preferences |
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‎Oct 19, 2018
06:29 PM
My computer has a small C drive and large D Drive. My two Adobe editing programs are on C. I would like to move them to my Data or D drive. Can I just make a folder and Move both programs, or should I delete both and reinstall both into the new Drive.. Thanks for helping.. David
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