‎Jan 18, 2025
04:29 AM
but more importantly. POP-UPS! lots and lots of Pop-ups! Adobe loves them, especially if they are bright blue and sell you software you already pay for.
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‎Jan 18, 2025
04:25 AM
1 Upvote
Hey Adobe. How are you? Doing ok? I know we haven't talked in a long time, but do you got a second to talk? I was just wondering if maybe you could add some more persistent pop-ups for features I already know how to use, tutorials I don't want to watch or... and this would be really hot, pop-up ads for software I already pay for. You can? Oh honey you are the best. bye baby XXXOOO all my love, Victor
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‎Jan 18, 2025
04:16 AM
no one noticed because we were too busy resetting preferences three times a day and turning off annoying popups. Adobe should just release a new app. Introducing Adobe Pu: Integrate all your pop-ups into one app!
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‎Jan 18, 2025
04:11 AM
It is a rational response to get angry when you pay for a tool that creates a distraction to service their own greed.
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‎Jan 18, 2025
04:07 AM
This is the preferred correct answer from Adobe, because resetting preference brings back all their annoying pop-ups, hints, unwanted tutorials, start pages no one wants, licensing checks to make sure you paid, and a save-to-cloud option no one uses. ✔ (Click here to collaborate)
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‎Jan 18, 2025
03:56 AM
great, now that you have introduced new buggy features that LaTex was able to handle in the 80s can you please address your bugs, interface issues, software bloat, slop, bad UX choices, annoying popups that can't be turned off, cross-compatibility between IL ID or IL Ae, or any number of other products that used to work together. oh and also can you not constantly check licensing and making me wait to open apps several times per day when I pay for them on a yearly basis?
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‎Jan 18, 2025
03:42 AM
new year. same old adobe, same old popups, same old lack of response. they could fix this today and refuse.
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‎Jan 18, 2025
03:39 AM
No. The entire experience is broken. I use the entire creative suite. You used to be able to paste an illustration from IL into AfterEffects without issue, or paste text from Id into Illustrator, or render from Ae without third party solutions to bugs that don't get addressed for YEARS. But the UX is the worst part. If you update it loses all your preferences bringing back popups and windows and hnts and suggestions no one wants. I could open illustrator and it will check the licensing check making me wait until adobe has verified that I'm a paything customer. Ok, I get it. But if I pay yearly then you should only have to make me wait ONCE A YEAR. And you should never make me wait for multiple apps. All of your apps should know already if one of them has confirmed licensing. But the stupid tips and suggestions are the single most infuriating addition to ALL adobe software, and the fact that you can't turn them off is 100% dark design.
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‎Jan 18, 2025
03:31 AM
Just so you know, adobe is wholly unresponsive. They let a critical rendering bug in After Effects sit unaddressed for YEARS. Everyone with an M1 Mac had to buy a third-party plugin for functionality promised at release. They didn't solve it until after the M2 was released. They even had one of the VPs show up to the thread to complain about the complaints and pretend that the comments regarding their broken software was abusive. So in summary, you can hurt Adobe's feelings but they won't fix anything in response.
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‎Jan 18, 2025
03:21 AM
the only software that adobe makes that isn't a complete loss is AfterEffects. They have really messed up cross compatibility with their own apps, added features people don't want and the stability of the apps across the board is abysmal. They also don't address these concerns unless a youTuber posts the problem and it goes viral. If I had a replacement for AfterEffects then I would ditch all adobe products today and I've been using adobe for 30 years.
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‎Jan 18, 2025
03:13 AM
Are you serious? I called support today because I assumed there was a checkbox in the preferences somewhere, then the guy wanted me to share my screen so he could disable the context bar which he assured me was the way to turn off the messages. Even Adobe doesn't understand their own software.
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