‎Jan 17, 2025
01:34 PM
I can confirm that, as @NB, colourmanagement said, setting up presets from within Apple's Preview app does save the presets for use in Lightroom. Not tried Photoshop. Sequoia 15.2 LrC 14.1.1
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‎Nov 05, 2024
10:47 PM
This issue has not been resolved yet. It seems fine at first, but the more you use it, the slower it becomes and there is a delay of about 0.5 seconds. There is no smoothness like diabel GPU Liquify.
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‎Mar 25, 2024
12:19 PM
1 Upvote
Support this too, PSB files would help me a lot. My situation: Compression during saving is incredibly slow, but with today's SSD speeds it is much faster to just work with uncompressed files. However it takes just a few layers to exceed PSD file size limit. Exporting directly to PSB would solve this (faster compression would partially solve it too 🙂 )
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‎Nov 05, 2024
10:47 PM
This issue has not been resolved yet. It seems fine at first, but the more you use it, the slower it becomes and there is a delay of about 0.5 seconds. There is no smoothness like diabel GPU Liquify.
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‎Aug 10, 2023
12:46 AM
yeah, it was somehow working fine without crashing cause I kinda figured out how to tip toe around crash had LRclassic crash three times? couple days ago cause I removed and reinstalled printer on my m2 pro Ventura and had to make sure the settings were right before print. now, if I set the "Profile" under "Color Management" to my specific profile (mine's EPSON ET-8550 L8180 Photo Glossy), this will usually result in wrong profile selected for print, resulting in off colored print. So I can't update Template(left panel) and be done with settings for varying types of paper/print job. This will also make LRclassic prone to crash when for some reason I'd want to change(or check) the profile and click OK. To avoid off colored print I have to set "Managed by Printer" then under "Color Matching" and select the correct profile. Also Printer setting is stuck on default "Auto Select" for "Paper Source" and "Media Type" is back to "Plain paper" every single time but this is more of Ventura problem then Adobe problem...and this crashing is a byproduct and maybe Adobe can't do nothing until either Apple alone or Printer manufacturer and Apple resolves the conflict. This is getting really weary for my ID photo studio. I'm jsut waiting for Sonoma this fall at this point.
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‎Jul 02, 2023
08:56 PM
I don't know if there's a fix or already a discussion and my search skill isn't strong on this platform/language. ------maybe irrelevant------ Lateste official release photoshop had laggy liquify on M2pro Mac mini. I turn off/on GPU support as a diagnostic/bypass. (I decided to keep working on my m1 mini for photo) ------maybe irrelevant------ I noticed that mouse cursor is like 30-60fps smooth without GPU support OFF If I turn GPU support ON the cursor behaves as if it's 10-30fps. NOT jumping because it's lagging. It skips a lot of frames in between moving points. any ideas?
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‎Mar 25, 2024
12:19 PM
1 Upvote
Support this too, PSB files would help me a lot. My situation: Compression during saving is incredibly slow, but with today's SSD speeds it is much faster to just work with uncompressed files. However it takes just a few layers to exceed PSD file size limit. Exporting directly to PSB would solve this (faster compression would partially solve it too 🙂 )
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‎Oct 19, 2022
11:44 AM
Engineering is looking into this one.
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‎Jul 25, 2022
12:36 PM
Allowing LRC full Disk Access seems to solve a lot of "problems". If you install other applications, like 1 Password or Techtool Pro, you have to allow Full Disk Access to those also... There just seem to be more steps to installing software applications than a long long time ago !
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‎Jul 11, 2022
03:14 PM
wow! this post is from 2020 and adobe didn't fix this problem yet. I bought a Gaomon M10K pro pen tablet and I have the clone stamp issue. it is lagging a lot, but only with the pen. it works fine with the mouse. I was about to return the tablet, but looks like even the wacom tablets are having the same issue.
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‎Jun 28, 2022
08:28 AM
I use to use Portraiture then I found this AI Heal plugin by retouch 4 me [ Link removed by Moderator ]
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‎Jul 25, 2022
12:36 PM
Allowing LRC full Disk Access seems to solve a lot of "problems". If you install other applications, like 1 Password or Techtool Pro, you have to allow Full Disk Access to those also... There just seem to be more steps to installing software applications than a long long time ago !
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‎Apr 16, 2022
07:41 PM
Not the same as macbook? but am using M1 mac mini (8/8core 16GB 512GB) and smart sharpen issue is resolved for me with the update. I feel your frustration, I was in the exact same position when Adobe Camera Raw filter was acting up for me and very few others. (radial filter leaving glitched out circles) That's why I left my old 15" late 2013 MBPr (which I still have) with worknig version of Adobe Photoshop that Adobe no longer provide as a roll back oprtion(21.xx.xx) When I noticed the issue, the M1 was released and I purchase my M1 Mac mini not long after. AFAIR, M1 did have the glitch as well but the issue was resolved with updates later on. (It's been quite a while so my recollection with M1, MBRr, and radial filter issue in ACR is muddy at best) Had to keep going back and forth from update to stable version for ACR with my MBPr. When they dropped the stable version of Photoshop from their repository, I just stopped experimenting and settled for that stable version. I was on constant watch on their release note to see if the ACR issue was addressed (which they never did AFAIR) but somehow the issue was resolved on my M1 with later versions. It made sense for 2013 MBPr to stop with updates but seeing as you are struggling with brand new H/W, I can only suggest to just wait for next update release as they might somehow work with your computer. on the side note my ACR issue claim was very few (like handful, one way/one hand finger count, one page comment long, almost non existence to Adobe's eye few) but this is getting some more heat so, just hang in there.
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‎Apr 16, 2022
07:41 PM
Not the same as macbook? but am using M1 mac mini (8/8core 16GB 512GB) and smart sharpen issue is resolved for me with the update. I feel your frustration, I was in the exact same position when Adobe Camera Raw filter was acting up for me and very few others. (radial filter leaving glitched out circles) That's why I left my old 15" late 2013 MBPr (which I still have) with worknig version of Adobe Photoshop that Adobe no longer provide as a roll back oprtion(21.xx.xx) When I noticed the issue, the M1 was released and I purchase my M1 Mac mini not long after. AFAIR, M1 did have the glitch as well but the issue was resolved with updates later on. (It's been quite a while so my recollection with M1, MBRr, and radial filter issue in ACR is muddy at best) Had to keep going back and forth from update to stable version for ACR with my MBPr. When they dropped the stable version of Photoshop from their repository, I just stopped experimenting and settled for that stable version. I was on constant watch on their release note to see if the ACR issue was addressed (which they never did AFAIR) but somehow the issue was resolved on my M1 with later versions. It made sense for 2013 MBPr to stop with updates but seeing as you are struggling with brand new H/W, I can only suggest to just wait for next update release as they might somehow work with your computer. on the side note my ACR issue claim was very few (like handful, one way/one hand finger count, one page comment long, almost non existence to Adobe's eye few) but this is getting some more heat so, just hang in there.
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‎Jul 25, 2022
12:36 PM
Allowing LRC full Disk Access seems to solve a lot of "problems". If you install other applications, like 1 Password or Techtool Pro, you have to allow Full Disk Access to those also... There just seem to be more steps to installing software applications than a long long time ago !
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‎Sep 27, 2021
12:08 AM
i was having the same issue when working with this while working for my website page [link removed by moderator], thanks for posting this problem earlier than me
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‎Sep 17, 2021
01:03 PM
Hi, Nikunj The lag regarding patchtool is gone with the "Deactivate Native Canvas" checked. (for the sake of posting I'm just gonna abbreviate it to DNC) But this seem to bring out the issue regarding the "ruler" Now with the "DNC" option checked and "ruler" visible, moving opened image(canvas) around in PS with hand tool is choppy. If the ruler is off, then it's bothersome but tolerable enough but with ruler on it's irritating to say the least. Let's say, GPU support on + the "DNC" unchecked +/- "ruler" = 60fps / GPU support on + the "DNC"checked - "ruler" = 20-25 fps GPU support on + the "DNC"checked + "ruler" = 10-15 fps This reminds me of the issue of magnification on Windows UI conflicting with PS when user sets UI magnification anything but 100% on Windows which it took me a long time to figure out about a year or so ago. I was having a lag with Stamp tool with "ruler" on when I set Windows UI to be 150% on my QHD 27" monitor. It was different problem, but seems like there's a bit of overlap to the untrained eyes. The lag I experience while moving around canvas is far less important then the smooth opertion of "patch tool" so if it's something Adobe needs to work under PS's hood then I can live with what you're offering me as workaround until Adobe fixes the issue. Liquify is still lagging with all DNC checked preferences reset and rebooted and what not. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/m1-mac-mini-weird-lag-on-start-of-liquify/td-p/11914051 this is my previous post about the liquify issue, and seeng as I put it under "discussion" is maybe the reason why there's no Adobe rep response. None the less, there's another person who said he/she was experiencing the same thing on Intel Macs.
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‎Aug 15, 2021
10:06 PM
I was out when I first left comment on your comment on Youtube, my 2013 15" MBPr is currently running v21.2.2 Photoshop and v11.4 MacOS Big Sur at this point. liquify is opening up just fine. Too bad Adobe has to take down older builds
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‎Jul 13, 2021
08:35 AM
*NguyennnAmyyy There is a known issue with current Wacom drivers where the modifier keys can intermittently get stuck; fix is coming very soon. I would also recommend trying to reset your preferences (Photoshop > Preferences > General: click Reset Preferences on Quit, then quit and relaunch). Let me know if that helps.
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‎Nov 30, 2020
07:23 PM
This fixed it for me - thanks!
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‎Jul 28, 2020
10:47 AM
have the same problem. seems like Adobe broke the feature while updating...does yours happen all the time? I can apply radial filter the first time I go in and apply radial filter in Camera Raw but whenever I close and go back, I get the bending artifact. Sometimes even crashes PS. https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop/camera-raw-radial-filter-isn-t-behaving/m-p/11234125?search-action-id=85183983492&search-result-uid=11234125 this guy has the same problem and is using Intel/Nvidia while I'm using AMD/Radeon so this seems to be software issue. The only solution I found is to quit PS entirely and go back in when I need to apply radial feature on Camera Raw
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‎May 24, 2020
05:33 PM
just so anyone's curious, this issue is still going (it's only a wee bit less than a week) settled for FHD on my monitor to reduce the travel distance my mouse/tablet needed to cover. and set the magnification on Chrome to 125% to read better on the internet.
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‎Mar 12, 2020
11:16 AM
1 Upvote
Issues involving Lightroom not behaving well in terms of focus is a long term problem in the rear that appears to be ignored by Adobe. But please post over at the feedback site, where actual Adobe tecs oay attention. https://feedback.photoshop.com/photoshop_family/categories/photoshop_family_photoshop_lightroom?topic-list[settings][type]=problem
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‎Mar 11, 2020
11:33 AM
do you have any plug-in installed? I just happened to notice this behavior since my photoshop was acting weird just now and I realized I had a plug-in called "Negative Lab Pro" which specifically told me to turn off GPU support in LR to avoid issues (that I can't recall whether the issues were specified or not) turn off GPU support even if you don't have any plug-in installed. stepping down in gpu driver version could potentially solve your case as well?
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‎Nov 01, 2017
01:16 AM
I think the way most Lightroom users work, is to simply click on the image to zoom in and out (switching between two standard zoom options that you use consistently). These options are presented at the top of the Navigator panel at top left of the Develop interface, and also work directly as buttons (all the time). They are then remembered until you change them - even if the Navigator panel is not then kept visible. You can choose either Fit (the default and IMO the better) or else Fill as the first of these options - and either 1:1 (which works IMO best for evaluating the image), or else one of the other pixel zooms for the second. So personally I haven't touched the Lightroom zoom slider for some years; I don't even have that displayed in the Toolbar. I haven't needed to change to different zoom options either; doing everything by alternating between Fit and 1:1. While using one or another tool, such as spot heal or local adjustments, clicking on the image does something relating to that tool rather than zooming the picture in and out. So pressing down the spacebar key in that event, suspends the tool momentarily - so that you can zoom the image between e.g. Fit and 1:1 (by clicking with the mouse) or else pan around the image at your current zoom (by dragging with the mouse). On releasing the spacebar, you go back to using the tool again - painting your local adjustment in a different part of the photo, or whatever. So even if you prefer to click on the zoom factors, you may still need the spacebar in order to pan around as you work. (edit: I wasn't even aware of the Z key shortcut! For me (Windows 7.01), that seems to operate fine even within a tool; so, the same as pressing the spacebar and clicking to toggle zoom factor as above)
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‎Feb 13, 2019
07:27 AM
1 Upvote
The Solution: Mostly people suggest turn off GPU Acceleration, but GPU Acc helps with the speed of Liquify. The better way: Open Nvidia Control Panel by right click on desktop, go to 3D Management to the left and select Programs and then find Photoshop, and turned OFF vertical sync for photoshop, click APPLY at the bottom. Restart Photoshop. Done
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