‎Mar 04, 2025
01:31 PM
sorry Sammer I didn't see a place to attach it to my reply so I did it to the orginal post as an edit. "atpsysdoc.rtf"
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‎Mar 04, 2025
11:18 AM
Ok I added the requested text file with the PSd system info. If I have to install the beta I will but I would rather not. This is a brand new Macbook M4 that PSD was installed in the last 30 days. I did a fresh install. As for trouble shooting I tried switching the Color Pallete to other color modes and don't see any problems with the other color slider modes. thank you
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‎Mar 03, 2025
11:18 AM
I need to undercut line art by expanding selections before I fill the area (manual trapping).
In PSD for desktop it's cluncky but easy (SELECT>MODIFY>EXPAND Then choose how many pixels).
I've been asking for this for YEARS on Fresco and I was hoping we would get this on ipad PSD but we are getting dumb AI stuff before things that I actually use. I could be wrong is there a way to do this on ipad PSD?
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‎Mar 03, 2025
10:59 AM
Currently running PSD 26.4.1 I kept waiting for an update to fix this and it hasn't. I would really like to fix this without haveing to RESET everything or re-install. Suggestions? Adobe do you know about this? (eit: added sys info as requested)
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‎Apr 18, 2024
03:34 PM
1 Upvote
I started this post because I couldn't get Fresco to export a vector drawing to Illustrator without it flatting it. After exhaustive trouble shooting I determined it was because I used clipping masks to color a few layers. I had no idea that would be a problem and there should have been some sort of warning or explanation during the export/import explaing what was wrong. That's not great but I can work around it. That said the "Vector" suport is pretty subpar and I have to spend a lot of time trying to clean up the image to make it easily editable again in Ilustrator*. Adobe once had a great Vector Drawing app for iOS called Draw. It wasn't perfect far from it but it worked pretty damn well with Illustrator. That should be the bar... make the vector suport and interoperability as good a a program you used to suport. If I could I would go back to Draw for all my vector illustration i'd do it in a heartbeat. I really like Fresco but this part of it sucks... Please make it better -a * subnote ... it sucks I can't just use AI to mean Illustrator anymore
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‎Dec 03, 2023
03:45 PM
almost... this give access to Color Themes but not Looks... I'll give it a try but that is a far more limited pallet then I want to apply. thanks tho --------------------update------------------- well I feel dumb... I got it to work and its way to simple... just have your Libraries pallet open and click on the Look you want to try out thanks for the help though!
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‎Dec 01, 2023
03:53 PM
Is there a way to use Capture's Looks in photoshop? That's pretty much it... I think they are easy to use in Premier on video but I haven't figured out how to apply them to images in PSD.  
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‎Dec 01, 2023
02:44 PM
I'd like to know how to do this in regular Photoshop. I have a Look I want to apply across 20 images and I can't figure out how to do that.
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‎Nov 07, 2023
11:38 PM
1 Upvote
It looks like Mac OSX 14.1.1 (23B81) Sonoma has fixed some of my problems... the click thru dosen't happen now, yay! The sliders on my CMYK COLOR Pallet still dosen't register my color changes.
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‎Nov 01, 2023
11:23 AM
1 Upvote
Thank you... so the two solutions from those links are to use APPLICATION FRAME for the click thru bug and unintall then reinstall ver 25 (back from 25.1) for the slider problem. These work but the click thru bug even under APPLICATION FRAME on using "Full screen mode with menu bar" still happens... so just a heads up gotta turn off auto update on Adobe Apps again... 😕 **note** I didn't do the uninstall and reinstall because it's too much of a pain and I'm going to wait it out
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‎Oct 31, 2023
01:17 PM
When I have a pallett minimized and click on any of the pallett icons it just clicks through to the desktop (huge pain for me on a small screen when all the space is critical). If i open the minimized pallet via the WINDOW menu I can interact with it and even collapse it but once it's a small icon the "click thru" bug happens again. My Color Pallet also doesn't register the color I eyedrop with the sliders. Mac osX 16.1 and PSD 25.1
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‎Oct 31, 2023
01:08 PM
1 Upvote
I'm having a similar problem... also when I have a pallett minimized and click on any of the pallett icons it just clicks through to the desktop (huge pain for me on a small screen when all the space is critical).
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‎Feb 08, 2023
11:42 AM
This seems to have resolved itself... it was a either a problem on the server side or some sort of cache problem. Regardless it showed me some problems with the Adobe CC ecosystem and I would sugest everyone back up all there files locally (good luck with 10 files at a time).
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‎Feb 07, 2023
08:24 PM
I've been running low on space for my Creative Cloud storage 100 GB. I use this storage space mostly for my Adobe Fresco art and as a way to move files from Photoshop on my Mac to my iPad and vice versa (not Lightroom). I've been deleting files all day (30 gigs) and then going in and Permanently Deleting them afterwards. I started today with 79 GB of 104 GB used. Now after deleting all those files (after downloading them first to back them up) my CC desktop app says I have used (86 GB of 104GB). Why is deleting files adding more data to what my account says I have avalible online? 1st please tell your CC people that downloading 10 files at a time is horrible. I really want to stop using the Adobe CC online storage after this huge waste of time. That said is there a soultion or a reason for Adobe CC online not to register all the files I've Deleted? **update**   I backed up and deleted 45 gigs of them from CC cloud. Now Cloud Storage is warning me that I'm below 10% avalible space. This must be some problem with your servers?
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‎Jan 17, 2023
01:22 PM
There was an update for me today and it did not fix this... disapointing. I will continue to use the older version that also had and update 23.5.3
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‎Dec 12, 2022
04:30 PM
1 Upvote
This didn't work either... IT's funny because while using the Grad tool the Command and Control keys both react. The Option Key just doesn't respond. It does for every other tool I've tried so far just like normal. I replicated this same beahariour on my older 15" as well
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‎Dec 12, 2022
04:22 PM
I've done the Manual removal of my Preferences as directed and have the same problem. The older version of PSD does not have this problem on the same MacBook pro (16" intel i7) I've done the 24.1 update on an older Macbook 15 runing Big Sur 11.7 and have the same problem. Just to be sure... the Problem is when I have the Gradient tool selected i can't use the "option" key as a modifier to quickly access the eye droper.
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‎Dec 12, 2022
12:50 PM
Mac OS Ventura 13.01
While using Gradient Tool the OPTION key doesn't sample colors like the eye dropper anymore.
Using the previous version of PSD on the same computer works fine
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‎Oct 21, 2022
04:34 PM
1 Upvote
I maybe shoud have put this in the PSD or CC section instead but it would happen less if the file sizes would work better for webtoons.
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‎Oct 20, 2022
12:06 PM
I think the Auto Save feature for files saved to the Adobe Cloud is a great feature! ...except when It's not. Sometimes I need to turn it off for a while or on one cloud file. Because of Fresco's file pixel size limit when i'm working on files for Webtoons (ie file size 800px X 89000px) I have to break it up into 8000 px max file size chunks to bring it into Adobe Fresco. That's like 9-11 files that I have to chop up and save to the cloud. I find saving them using the Adobe cloud and transfering them back and forth between PSD and Fresco the best way curently. That all works except when It takes a bit more time on one part or another during the process and Adobe saves the file before I'm ready and causes me headaces. Can I turn this OFF on certain files or just for an hour and it will turn it's self back on? thanks ps you could also try to work with the file sizes that are needed for webtoons to make this easier too
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‎Nov 02, 2020
11:38 AM
I've had to downgrade to 21.2.4 and it works great (well I still have to have my browser off).
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‎Nov 02, 2020
11:37 AM
I've had to downgrade to 21.2.4 and it works great (well I still have to have my browser off).
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‎Oct 30, 2020
02:25 PM
Using 2021 I had a similar problem on a Mac which I fixed by turning of Safari while using it. That said the lasso and polygon selection tool are really jerky and lost the smoothness when I was using PSD 2019.
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‎Oct 30, 2020
02:21 PM
After playing with things I'm still not happy with my Lasso or Poloygon selection tool. It seams very jerky and not smooth at all. It worked fine in PSD 2019 (nice and smooth). Unfortantly when I did my last update it deleted 2019 and I'm stuck with an inferiour tool.
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‎Oct 27, 2020
05:43 PM
After looking at several soultions it seems like quiting Safari and Mail seems to fix this and my modifier keys not working problem.
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‎Oct 27, 2020
04:59 PM
I have the same problem... I didn't upgrade for awhile from 2019 that worked great. Now on the newest update 2021 it's kinda laggy and not anywhere as smooth on a Macbook Pro newest OSX
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‎Nov 03, 2017
08:21 AM
yeah I hear ya... i copy my working file every 15 mins because if it crashes during a save the file is most likely dead... Mine has a tell when it's going to crash: The screen flickers then it crashes not long after. Usually when I have an area selected and I'm zooming in or out. feels like OS7 and PSD 5 Mac OSX High Sierra on MacBook Pro
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‎Nov 03, 2017
01:20 AM
hum... I'm also getting a screen flicker randomly... then PSD feel laggy after It's like a screen redraw or graphics problem. Also having crashes too I'm on a Mac Book Pro running High Sierra
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‎Nov 02, 2017
02:51 AM
it's annoying... same problem. Please update if you find an answer
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‎May 12, 2016
07:57 AM
I can't Believe Adobe hasn't not addressed this at all! least they could tell us it's not a bug it's a feature (terrible feature that is)
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