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New Here
‎Feb 28, 2025
12:52 AM
I tried exporting to SVG, when I import into FIGMA the multi-line texts turn into separate text lines. Effects like shadows or blurs are not detected in Figma.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
09:44 AM
Intanto che imparo Figma (e già lo trovo fantastico con funzionalità stupende come per esempio stupidamente un testo sfumato senza convertirlo in traccia, o l'auto-layout, ecc.....) spero che XD rimanga attivo, anche senza aggiornamenti, almeno ho il tempo di convertire molti template ed elementi in FIGMA. Da 24 anni uso Adobe, sopratutto nel web design, prima con Macromedia Fireworks (acquistato da Adobe poco dopo) poi con Adobe XD e ho tutti i sorgenti in questi formati, che distratto. Credi di chiudere definitivamente con ADOBE. Troverò un'alternativa alle poche volte che uso Photoshop. Forse l'unico problema è Illustrator. Devo trovare una valida alternativa.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
09:38 AM
My core busienss is web deisgn so first there was adobe fireworks (adobe bought fireworks and all app of macromedia included dreamweaver) and killed all.... right now I am using XD because it was simpler to switch from adobe fireworks to adobe xd, and keep consistency with the same brand. Sometimes I use photoshop and illustrator. But at this point if I am going to use FIGMA I will leave Adobe forever!!!! (24 years of work and all my source file in .fw and .xd)
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‎Feb 27, 2025
09:32 AM
Lavoro nel web design dal 2001 quando Fireworks era di Macromedia, poi Adobe ha comprato Macromedia.... in seguito Adobe mi ha costretto a passare a XD... e ora ho tutti i miei lavori (24 anni di lavoro) in .FW e .XD... Mi chiedo per quanto tempo ancora sarà attivo XD, almeno il tempo di convertire alcuni file basilari in FIGMA. Userò FIGMA e probabilmente cancellerò dalla mia vita ADOBE! Troverò un'alternativa a Photoshop e anche a Illustrator.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
09:29 AM
After a customer has requested the source file, I delivered XD and he could not buy it. So I had to convert the website from XD to FIGMA for free.... I have been working with Figma for two weeks and I think it's fantastic! by adobe addicted (but frustrated)
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‎Feb 27, 2025
09:23 AM
I've been using FIGMA for a few weeks now and apart from the first few days to get used to it, it's absolutely superior to XD. I've been working as a web designer for 24 years, I started with ADOBE FIREWORKS, then I switched to ADOBE XD..... so I have all my past work, a good 24 years of work in .FW format which is no longer usable and obviously the most recent in .XD format. I wonder how long XD will still be active? Just to get myself going and convert at least the most basic things I've done over time into FIGMA.
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