JHK-Brand Design
Community Beginner
JHK-Brand Design
Community Beginner
Jul 08, 2024
05:03 AM
@Rishabh_Tiwari - well... here we are 9 months (!) later, and your dev team still hasn't fixed the page numbering issue?! Really? Did you forget to tell them? Are there difficulties? Do you need me to upload all of our books and manuals so you can use them first for AI Training? OK... a slight apology for the sarcasm, but seriously, this problem should've been fixed long ago... OR... be honest to your decades-long users and remove the feature because it's USELESS right now as is.
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Dec 22, 2023
01:02 AM
There are only the same format script on 8 fields in 8 rows on page 1... and 12 fields/12rows in the named template page, which is spawned from an "Add Page" button. I tried to add dynamic page numbers from a script (above) that I found here in the forums; also adding "calculateNow()" to both page 1, the template (spawned) page, and a last page which is also a named template and spawned. This causes the field format scripts, and the add page buttons, to stop working after I save the file, and reopen it. Unfortunately, I can't attach that client file for others to check, but I can see if I can make one without identifying info during the holiday break. Thank you for all of your info and help, and wishing all a Happy Holiday Season!
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Dec 21, 2023
06:41 AM
@bebarth - Once again Thank You. My colleague has now tested both PDFs. 1. Oddly enough, the original with my "strict equality" AND your edited script are both working. 2. However, if I add dynamic page numbering (text field + javascript; see below), it all stops working again, plus numbering works on my side, but not for my collegue (starts counting at 2 instead of 1 with no spawned templates yet added) This script, found here in the forum: event.target.value = this.pageNum+1;
event.target.value = this.pageNum+1 + " / " + this.numPages;
==> You must add "calculateNow()" at the end of the spawning script to update these fields. We're attempting to use the one with " / "... and it causes the PDF to become unstable again, including the other scripts (buttons stop working) 3. One thing did seem to help, at least before page numbering, was to save the PDF, then save a copy with "Save As". The Save As copy works correctly (almost) every time. So once again.... WHY are Acrobat Pro forms so unstable? Is this just the nature of the Acrobat software? Or Javascript being inherantly "unsecure" and possibly being blocked at system level?
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Dec 21, 2023
04:22 AM
Earlier, I was able to use the original script and save a final PDF that is working as expected here. @bebarth - Thank you for the fast reply! I've changed the script and saved as a new version -- and it also seems to be stable. I've zipped both and put them on a colleagues Dropbox for further testing. Our thinking is that possibly Dropbox is screwing with our PDF files (security), similar to the way a lot of email providers by stripping the Javascript. If this is the case, we're out of luck being able to use these forms anyway. I'm awaiting my colleague's reply, and will report the result. Odd if just that "strictness" even caused buttons to break.
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Dec 21, 2023
03:18 AM
I've created a series of forms in Acrobat Pro that the Javascript works works only some of the time, or stops working, or works differently on different platforms. Created and tested in Acrobat Pro on my computer, but also Acrobat Pro on MacBookPro, Windows 11, and using Acrobat Reader on all platforms. All software has Javascript enabled. The simple form only has 1 recurring script attached to 8 similar fields to change the field color depending on the value of what's in the field. It works initially, then make any other changes to the form (no other Javascript) and save again... then the field scripts (sometimes) stop working when testing or opening it again to fill. Sometimes they don't work at all, even though nothing from those fields has changed. I thought maybe saving a version that is Reader optimised (Save as Other -> Reader Extended PDF -> Enable more Tools) might work, but it's just as unstable as with Acrobat Pro. The finished form is intended to be used as a template for a client and repair orders. So it will definitely need to be opened repeatedly and Saved As a new document each time (Buttons with Save As, Print, and Reset events are also on the form) Question: how to save the PDF so that the Javascript always works and as many times it needs to be opened. And across Acrobat Pro and Reader with Javascript enabled, regardless of computer platform. My Computer: Apple M1 Max Acrobat Build: 23.6.20380.0 (Latest Version) Script attached to a text field->format: // Custom Format Script
var MyGreen = ["RGB", 210/255, 255/255, 207/255];
var MyYellow = ["RGB", 255/255, 254/255, 176/255];
var MyOrange = ["RGB", 255/255, 206/255, 153/255];
var MyRed = ["RGB", 255/255, 178/255, 178/255];
var fieldValue = event.value;
if (fieldValue === "1") {
event.target.fillColor = MyGreen; // Light green
} else if (fieldValue === "2") {
event.target.fillColor = MyYellow; // Yellow
} else if (fieldValue === "3") {
event.target.fillColor = MyOrange; // because shade of orange
} else if (fieldValue === "4") {
event.target.fillColor = MyRed; // Red
} else {
// Reset the background color to default if not 1, 2, 3, or 4
event.target.fillColor = color.transparent;
} Notes: 1. I have tried removing the "else" statement at the end. It works, but still unstable; 2. In a separate form being developed at the same time, I have the same main issue, but also Button scripts to spawn pages, page number scripts... sometimes work, sometimes don't, and again sometimes stop after reopening the same PDF. Most grateful if anyone can help how I should save these forms so that the Javascript predictably works... ALL OF THE TIME..
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Nov 11, 2023
01:57 AM
Just a TLDR... 1. don't EVER install Beta software from ANY company on a production machine. EVER! 2. Shame on Adobe for even suggesting that their Beta's are just a "fun little pre-release playground". They are NOT! People are lucky they didn't have to completely reinstall Windows, which happens very often. Treat Beta's like Malware, and let other people be the "experiment testers".
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Oct 18, 2023
01:25 AM
Because we're waiting for a solution to complete this feature, I thought I would add the rather primitive workaround that we currently use. We create all of our version spreads in a separate InDesign document, without their page numbers, and import each spread into the main document and create a PDF; or add the static page numbers to each version's spread, export the PDF, and swap spreads in Acrobat Pro. This "Hide Pages and Reflow Page Numbering" feature when finished, would definately save some time.
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Oct 18, 2023
12:51 AM
"Dangerous" is a rather strong term for a "complete feature" that is integrated throughout the process. Consider for example, a none-printing page of embedded icons and other graphics, that obviously you don't want included in the PDF. Or for our usage, multiple versions of a single spread, that obviously, we only need 1 version per PDF. The disclaimer you suggested – and a checkbox, "Reflow Page Numbers" – could easily be added to the PDF print dialog under the Page Range, where you currently can add non-continuous ranges of pages. I can't imagine that this is something that the Adobe devs can't easily accomplish. There's far more difficult behind-the-scenes settings and scripts, than this one.
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Oct 13, 2023
04:24 AM
When you hide the spread or pages and there are auto-generated page numbers, what would be the best way to skip numbering the pages which are hidden? I've tried adding a master page with no numbers to the hidden pages, and it still counts the hidden pages in the exported PDF, causing numbering to be off. Am I missing a hidden checkbox somewhere?
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Sep 14, 2022
02:46 AM
I discovered after long research, that Open Sans and possibly other Google and Adobe Fonts, use different versions in their respective online libraries, and in addition have changed the baseline font metrics from earlier versions, causing vertical alignment problems within text frames and table cells to be too low. This is most evident and problematic with vertical justification center. Older versions of Open Sans (2012 – ???) align correctly based on the capital X-height of the font, with no additional spacing at the top of the font. Vertical center works as expected. However, with newer versions of Open Sans, the font metric adds space at the top of the font, and it does not align correctly and adds space to the top of the font. Text Frame Workaround: This can be “corrected” by changing the baseline option in the Text Frame Options dialog (CMD-B or CTRL-B) to “Capital Height” which will align the text to the top of the text frame. Table Cell Workaround: a) change top or bottom inset spacing of the cell to compensate for text being to low and not respecting vertical center; or b) change the baseline shift in negative increments (-1 or 2pt for example) in the paragraph style settings. It appears that Google and Adobe will be changing this most basic of font metrics, whenever they choose to, without regards to users that have created documents that rely on precise positioning of text. It is highly advised to save a copy of all downloaded fonts within each project folder if future document changes are necessary, and you find that the current version of your font is causing the above problems.
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