‎Mar 04, 2025
04:00 AM
I wanted to render a video in photoshop, and after opening the Render Video window my mac suddenly started launching an app called dynamicmedialinkserver that I have never seen before, and it got stuck on launchmode and since I didn't know what it was I just force quit it. Then I proceeded trying to render my video and got an error message. I figured out that these 2 things are related but I don't really understand what's happening since that app looks entirely unfamiliar to me. I restarted photoshop and tried rendering the video again, this time without closing the app that poped up and it worked...
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‎Feb 22, 2025
01:49 PM
Hey, sorry it's been a while. So here's what happens: I want to create a dashed line, so I change the gap value to my liking and it shows a live preview, but then jumps back to a non dashed line as soon as I click somewhere, while the gap field turns blank. I hope this screen recording makes it clearer:
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‎Jan 21, 2025
05:47 AM
This tool, in the stroke options. I will not register changes made to dash and gap lenght and jump to previous values as soon as I click away from the field.
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‎Jan 21, 2025
05:26 AM
The dashed line tool still has a bug, it's now been at least SEVEN YEARS since this first occured. It's such a basic function and the (very tedious) workaround is now also no longer working. Please cosider this for the next update!
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‎Jan 14, 2025
02:54 PM
Oh I know that, I used it for lack of a better term. They're not "flattened" as in the shape is squished, it doesn't work that way. That would make it so easy...
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‎Jan 14, 2025
01:10 PM
Hm yeah I thought so. Gonna do it manually now. Thanks anyways
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‎Jan 14, 2025
12:04 PM
I need to create a pattern of increasingly flattened sigmoid curves, I tried the arch tool and the blend tool, but so far I haven't found a way of automating it in a way that is clean and doesn't require me manually constructing each curve. Is there maybe a function that can reproduce this result? (I also tried the blend tool with more inbetween steps but it doesn't work, and it doesn't look clean at all) In case this info is needed, a sigmoid curve is an s-shaped graph belonging to the sigmoid function:
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‎Nov 10, 2024
02:03 PM
No I've used the other one.
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‎Oct 23, 2024
12:07 PM
The objects in the GIF are all based on simple rectangles, there are no stray anchor points or overlapping anchor points. When I select them individually, I can round the corners, even with smaller groups of shapes I can see the corner widget. But as soon as I select a larger group the widget disappears and I can't round the corners anymore. I already tried: - Different zoom factors - setting the anchor point size to max - showing corner widget is activated in View aswell Not sure how to fix this.
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‎Oct 23, 2024
09:56 AM
I have now tried it again(with a different shape that has the same issues) and if I don't use the straight lines options, the shape will get curves before the extra points are deleted. I've tried every combination I could think of and I know for a fact this used to work just fine in the past.
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‎Oct 15, 2024
03:17 AM
Can you PLEASE please please add UI scaling? This has been requested for years now. The text is so tiny, working on a large monitor is a pain int he butt.
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‎Oct 15, 2024
03:13 AM
New AE Version just dropped and still no UI scaling.
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‎Sep 16, 2024
05:32 AM
1 Upvote
I saw another post on this, about how the old simplify tool worked great, but the new one somehow is a step backwards. That post was over a year old and just today I ran into a situation that illustrates it well, so I'm asking again to work on the simplify tool: I wanted to delete excess points on a straight path on a 60 degree hexagon - but it doesn't delete nealy all the extra points before it deletes everything above 59 degrees, see GIF. Is it something with my settings? Or just the functionality of the tool?
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‎Jun 08, 2024
12:40 AM
Editing Text in AE is very inconvenient and buggy. The font dropdown menu where you can see the sample text only shows the actual font for the sample for some fonts, but the majority has the preview in a standard font. I have to actual choose the font to see it in my composition - add to that that there's currently no way to scroll through fonts or go through them with the arror keys: I have to click on a font, which closes the dropdown menu, then i have to open the dropdown again, find where I left off and click the next font and so on. And after I pick a font, the name doesn't even appear in the window, it's instead replaced with a "-" It's also missing some filter options that are available in Illustrator, like weight, serif etc. I can only filter by Adobe fonts. I guess this is a mix of bug and idea for improvement. The text editing workflow as it currently is an AE doesn't work well.
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‎Jun 04, 2024
02:02 AM
Yes please! Adobe Team, whats the ETA on this very basic feature that other Apps already have?
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‎Jun 04, 2024
12:47 AM
If I have a precomp that contains images and text layers and I want to duplicate the precomp and change the text for the duplicate - how is that accomplished without changing the text also for the original precomp? I tried duplicating it in the project panel and it DOESN'T turn it into a second independent precomp. Everything i do affects both precomps. There is no footage for the text in the project panel, it is just text within the precomp.
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‎Apr 26, 2024
10:16 AM
Can you tell me where to disable it? I thought command+H turned it off for me, but for some reason it always turns itself back on after I transform or make edits to a layer.
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‎Apr 24, 2024
02:07 AM
I actually just figued out what the problem could be: When I open the layered files in After Effects i can fix the issues because AE has "Add" and "Linear Dodge" as 2 seperate blending modes. In procreate, it's called Add and in Photoshop that gets converted to "Linear Dodge(Add)" - but it doesn't quite look the same. In AE however, it also gets changed to Linear Dodge but then I manually set it to Add and it looks exactly like it should. What I don't understand is why AE has 2 different modes that work in different ways, while Photoshop only has one: Linear Dodge...
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‎Apr 21, 2024
03:03 PM
Thank you, that was a very detailled response. I checked the color profiles in Procreate and Photoshop and they're both Display P3 - I tried assigning a new one in Photoshop and went through the list, but nothing in there comes close to what the preview outside of Photoshop shows me. When I choose a different profile in Procreate, the colors are being muted there.
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‎Apr 18, 2024
01:56 PM
So whenever I finish something in Procreate, I export it as PSD and make the final touches in Photoshop. At some point however I noticed that the colors went pale/grayish after opening the file in PS. The preview on my mac still shows the colors as normal for as long as I haven't opened it in Photoshop. Settings are RGB, proof colors turned off. Note: This seems to have something to do with the layers, because when I export the same procreate file as a flattened PNG and open that in Photoshop, the colors remain bright (which isn't helpful as a workaround because I need to make edits to the layers). Especially layer modes like linear dodge seem to get very pale and I'm not sure what I can do about it. I had this for a while, have a new mac by now with newly installed photoshop and the issue remains, so this must be something in the default settings and restoring settings will not help...
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‎Feb 10, 2024
10:37 AM
It's 2024 now, I use the newest PS version with the newest os x and this issue still remains. The shortcut doesn't work. German keyboard.
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‎Nov 14, 2023
12:06 PM
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‎Nov 14, 2023
11:44 AM
It is. Always the first thing i do when getting new storage.
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‎Nov 14, 2023
11:44 AM
Well I'm not sure what permission this would be since it works fine with regular psd files, gif, jpegs etc. It's just the video formats that can't beopened in Photoshop. And this has been an ongoing issue, ever since I got the drive, spanning over several updates to both photoshop and macOS. So to be clear this isn't some kind of sudden error message, this has never worked before with any external drive I had.
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‎Nov 14, 2023
11:14 AM
My Mac is running out of internal storage and I've moved some of my stuff onto an external samsung ssd. Problem is: Video filetypes (mov, mp4) cannot be opened directly from the external drive in Photoshop. I use them quite often so moving individual files to internal temporarily is not really the solution i'm looking for...Is there maybe another kind of external storage that works better?
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‎Oct 25, 2023
11:56 AM
I have the same issue but the workaround with mercury render only doesn't work - it will give me a red video with an error text. I have a VR glow effect in it and right now the only option seems to be rendering without the effect? Is there maybe another solution?
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‎Sep 02, 2023
03:37 AM
So I figured out that the grow bounds tool has an influence on the wrap of the text - but if I want a complete seamless 360 wrap, parts will be cut off. And when I increase the bounds - I will get an increasingly bigger gap. I don't know if it matters but this is a shape layer and not a text field. How can I get it seamlessly wrapped?
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‎Sep 02, 2023
03:22 AM
Thank you! I didn't need to do path animation and went with just the shape layers instead and everything worked out nicely.
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‎Sep 01, 2023
09:38 AM
Okay I have no idea how to better formulate this or even search for this: I have several vector shapes that I turned into shape layers in After Effects. And the bounding boxes of those shapes are only surrounding the shape, as they should - but when I want to apply an effect, for example corner pin, the bounding box is suddenly the size of the whole canvas. How do I get the pins to be on the outside corners of the shape and not the canvas? I hope the gif clarifies what I mean....
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‎Jul 10, 2023
04:01 AM
I have an illustrator file on desktop (mac) that I want to continue editing in Fresco for iPad - I just cannot seem to open it. I saved it to cloud both as pdf and ai but it doesn't show up on my iPad (My other cloud files do show up). I tried airdropping it to the iPad but Fresco cannot open it. I don't know what to do?
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