‎Jan 29, 2025
08:43 PM
1 Upvote
if you do happen to have a few bucks, and want something significantly automatic, you can try the borisFX Matt Assist ML for above. works pretty well; Animated AI Masks in Mocha Pro 2025 - Object Brush & Matte Assist ML [Boris FX] Because you used a green screen, but with not perfect enough lighting, this tool should do an amazing job against the 'greenish' background, but it also works without a green screen to. Something to consider
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‎Jan 17, 2025
01:19 PM
I would be happy if only they allowed multiple jobs to be processed at the same time - meaning GPU affinity to a project plus the ability for additional project to be processed at the same time, with affinity to another discrete GPU. To avoid being fancy trying to use multiple encoders to process the same project, I would settle for this GPU affinity method.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
07:25 PM
Kevin, everyone knows who you are! but thank you for the introduction and the feedback. I look forward to the feedback, I hoep there is a way for permiere and Media Encoder to use all the hardware available and get work done faster. I have some work which is basicaly a simpel color grade, and minor tweaks to in/out points, an occasion stabilize or blur face and plates (Thank you Boris for the lastest updates in this area). It woule benifit me if I can get 100% utilization accoss multiple encoder and decoders, in an ideal world 100% would be applied to the single process being rendered, but if only one encoder can be used at a time, it would be nice for ME to spin up the second project and start processing that too as these projects for me are often only 1 video layer deep, I have plenty of RAM/DiskIO and CPU to process the other effects, but the encode one at a time I feel could be improved. I feel that in an ideal world, have PP and ME able to understand and schedule resources to get to the faster render per project would be ideal for everyone, but a 'poor mans' win would the ability to process a work stream for each encoder one has.
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‎Jan 14, 2025
07:19 PM
Thanks @RjL190365 what you say makes sense (I think). In my case, the RTX 5090 has 2 encoders for encode and two for decode (maybe it it was 3?). Since these encoders are all the same, and on the same GPU, and this GPU is the primary display - If I think I read your response correct, this will allow all the encoders to be used. while in Adobe premier. The question had a slight twist to it, that I may not have been clear on, so I will attempt to refine the question here, you have answered a significant portion of what I was lookign for, so thank you that. The outstanding question would then be, if I were to sent two projects to Media Encoder (ME), it would process each project one at a time, and it seems to be only able to support one project rendering at the same time. In theory for the ENCODE portion, if there was multiple tracks of video that needed decoding, apply the info you mentioned abobe, ME would decode multiple streams when/if applicable. However, would ME be able to starty processing a second project, and use the second endoder to process both encodes at the same time (assume you had no other bottle necks this should allow the jobs to complete faster than one at a time I hope). I hope I was able to be more percise in my question. I welcome any clarifying questions if needed.
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‎Jan 12, 2025
11:24 AM
1 Upvote
Just wondering what the multi encoder support looks like for Premiere Pro? I have a 3090 currently, plan to upgrade to a 5090. the 5090 seems to have multiple encoders and decoders, which got me to thinking does PP support this? For example, can Media Encoder process two jobs at the same time for encoding, and the same would apply to PP for decoding. I assume that PP is already smart enough to allow the decoder and encoder to work at the same time, this is more a question of support for two encode and two decode streams runnign at the same time. If Media Encoder doesnt currently support multi stream encoding, is it possible to have media encoder process one stream, and also have PP exporting using the second encoder? At a high level, looking to understand more how this multiple encoder/decoder would work with PP. Thanks
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‎Aug 18, 2024
02:59 PM
I fell for it, a post from 2014 resurected by Jake_132932 20 minutes ago... wish they locked this old posts and forced a new thread to be opened... but for you jake, this answer still seems to apple, see below: If it was me and this was important, I would use photoshop on a per frame basis to build a mask over the text and use the generative fill to remove the mask that is shaped aroudn the text on each frame of the video... or wait until this feature is native to Premier pro. no need for rotoscoping and all the other more complex and conventional ways.
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‎May 16, 2024
08:11 PM
Thanks for the transparency on this. Its very appreciated (and profesional of you/Adobe).
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‎Feb 07, 2024
09:41 PM
Latest release of Premiere Pro, new features summary (adobe.com)
February 2024 update (24.2)
AI-powered Enhance Speech is now shipping in Premiere Pro! And with more collaboration updates, direct to social publishing, Sony BURANO support, improvements to proxies, and more. It’s the perfect time to update.
Learn about best practices for updating Premiere Pro.
Enhance Speech
Use AI to magically remove noise and improve the quality of dialogue so it sounds like it was recorded in a professional studio.
Export directly to TikTok
Create your posts and drafts, add captions, hashtags, and keywords, and then export them directly to TikTok without compromising quality or your ranking.
Streamlined proxy creation
It's easier to create proxies that are exactly half or a quarter of your original frame size with new frame size selection and updated proxy presets.
New support for color fonts and emojis
Add a burst of vibrant color fonts and expressive emojis for even more engaging videos.
New Sony BURANO camera support
With the new Sony BURANO camera support, you can import X-OCN and XAVC-H formats and start working with the latest in camera technology.
See new feature details and fixed issues
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‎Feb 18, 2023
01:46 PM
Neil; I'm testing with iPhone 14 footage, which the document says is supported in HLG2100. to make things simple for this discussion, 1) Sequence is a REC 709, with auto tone on 2) One Clip is a HLG2100 iphne 14, no interpretation done 3) Placed both videos on the time line, th REC709 looks good enough 4) The iphone foot is overblown, but not as bad as with autotune off, no reasonable tweaking make it look like when I interpret the foot as REC709, and place it on the REC709 timeline, I was HOPING autotune would make it easier to mix HLG with REC709, and export as REC709 without manually interpret all the footage every time (its annoying for a qucik and dirty project). For examples The postit note shows off the issue.... HLG CLIP on a HLG SEQ with autotone on: HLG2100 on a REC 709 with Auto Tone on: HLG2100 (Interpreted as REC709) on a REC 709 seq with Autotone on the REC709 interpreted on the REC 709 seq is the most appealing and 'accurate' (without any attempt to color correct) to me.
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‎Feb 18, 2023
01:21 PM
I'm having some 'issues' with the auto tone map in premier 23.2 Does anyone have a good overview of how it should work (or video)? I've been playing with it all morning here and it's not predictable for me.... 1) HLG2100 footage put on a matching sequence, when exported as a REC709, doesn't seem to work at all (shout it)? 2) when I mix HLG2100 with REC 709, autotone on, HLG sequence, the REC709 foot is too dark, but a lum color auto will make it acceptable. 3) when I put a HLG2100 with REC709, autotone on, rec709 sequence, the REC 709 is too bright, but lum col auto will make it acceptale, BUT the HLG2100 foot is still blow own, and colors are not right. Lum color can not bring it back to look okay. 4) If I take a HLG2100 clip, interprete forage to REC709, place it on a REC 709 timeline, it looks good, lum color auto makes it pretty good. But this process has dramticaly different footage (better looking) than using auto tone on the sequence. So, with all of this said, I cant find any good documentation so far to explain the feature. I was also expeciting that I could mix HLG/REC709, on a HLG or REC709 seq and export it as either HLG of 709 and it would look simualar to the editing seq for colors... Thoughts?
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‎Jan 28, 2023
08:56 AM
I did, it had to reinstall windows and the adobe suite from a fresh install and it all worked perfect. I would make sure your using the latest studio driver for the video card also; I have seen small glitches with the game driver for the 3090.
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‎Jan 16, 2023
04:33 PM
If you want to try the lum col + mask here is a decently done video explaining it. You just have to adapt it to not the entire face, just the shadow path area and it might be enough: FIX DARK FACE in Premiere Pro (Mask Tracking Tutorial) - YouTube
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‎Jan 16, 2023
04:28 PM
I think the point everyone is trying to make is there is many ways to solve this. You can use a clone effect, but its not built into premier. I use BorisFX Continuum which has many tools in it, one of them is a clone, and you can track from where to clone to the new location. The offer of a mask track and color correction is very viable, and the tools are built into prem pro. If you want to use the other toosl, you have buy something. Or you could do the trailer park way and make a PNG file that fits the area built from a screen grab, and manual morph it to fit as the neck moves and feather the edges enough so you cant notice. My option, if you want the best job grab BorisFX, use the Mesh Track, and create a clean plate and use the insert module to insert and replace over the objectional area with the clean plate (or more than one of needed). This would just require you to export a clean plate to be edited in Photo shop, and then brought back in to render withint he insert module. BorisFC even has some built in options that allow you to manage the lighting changes over frames. Second best way is to is clone tool within Boris, and track. Third best way, buy Boris Effects Silhouette and create the brush strokes to auto paint onto every frame (this could be better results than the mesh track, but listed as third because its more complex for most) Forth way, because its free and will likly work relly good, track a matt and color correct, use the eye dropper etc. This should produce very good results with not much skills required in terms of new tools and techniques. What your asking for, there is no easy button, there is only the realativly easier button. And depending on your skills, experiance and how picky you are each of these tools and methodes may be suitable. Another simple (but pay for use tool) that may help you check out this video also: Reduce Blemishes and Even Out Skin Tone with Beauty Studio for Adobe - YouTube
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‎Jan 14, 2023
03:38 PM
If you own BorisFX you can also use a mesh track and a clean plates to replace the shadow if the track matt color correction doesn't work for you. Boris FX Mocha 2022 - New Insert Module with PowerMesh Tracking - YouTube
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‎Jan 14, 2023
03:32 PM
Lots of stuff on YouTube for this... one to get you started: https://youtu.be/_QZBkm4ZzgU?t=97 Basically, track the error that is objectional, and use the color correction applied to only inside the masked area to correct the color of the offending area to match more to what you want.
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‎Dec 13, 2022
10:11 AM
@Chetan Nanda - is it possible for a 'live stream' on YouTube or something like that, even if its private or a teams/zoom call - Id like to sit in on this call also and maybe ask a question or two possible. I know this is in Beta still, but there is a great deal of interest in such a vital part of Premiere that I think it would make sense to open the call up a little to others. Thoughts?
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‎Dec 10, 2022
04:08 PM
Whats the workflow for those of us that select a bunch of media and then click the "create new sequence from media"? Will there be an option to use HLG media, and have it create a time line that can be converted to 709? for exporting? I tried to read the notes above several times to follow along and It seems the current workflow is to create a timeline that is already Rec709, drag your clips to it, an it will then auto tone map... I am hoping for a way to create a complaint REC709 timeline with HLG clips by using the create new seq from clips process as this saves me a the hassell of pickign resalutiosn etc in many cases. I cant download and use the beta or I would check for this myself, I hope someone who has already used it can confirm. Second question which is not clear, can you create both a HLG and REC 709 export that is compliant and not blown out with this process? basicaly built the project once, and export once (or twice) but get a REC 709 and a HLG project fromt he same timeline thats proper?
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‎Dec 02, 2022
10:03 PM
1 Upvote
This will be helpful. Thank you
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‎Nov 08, 2022
12:20 PM
Niel; I was suggesting that one could only use ME to do exports and do away with the 'built in' exporter completely. The only time I ever use the built in exporter is when ME is doing somethign that take a long time, and I want a quick little something else done thats short and quicker than what ever I have ME doing. On that note, I htink Media encoder should be upgraded to allow more than one stream to be encoded at the same time, and also to pick/auto assign infinity to CPU's and GPUs. There is plenty of time I could have benifited from a CPU heavy workload while the GPU was doing something also. would be nice to have ME be able to do 2 or more streams to max out the system resources more. My work around today is using ME for one workload, and premier to export another, but then I cant use premier for anything and would sometimes still like to.
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‎Nov 02, 2022
08:30 PM
Great start, could also be a standard mapped short cut... at the same time; I wonder why there is even the standard export when ME will do everything well - why do they bother to hang on to the premier export feature at all (could be replaced with ME and would we even miss it?).
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‎Nov 02, 2022
05:56 PM
1 Upvote
Yeah, that's too much money, maybe they have a 'bulk' price offer? I also found this looks like a locally run USA based company; maybe more affordable? Video Redaction — Sighthound Better video on someone demoing it Become a Redactor 4.1 Expert in under 5 minutes - Desktop Version - YouTube
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‎Nov 02, 2022
05:50 PM
1 Upvote
I would suggest you try the YouTube face blur, it looks automatic to me: YouTube Video Editor: How to Blur Faces and Objects - YouTube for the faces anyway. Not sure about plates. I have a security system that can detect people, faces and plates in camera and it draws bounding box around them so I suspect there is an AI that will do this. I was originaly thinkign Runway.ml but there website doesnt make mention of these features. Maybe someone else will add to the conversation for some additional help for you.
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‎Nov 02, 2022
11:58 AM
Also if your target is Youtube: Blur your videos - YouTube Help (google.com)
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‎Nov 02, 2022
11:54 AM
1 Upvote
Have you looked at this: Identity Cloak Face Blur Software (facitdatasystems.com)
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‎Oct 18, 2022
07:51 PM
I have a question, but I can't run the beta to test this autosave feature... I hope someone else can comment on this. 1) When using warp stabilize, the save process is dramatically affected by home much warp stabilize data is inside the project. My concern with a background autosave is that if there is 5 min of saving time will that prevent the user from using the machine for that 5 min like a normal Ctrl-S does currently? 2) if its autosaving in the background once of these larger project files with warp stabilize data, if it doesn't lock out editing activity while its savings will the process cause stutters in the playback or other issues? I'm sure loading the beta and trying it would answer these questions for me, and I will try and find some time in the near future. I am however concnered about the feature when paired with how long a CTRL-S currently takes when you have 30+ min of timeline stabilized. p.s. CTRL-S saves seem to be faster in the last couple of versions already, not sure if they were working on it or if I am imagining it, but still no improvement with warp stabilize heavy data in the project.
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‎Oct 14, 2022
08:57 AM
So, lots of people talking about Resolve and what the gains are for RTX4090; but every review that mentioned Premiere says there is no gains over 3090, and PP doesn't use the new features of the RTX 4090 line the dual encoders etc? Or AV1 native support even. Does anyone know what the plans are for Adobe? the Beta forum has not had much new stuff discussed at all. I can't understand how there is so much hype for Resolve and almost no discussions are PP on this video card.
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‎Sep 23, 2022
08:59 AM
I just dropped in to say that the video card should be skipped in Favour of a 4000 series that was just announced. It will have an AV1 encoder, which is going to (likely) be important within the life span of the machine you're building now: I have a 3090 and I am dumping it to get the 4090 because of AV1 encoding (and I just want the new one as I have lots of need for Cuda cores, don't hate me for that 🙂 ). Lots of stuff on the internet, but this should give you a 'jist' of why AV1 is important - hopefully adobe also steps up and supports it fully (sooner rather than later). Tested: Intel Arc's AV1 video encoder shames Nvidia and AMD | PCWorld
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‎Sep 01, 2022
04:47 PM
1 Upvote
I run a 3090 and it works perfect, I also run on Studio Drivers. I also wanted to say that when you install the studio driver, there is an option for a clean install, you should use that feature. It's an option during installation, look for it and check it off. Also; clean the cache files too just to be safe in premier.
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‎Aug 25, 2022
06:28 PM
Why can we not just pick out own default? I like to use a higher ProRES, not sure why Adobe thinks they need to force me to a default, when they could with just as much/little work let the user pick the default they want.
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‎Aug 05, 2022
03:10 PM
VIDEO MASTERCLASS | Premiere Pro Best Practices Guide - YouTube The video is excellent, and links you to some exceptionally good documents on best practices for many aspects important to a premiere pro workflow. Direct link to the Guide (Published July 27, 2022) Long Form and Episodic Workflow Guide (adobe.com)
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