Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Feb 02, 2019
01:17 PM
It is working now! I'm so grateful for your help. Thank you!!!
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‎Feb 02, 2019
01:06 PM
@JJMack: Thank you so much for the script. May I ask one more question: I saved the script into C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CC 2019\Presets\Scripts\ShowCoord.jsx. This script now shows up in menu File -> Scripts. Then I initiated the Polygon Lasso Tool and made a selection. But when I clicked the menu to run the script, I was given a message "No Path Selected". I tried to call the script via File -> Scripts -> Browse ... but got the same alert. I checked the script and found it is because line 12 returns undefined. I guess the script thought the selection is not selected (or activated), but it is indeed selected: Could you please tell me how to use the script correctly? Thank you again.
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‎Feb 02, 2019
12:24 PM
@JJMack: Thank you. I have no knowledge of writing script in Photoshop and my time budget does not allow me to study it. Could you please share your script with me? I can pay you for the script.
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‎Feb 02, 2019
01:40 AM
I use Polygonal Lasso Tool to form a selection like the screenshot below: Now I want to record the accurate vertex coordinates of the Polygonal Lasso Tool. Do you know how to display these coordinates somewhere in Photoshop so that I can record them manually in a notebook or automatically as a file? Thanks a lot. PS: I'm using Photoshop CC 2019 on Windows 10.
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‎Jan 16, 2019
09:38 PM
@Freaky techie: I gave PS 20GB RAM (I have 32GB RAM installed), but encountered the same error. Freeing disk space is the best way out.
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‎Jan 16, 2019
09:33 PM
@melissapiccone: The free space needed should not be count by relative percentage, but absolute capacity. On my machine, 10GB free space is minimal needed as the scratch.
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‎Dec 17, 2018
07:09 PM
"I am using Acrobat DC Pro. What are you using? Version 9?" -- have you ever read my post before responding? Can you try on your side as Bernd Alheit did? Again, read my question before answering, ok? That won't kill you.
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‎Dec 17, 2018
08:11 AM
I have no idea, this is the only forum I can see that contains Adobe Acrobat.
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‎Dec 17, 2018
07:57 AM
I am using Adobe Acrobat Pro DC, not Acrobat Reader, which is mentioned in my original post. So is it a bug of Adobe Acrobat Pro DC? Any method to work around it?
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‎Dec 17, 2018
07:40 AM
Hi, Bernd Alheit, so OCR works for you. What software did you use?
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‎Dec 17, 2018
05:49 AM
Hi, I am using Adobe Acrobat to OCR a pdf file. But after the OCR operation, what returned are just messy codes rather than normal English text. This is a screenshot of the pdf file. From the shadow besides letters I can infer that it is an image (right?). But this is what OCR returns: This is a page of the pdf I am working on (I don't know how to attach a file with a question, so I have to use DropBox): Dropbox - Pages from Ray Tracing From The Ground Up - Copy.pdf So how to fix it? Thank you for your help. Some info: - Adobe Acrobat Pro DC - Windows 10 64 bit
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‎Dec 19, 2017
05:19 AM
Thank you for the prompt answer. Does Acrobat or Reader contain such conversion functionalities, or I have to find some external software? Thank you.
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‎Dec 19, 2017
05:14 AM
I have a PDF file that has some problem in its serchable/selectable text (I'm not sure if the term I used is correct. Please correct me if I am wrong). The following is a screenshot of the PDF: The contents of the PDF comprise only texts, not scanned images. The problem is, the serchable/selectable text is as follows when copy and paste: EPU B i s an open , in du st ry -st an dard f orm at f or e-book s. However , su pport f or EPU B an d i t s m an y f eat u res varies across readin g devices an d appl icat ion s. U se y ou r device or app set t in g s t o cu st om iz e t h e presen t at ion t o y ou r l ik in g . Set t in g s t h at y ou can cu st om iz e of t en in clu de f on t , f on t siz e, sin g le or dou ble colu m n , lan dscape or port rai t m ode, an d f ig u res t h at y ou can cl ick or t ap t o en larg e. For addi t ion al in f orm at ion abou t t h e set t in g s an d f eat u res on y ou r readin g device or app, vi si t t h e device m an u f act u rer ’ s W eb si t e. Since the words are broken into pieces, I cannot search a specific word. Is there any chance to fix it by re-generating the serchable/selectable text? Thank you for your help.
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‎Jun 16, 2016
04:19 PM
So, let premiere support it.
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‎Jun 16, 2016
04:17 PM
I'm using premiere pro CS6, and it doesn't work.
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