Lavitas Macutis
Lavitas Macutis
Feb 27, 2025
11:37 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, you are absolutely right, I'm sorry, I was fooled by the difference in appearance. I didn't suppose it would change unless I switch to proof view. But it does. Thanks so much for your patient and kind replies!
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Feb 27, 2025
07:43 AM
Dear Community, Is there a way to assign a profile to a given image without changing anything at all in the image? (Meaning: Pretending it is this and that profile but no more than that?) Thanks!
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Feb 21, 2024
05:16 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks so much! I didn’t yet get to try this, my clients sent me a new file and I needed to rush to work on it. I’ll try it as soon as things relax a little and report back. Thanks again!
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Feb 13, 2024
09:21 AM
Hello James, yes, I saved it as .indd. Result is that 2.71 GB file. (I then tried saving that one as .idml once more, and it did, resuliting in a 3MB file but that one won’t open at all. Most certainly the file is in a deplorable state due to mishandling by clients who better not set up files themselves but well, here we are.)
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Feb 13, 2024
08:50 AM
Dear community, I received a 3.29 GB .idml file from a client, huge because of embedded images and pdfs. Yet after unembedding them all, the file is still 2.71 GB as .indd. Any idea how I could determine why? Thanks so much!
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Nov 02, 2023
10:56 AM
firstly, a great thanks to all! So very helpful. What little I can contribute: After resizing a two-Master 34 pages document, file size appears to remain unaltered.
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Nov 02, 2023
05:39 AM
Dear Community, in Photoshop, you can change the canvas size cutting on one or two sides rather than all four (or opposing two) equally (by setting the Anchor in the Canvas Size panel (Image > Canvas Size or opt-cmd-C). Anything like that in InDesign? Thanks!
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Jun 29, 2023
09:10 AM
The type is not that large type, that's the problem, but really since the matter is pressing a bit, I think I’ll enlarge it and live with the stroke not aligned to the inside.
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Jun 29, 2023
08:49 AM
Update and apology—I just figured out that Illustrator takes the outer line (of that letter converted to paths seen in the attached image) as an individual vector, independent from the inner line. Or at least I can select them individually. That explains why the Align Stroke to Inside is inactive: A two-dimensional line has no inside. Ok. On the other hand, Illustrator still offers the option to Fill—certainly not the two dimensional line. Instead, it fills what has formerly been the first text line. The layer panel says compound path, and (as far as I see) there is no level beneath that. Still, with nothing more selected, the fill is applied to the next higher level of compound path. Maybe I lack some basics here. I’ll do some reading about compound paths.
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Jun 29, 2023
08:34 AM
Ok, right, Steve, I totally agree of course. In this somewhat hasty job (as a graphic designer’s gigs can sometimes be), like I said, the print shop demands it because that’s how they do it, period (I’m quoting here). So I simply try to comply to get my client his shirts printed. That’s the story here.
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Jun 29, 2023
08:31 AM
Sorry, I didn’t reload before posting so I missed Steve’s last. I’ll read and answer.
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Jun 29, 2023
08:30 AM
Hello Mike, Peter, Steve, thanks for your answers. I totally agree with Peters larger question, I have never have done such a thing before, but I’m dealing with a client who’s print shop is to print on textile and demands outline strokes with a weight and no fill inside the outline. No idea why, difficult communication with those guys. Anyway. Peter was right in assuming that I have to put some colour to those outlining strokes, so I tried and went for Mike’s suggestion. Now, in Illustrator, the option to Align Stroke to Inside appears greyed out (as shown in the attached pic). I tried to find out why, but all I could find was that this might be the case because one applies the appearance set at group level, which doesn’t seem to be the case in my attempt. Any idea why else? Might this have to do with the fact that while in InDesign, the letter a is shown with inner and outer outline (blue on white), in Illustrator, the inner outline (green on white) appears to be lacking? Thanks !
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Jun 29, 2023
03:32 AM
1 Upvote
Dear Community, I create outlines out of type (Type > Create Outlines) and then assign a stroke weight. In the Stroke panel, I set Align Stroke to Align Stroke to Inside. It does that in open line shapes (I, 2, 3, E …) but on any shape with an enclosed form—a counter—such as O, o, e (the upper part of the e) etc., it seems to interpret Inside as: Inside the counter. However, the outline does circumscribe a closed form who's outline it is (if I’d pour colour into the form the outline circumscribes, I’d end up with the proper letter from which it is the outline—which is exactly what happens when choosing to Fill that outline). Now, how do I get InDesing to align the stroke inside the form circumscriped by that outline and not inside the counter? If I’m not clear enough, please have a look at the images attached. In the little hand drawing, 1 is how it looks, 2 is how it should look. Thanks!
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Jul 13, 2022
08:56 AM
Interesting, thanks, I wasn’t familiar with that term. Not presently, but for a future occasion I may actually aim for that. Thanks to both of you!
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Jul 12, 2022
04:58 AM
Quite possible, although in theory, I imagine such a possibility could exist—I realise however that in order to have it done really accurately, each and every halftone mix would have to be examined in experimental print setting, which obviously would be far more effortsome than, say, flying to Mars. A rough approximation might be possible—numerically determine more or less what value ensues by what mix, but it may very well be that absolutely nobody is interested in that but me.
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Jul 11, 2022
02:06 PM
No. I mean that this image could be composed by a halftone not of C, M, Y and K, but of Pantone P 31-1, 51-16, 100-5, and K instead (or something like that). While the gradient map you describe distributes those colours according to lighness section, an actual separation (the kind that happens when converting an RGB image, or an L*A*B image, into CMYK) would ideally look almost like the RGB I posted. Photoshop (or another engine) would separate, but not into C, M, Y, K, but into P 31-1, 51-16, 100-5, K. That image would have a great amount of P 31-1, a smaller amount of P 100-5, a still smaller amount of K, and tiny hints of P 51-16 (the blueish).
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Jul 11, 2022
11:46 AM
Sure. Here you go. Does it matter how the image looks?
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Jul 11, 2022
11:19 AM
Dear community, I have a photograph consisting of colours from beige to copper with hints of blue. I would love to separate it into four spot colours (like Pantone P 31-1, 51-16, 100-5, and Black, or so—certainly the software would know to choose better) approximately maintaining the appearance. Is there any way to do that? Thanks so much
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Jun 19, 2022
10:58 AM
(And, sorry, very tired, forgot to finish my explanation: Idea is to stack the grain layer under the image layer and mask the white areas in the image so the grain layer shows.)
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Jun 19, 2022
10:37 AM
Here’s the attachments
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Jun 19, 2022
10:35 AM
Hello Trevor, you are right of course, it took me a moment to realize that all languages go into the same forum, and that English was indeed an option. So, thanks for taking the other thread out. Now, I'll attach an image of the pixel size version of the texture, one of the entire layer I aim to fill, and a section from the result I obtain by content aware filling and then doing some adjustments—interestingly enough, high pass doesn’t seem to do much in this case (still, thanks for the hint). I used curves mainly, along with some simple sharpening. Ultimately it is about a print from a scan of a more than 100 years old photograph, a glass plate that is damaged in the lightest parts. The idea is to fill those with light grain simply to avoid non printing areas. I’ll attach the image and a zoom in of it so you get the idea.
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Jun 19, 2022
03:31 AM
Hello Pfaffenbichler, thanks for your reply. You are exatly right, I intend to spread the grain, the noise in the shape, not the shape itself. By filling it up you refer to content aware fill I suppose?
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Jun 19, 2022
02:05 AM
Hello community I have a patch with a particular grain (taken out of a photograph), and I’d like to fill a given surface (in this case the rest of the otherwise empty layer) with a grain similar to that in this patch. I seem to remember there is a way to do that but I cannot figure it out. Any help greatly apreciated. Thanks!
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Jun 19, 2022
01:09 AM
Ich habe eine kleine Fläche mit einer einigermaßen homogenen Körnung (einem Photo entnommen, eigentlich also ein unregelmäßiges Muster) in einer ansonsten homogen grauen Ebene, und würde diese Ebene gerne in derselben Weise fortgesetzt gefüllt haben, so daß diese Art der Körnung sich in alle Richtungen fortsetzt. Ich bin fast sicher, daß das möglich ist, finde aber gerade nicht, wie.
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Feb 06, 2022
11:10 AM
True. Two good ideas. I’ll do both. Thanks!
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Feb 06, 2022
06:49 AM
Hello. In a document with facing pages (in InDesign 13), I’d like to have an option to only see the objects of one of those pages. (In other words: Presently, at the foot of the Layers panel it says: Pages 6–7, 2 Layers, or something like that. I’d like to be able to switch to: Page 6, 2 Layers.) Would anyone know a way to achive that? Thanks!
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Dec 15, 2021
10:46 AM
Yes, good idea. I failed to mention that the silk screen printer I’m looking to work with demands a Pantone colour, but your second hint—that in fact he will print whatever he likes to pour into his machine—is helpful, too.
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Dec 15, 2021
10:30 AM
Hello Dave, yes, you are right, “full black” is an expression very much wanting in precision. I initially looked into the Pantone+ Solid Uncoated library, yet according to the Swatch Options panel when set to Lab, Pantone P Process Black U is L17, a4, b8, whereas the blackest blacks from the Pantone+ solid uncoated library seem to be Neutral Black U with L31 (!), a 1, b2, actually a darkish grey, and Pantone Black 6 U with an even lighter L33, a1, b-5. I was surprised that the entire Pantone uncoated library shouldn’t contain any actual black, but so it seems. And since in fact I would love to employ an even darker black, maybe some high pigment black, I went for the nearest thing I could find, being Pantone P Process Black U, being actually K with a different name. It may very well be though that I get something wrong here. Did I?
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Dec 15, 2021
09:59 AM
Hello Rob, thanks for asking. I am preparing a silk screen print, the print shop explicitely demands all colours (only one in this case) be set up as Pantone colours. They didn’t specify what type of, and I initially went for Pantone+ solid uncoated, but according to the Swatch Options panel when set to Lab, – Pantone P Process Black U is L17, a4, b8, whereas the blackest blacks from the Pantone+ solid uncoated library seem to be – Neutral Black U with L31 (!), a 1, b2, actually a darkish grey, and – Pantone Black 6 U with an even lighter L33, a1, b-5. A bit surprising that the entire Pantone uncoated library shouldn’t contain any actual black, but so it seems. And since in fact I would love to employ an even darker black, ideally L0, a0, b0, some high pigment black, I went for the nearest thing I could find, being simply K with a different name. If I got anything wrong here, wich may very well be, I'd be grateful for corrections. And if anyone happens to know of a richer black in any of the Pantone libraries, for that hint too I’d thank you.
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Dec 15, 2021
05:53 AM
Hello Rob, thanks so much for your reply. It was not. I took that swatch from Windows > Swatch Libraries > Colour Books > Pantone+ CMYK Uncoated. This opens, as you of course know, a separate window of swatches that can be added to document swatches by simply clicking it. Only upon double clicking the swatch already added, I get the Swatch Options displayed in your first screen shot. Default settings are Process and RGB. Changing them to the settings you propose solved my problem fully. Very happy. Thanks again!!
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