Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Apr 29, 2023
09:16 PM
While not a great solution, this was able to fix my issue. I'll see if it continues going forward. It's odd, because it's not every photo, just about 1 in 10 or so.
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‎Apr 29, 2023
08:24 PM
Nope, it's not a capitalization error. Thanks for the idea. What I've figured out is it's a DNG/Jpeg error. I don't know how to fix it. My Google Pixel takes photos in DNG and JPG. I let it because it's nice to have the Raw photos sometimes, and it's nice to be able to share or print a quick jpg. Somehow, when the photos come into Lightroom, the program sometimes sees them as one photo with 2 types, sometimes 2 photos, and sometimes the missing photo and photo. In my attached photo, the yellow flagged photos are the ones that Lightroom has flagged as missing. The first photo of the pizza and the last photo of the dog do not have the missing photo issue. I don't know if this has been addressed somewhere, but I'm off to look. Or, if you know how to fix this, please let me know.
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‎Apr 14, 2023
07:22 PM
I'm not sure if this is a bug, or simply something I am doing incorrectly. Windows OS, Intel Processor, NVIDIA Graphics Edition: Windows 10 Home Lightroom Classic, V12.2.1 My process: I manually move photos from my camera card to my Windows folder that Lightroom. Once that is finished, I open Lightroom Classic, navigate to that folder in the Library View. I right click on the folder name and choose "Synchronize Folder". One of the options, Remove missing photos from catalog shows 570 missing photos. This number has consistenly grown over the last month. If I choose "Show Missing Photos" in this box, Lightroom shows me 570 photos and puts them in a temporary collection. There's no grey x in the corner on the photos. If I right click and choose "Show in Explorer" Lightroom opens to the folder and the photo is there. If I go to Library - Find All Missing Photos, Lightroom tells me I have no missing photos in the catalog. All photos in this catalog are available. Is this a bug? I don't dare delete any of the photos, or choose Remove missing photos, because I don't want the photos gone. Am I missing something to fix this problem? Thank you for any help.
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‎Apr 11, 2023
02:06 PM
Solution 2: No, that doesn't solve my problem. I closed everything, including my auto backups, and other programs running in the background like Steam, Google Drive, etc. I even closed the wireless Logitech keyboard manager. Still get sticky transformations. I don't have Notability or 1Password, so I closed the other things I do have. Solution 3: You want me to restart my computer in Safe Mode to see if that fixes a problem only affecting Photoshop since the last few updates? That feels like overkill. Maybe someone else will try that step for you. Side note: I have zero issues with my keyboard shortcuts except the transformation ones. Zero issues with custom shortcuts, zero issues with saving shortcuts, or cutting shortcuts. I also have zero of the programs listed in this step installed. I do have Xfinity internet, but none of their programs installed.
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‎Mar 15, 2023
05:13 PM
Still broken on latest update: build 202303011008-5bfbce17. Windows 10.
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‎Sep 28, 2021
04:40 AM
1 Upvote
Yes, this. I tried rolling back, but I still have the same issue. It's been a problem for awhile, I can't remember how many updates.
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‎Sep 25, 2021
12:35 PM
Sane issue here. I have Adobe set to Skip transform when placing. When I double click an item to transform, the cursor sticks to the item, forcing a size transformation. This is especially annoying when all I wanted to do was move the item on the canvas, not change it's size. The cursor stickies on the item, forcing a transform until I can esc out. I tried the troubleshooting steps listed above. Here is my system info. I will try going backwards a version in the meantime. This is a very frustrating error with a lot of ctrl+Z being required.
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‎Oct 21, 2017
11:22 AM
Thank you. Not so helpful for files I own though.
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‎Oct 21, 2017
10:51 AM
Just to let you know, you can copy and paste the file, and it will center it. copy pasting does NOT work if you copy from finder/explorer by highlighting the file/files, copy and pasting to the document. copy pasting from outside PS works if you "copy image" i.e if the image is in some viewer - this was always a feature. copy pasting layers works from document to document in PS. it can be centered using paste in place Ctrl+Shift+V. What image viewers are supposed to support copy and paste? It does not work from ACDC, or of course from explorer even if you are viewing from the windows photo viewer.
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