‎Mar 01, 2025
09:07 AM
To only be able to increase the Project folder size and not the actual UI text of the entire program is incredibly frustrating. Please tell me there is progress on this since November?
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‎Nov 04, 2024
08:04 AM
1 Upvote
I have had the same issue and have found the error exists when selecting the "Broadcast Settings" when you do your project build selection in the very beginning. Do not use the "Broadcast Settings" seems to be the solution as Adobe has changed things there it would seem. If you are too deep in your project, you can select all clips in your timeline and then drag them to the "New Item" folder in the lowe right hand corner of your project panel. This will create a stereo timeline sequence by default it would seem. However, I was editing in 4K and when I did this the "New Item" created a 1080p timeline. So if you are in 1080 already then this is good solution, if not.. then just create a new project not using the Broadcast Settings would be the best practice it would seem. I hope there is another solution, but that is all I have been able to find at this time.
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‎Nov 04, 2024
07:57 AM
I performed this solution of dragging all clips to the "New Item" button and the sequence it created was a 1080p sequence and not the 4K Sequence which I was editing in. Any other solutions for this? Is there a way to make the "New Item Sequence" the same?
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‎Jan 02, 2024
09:13 AM
1 Upvote
I am exporting a timeline where each clip has been stripped of its Lumetri color (just the raw slog3 clips) to export as a ProRes file for a colorist. When the Export tab opens (when I go to export the timeline) the preview window in Export is White. I performed an export anyway to see if the clips simply were not coming up) and the export is white as well. Yes, the video 1 is turned on in the edit and not off. I tested the same timeline with a LUT attached and when I go to the Export tab the video can been seen and exports just fine. The sequence is fully green (so does not need to be rendered and the settings are to the Legacy ARRI Cinema of 23.976 at 1920x1080). Any ideas on why I can not seem to export this sequence with the Lumetri turned off?
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‎Oct 25, 2019
11:12 AM
I was forced to download Catalina and did the CC update fro Premiere Pro 13.1.5 and now it crashes every time when trying to open. What is the fix?
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‎Mar 21, 2019
07:55 AM
The export does not even begin, nor does the dialogue box open to set your export setting and destination. When I do both command+E or the drop down for export it does the same thing. You can see the tool bar shift colors acting as though the dialogue box is opening, yet the box is not to be found.
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‎Mar 20, 2019
08:38 PM
Latest update: I completely uninstalled all CC software, downloaded CC again, downloaded PP latest version.... and STILL when I open any project and try to export the timeline it locks up! HELP!!!!
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‎Mar 20, 2019
01:50 PM
Uninstalling and reinstalling did not work. Still the exact same issue. Open Project and timeline, set in and out point, then try to export and PP freezes up. I can save in the background, I can hide the app, but I can not do anything else. I have to actually hard shut down the computer to get out of the app.
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‎Mar 20, 2019
01:37 PM
Yes it has always worked exporting the timeline to the desired file type. I will use the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool and reinstall to see if that works. In the meantime here is the information you requested: iMac (retina 5k) MacOS Mojave Version 10.14.3 Graphics: AMD Radeon R9 M380 2048 MB Memory: 4 slots used of 8GB each (32 GB Installed) Memory: 289.02 GB available of 1 TB
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‎Mar 20, 2019
01:30 PM
Additionally, I tried opening another project and exporting that timeline. Same result occurs; locks up and can not even force quit the application.
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‎Mar 20, 2019
01:21 PM
This did not fix the problem. Relaunched PP and held down shift+command and reset cache. The opened the project, tried to export and Premiere simply locks up.
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‎Mar 20, 2019
12:11 PM
When trying to export from the timeline (using both the shortcut command E and the drop down) Premiere Pro just locks up. I have downloaded the latest version of CC for Premiere Pro 13.0.3). Is there a work around or fix?
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‎Apr 06, 2018
12:06 PM
This is not a taxing system this is a PNG issue from the update. I have the exact same issue with QuickTime renders out of AE with png codec for built in alpha. Never have had this issue before this update.
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‎Apr 06, 2018
11:54 AM
I am having the same "out of sync" or timing type issue placing a Quicktime render png (built in alpha) and place over existing video. Never had this issue before the update and this project was built in the proper version. Something seriously wrong with the PNG recognition codec.
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‎Apr 06, 2018
11:47 AM
1 Upvote
I am getting the same "out of sync" type look and issue when placing a QuickTime PNG render (from After Effects). I place this built in alpha video over an existing video clip and this crazy haptic jumping occurs. What is the fix Adobe??? This is specific to to this update as this has never occurred before and even more so with this project as it was built before the update.
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