‎Sep 12, 2020
06:14 PM
Wow since 2016! I know how to do this with shapes but would imagine it would be the same with images. to my surprise, it does not. I would've expected more tutorials on how to do this but I only found this. thank you!
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‎Dec 14, 2017
11:34 AM
1 Upvote
Bridge Search doesn't work properly Update: I found this threat. changing the option to Bridge Search (in the magnifying glass icon) this does come up with some results. It used to search the whole computer with no problems. I have 2 drives. I think it has to do something with the indexing. Ill keep trying different suggestions
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‎Dec 11, 2017
02:44 PM
I am using Windows 10 and all of the sudden Bridge's Search engine is not finding anything with the 2018 cc version. I get a "No Items to display" error I have tried reinstalling. Also installing 2017 back. I tried starting Adobe Bridge pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows) but I did not get a settings dialog, only the Windows warning me Adobe is making changes to my PC, so I let it do it's thing. I'm guessing it is resetting preferences. I also purged all the cache and nothing. I still have the issue. I don't know what could it be. Anyone else has this problem?
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‎Dec 11, 2017
02:32 PM
I tried starting Adobe Bridge pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift (Windows) but I did not get the settings dialog, only the windows prompt about letting Adobe do it's thing. I'm guessing it is resetting preferences. I also purged All the cache and nothing. I still have the issue. I don't know what could it be. thanks.
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‎Dec 01, 2017
12:14 PM
I was referring to the top panel drop down menus File, Edit, Image etc. What I did to resolve this is make the 4k monitor my main display, so now everything opens there. It's just a shame that I can't switch monitors on the fly.
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‎Dec 01, 2017
11:29 AM
Hi Seth, I have the latest Bridge 2018 and all of the sudden the search has no items to display. I also installed the 2017 version to see if that worked but the same happens. Is there a corrupt preference item I can delete maybe ? I tried uninstalling and installing but no luck. I am using Windows 10 latest upgrade. Bridge is useless without the search engine. thanks
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‎Nov 30, 2017
04:54 PM
I have the same issue using Windows 10. I can't remember the last time the search engine worked. I installed the previous Bridge 2017 app but that didn't work either.
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‎Nov 16, 2017
04:56 PM
1 Upvote
I know this issue has been going on for 3-4 years now? Why are photoshop dropdown menus so damn small on 4k monitors on Windows machines?. The UI scale does not affect the size of these. I tried also changing the UI Font Size from Tiny to Large and I can't seem to notice a difference on any font. My laptop displays everything just fine at normal scale but my 4k monitor is useless at 200%, not only it scales everything too large, (there should be a 150% option, in my opinion) but the drop down menus are waaaaaay to small. What is the problem? Is it Windows or Adobe's fault? (Please don't say: Get a Mac)
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‎Jun 10, 2017
03:05 PM
This is easy when the drop down menu hides all the content out of sight, so you only make one drop down page. If not, you then need to create a duplicate of each page to create a drop down version of that corespondent page.
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‎Mar 16, 2017
10:55 AM
Thank you Akash, I ended up re installing Windows because Illustrator was also acting up, with the cursor with hourglass blinking.
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‎Mar 15, 2017
03:00 PM
I have the same problem. it was working fine yesterday. This morning Windows did an update but before it was done, photoshop wont start up. I was able to screen capture a quick message, which i think i't the same as yours. I was in the chat support with NVIDIA for a while, installed the latest graphics driver, tried unsuccessfully to restore the system Now im ready to just reinstall the whole windows system (m that desperate)
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‎Mar 13, 2017
04:07 PM
I know it's Beta but .. I was wondering if Xd for Windows will ever have Visual buttons or Drop Down Menus? Specially for Path Add, Subtract, Intersect, etc and Mask. The only way to find them is by knowing the Keyboard shortcuts (like Ctrl Alt U for Adding and so forth) You can find these on the Mac in the dropdown menu AAAANNNDDD on the Path buttons next to the Repeat Grid Button on the right. Windows just has a Hamburger menu in the left corner with File Menu options only and NO Layers or Symbol Library. Ok, Im switching back to Mac. You're Killing me !!
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‎Jan 30, 2017
11:00 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the help Gene. OK I changed the scaling to 200% and I see the difference. I wished that it would be the 150% recommended by Windows Display Options. I dont see any changes when I change the UI text size option. Still the menu items look ok, but the drop down menus and the Document Explorer "finder" are super tini. I dont understand why all programs behave different. Animate and Indesign are fine but Photoshop and Illustrator have very small Windows menus and File Finder boxes are very small.
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‎Jan 30, 2017
01:36 PM
Ill keep googling for results
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‎Jan 30, 2017
01:35 PM
Hi, This option is no longer there in Photoshop CC 2017
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‎Dec 13, 2016
04:49 PM
Ok, I have a follow up to my question. The reason the CC libraries aren't working is because of my second monitor display. So it is a video card issue, then, making Trevor's answer correct. The reason the Resetting Preferences worked was because it opened Photoshop back in my laptop display. So any program's cc libraries don't work when opened on my second monitor display.
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‎Dec 13, 2016
03:59 PM
I tried turning off GPU acceleration first, but didn't work. Resetting Preferences did. The reason I've been fiddling around with preferences is another problem I've been having with 3D not working. Thanks
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‎Dec 12, 2016
04:25 PM
Creative Cloud Panel in Photoshop 2017 is not showing, in all other programs, seems to work fine (Ai, Mu, Id) Only photoshop does not, I tried searching in the Forums and Google but no luck. I'm using the latest Photoshop on Windows 10. (First Image: Photoshop, Second Image: Illustrator) Anyone else have this problem?
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‎Oct 18, 2016
01:16 PM
This was answered a year ago, but this Adobe FAQ says it CAN be done but not recommended. Why isn't this recommended? I also ran out of space in my SSD C drive and I have an extra SSD where all my files and scratch disks. Download and install Creative Cloud apps Where are my apps installed, and can I change the location? By default, your Creative Cloud apps are installed in the Program Files folder (Windows) or the Applications folder (Mac OS). You can change the default install location, although it is not recommended. Open the Creative Cloud desktop app and click the gear icon at the top right of the window. Choose Preferences > Apps > Install location > Change. Navigate to the desired location and click Open. Your new install location appears in the menu.
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