Challenger Gibraltar
Challenger Gibraltar
‎Jan 19, 2025
10:54 PM
Hi Thank you for your reply, that scary image is my grandson, I think turning the image monochrome makes him look scary. Kindest Regards Paul
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‎Jan 19, 2025
10:38 PM
Thank you for your reply, it’s very helpful. I took a number of photos of all my grandchildren but this photo just looks as though it isn’t right, it looks like it has been cut out and not part of the background if that makes sense? The edges of the subject look too sharp I just wanted to help it blend in, I had no problem with the other images, perhaps it’s his hair that makes it not look right, what do you think? Kindest regards Paul
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‎Jan 19, 2025
06:49 AM
Thank you
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‎Jan 18, 2025
10:22 PM
After editing my images in Adobe RAW, I click open (Bottom Right) but nothing happens, why?
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‎Jan 11, 2025
09:26 AM
can anyone help please. I am fairly new to Photoshop. I took a photo of my grandson, but I am not happy with the background, I selected the subject and copied it to a white background, but the image looks false, how can I get it to look right in the new background? Thank you. Kind Regards Paul
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‎Dec 17, 2022
09:18 AM
A bit too compolicated for me, I want to save as a .JPEG when I click on 'Save As' whoich used to be automatic but now I have to go to Mode then select 8bit, that has increased my workload which when editing hundreds of images at a time is not helpful, somehting has changed which is causing me a headache especailly as I have a brain injury anyway. I wanted to know is there a way I can get this back to be automatic as 8bits. Thank you for your support
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‎Dec 17, 2022
07:49 AM
Thank you for youur support, I recieved a call from Adobe Agent yeseterday he uninstalled all the apps and reinstalled them, looks like it has resolved part of the problem however when I download RAW images from my CF card it would appear that they download as 16bit instead of 8bit, does anyone know if this is a photoshop issue or canon as it still means I have to change every image to 8bit in order to be able to save the images as .JPEG. Best Wishes Paul
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‎Dec 09, 2022
02:26 PM
HELP! I updated my photoshop to 23.5.3 since then I have had so much trouble to the point I cannot save as .jpg, a photoshop agent updated my old version to the latest one and I am now unable to save my raw images as .jpg. Is there anyone who cna help me please because until I can reslove this probelm which a Adobe agent has put me in I cannot continue to use photoshop until the issue is resolved. PLEASE HELP!
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‎Apr 05, 2022
12:05 AM
I want to continue to post lots of images in bulk on fb but have found out that people are stealing them, how can I set them so if people do steal them and try to enlarge them so they can have them printed off all the image does is pixalate so they are no good to be printed off. I use a watermark but people are deteremned to remove it, I want everyone to enjoy the images as they are sports images for a club, I raise money for charity by selling them. I am disabled with head injury so simple instructions will help me. I need to bulk process them as there are hundreds to process. Thank you for your kind help. Paul
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‎Oct 28, 2021
03:57 AM
I updated Photoshop/bridge/Camera RAW last night and I cannot use the tabs along the menu bar at the top of the screen on my MacBook, what have you done Adobe?
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‎Oct 30, 2020
01:26 PM
Hi Jane I wish I could tell you how it was resolved, I jsut let hoim have control of my computer, he went into soem settings, ticked some boxes, copied and pasted some things and then clicked ok. It happened so fast I never got a chance to see how it was done. Really Sorry. Best Wishes Paul
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‎Oct 29, 2020
06:30 AM
Good Afternoon Jane Yes I did reset them, it didn't work 😢. However, I got to speak to an Adobe agent in Uk and all is sorted now. Thank you for your time on this, I really do appreciate your help!!! best wishes Paul
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‎Oct 28, 2020
10:10 PM
Good Morning Jane its all of them for example the CMD C, CMD V, CMD J etc etc, nothing's working. when you say uninstall and use the cleaner what is the cleaner and where do I find it please? Best Wishes Paul
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‎Oct 28, 2020
12:10 PM
I wonder if someone can help me please? I am disabled with a head injury and struggle to understand long winded insturctions. I contacted Adobe this afternoon to ask why I still had phtoshop 2019/2020, bridge 2018/2019/2020 and Lightroom 2019/2020 on my MacBook when I have installed the 2021 versions. I was told I could delete the older versions and had to do this on the cloud, so I did as I was told, I read the intructions slowly and step by step. The problem is, my shortcut keys no longer work, can someone help me please. Thank you for your time. Paul
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‎Oct 13, 2020
11:10 PM
Thank you Dave Paul
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‎Oct 13, 2020
11:09 PM
Thank you for your simple explanation Nancy. Paul
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‎Oct 06, 2020
01:47 PM
Please, Please, Please help. I am in the UK I am using photoshop on my MacBook, I am trying to merge snf blend two pictures for the first time, I have the two pictures open and have selected the move tool. However when I click on one of the pictures to move it to the name tab of the other image nothing happens, Its frustraing as I am trying to make a book for a friends birthday present. I am head injured disabled and so simple instructions are needed please. Thank you.
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‎Apr 16, 2020
09:44 PM
Can anyone please help.
I loaded my raw image into PS desktop (Mac) I created a duplicate layer and turned it b&w, I then selected the history brush and started to paint of the butterfly bringing back the colour. I had spent an hour on it and was almost at the end when the history brush stopped working. I contacted help line via chat, they suggested using the quick selection tool and also select auto-enhance button at the top. I don't have a auto-enhance button, I have Enhance edge button. Anyway I tried their suggested method but the butterfly is too intricate for the use of the quick selection tool, so I am left with a butterfly that is not yet completed on a b&w background, can someone please help me. I am disbaled with a head injury so I need easy instructions please. Thank you for you help.
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‎Apr 05, 2020
12:29 AM
Thank you for your help, I reset preferences and all ok! best wishes Paul
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‎Mar 29, 2020
02:36 PM
Thank you for your reply, I can confirm that I did have a photo selected and I was in develop mode, like you said it’s a bad interface but I have no sorted the issue by resetting preferences. Best wishes Paul
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‎Mar 28, 2020
02:36 PM
Thank you for your email However there isn’t any difference I still can’t import presets. Best Wishes Paul
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‎Mar 28, 2020
12:27 PM
I wondered if someone can help me please. I am trying in import presets in to LR Classic CC (Desktop) however when I click the '+' sign next to presets nothing happens, nothing pops up to say "Import presets", can some please help me as I have bought the presests and can't understand how to sort this issue. I have never used LR before and because everyone says I should, I want to give it a good go. The version I have is 9.2 Thank you. Paul
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‎Nov 02, 2016
05:28 PM
Hi I have at least 60 images that I want to watermark in one go, I regularly have batches of around 40-50 images. I have been told that making and action is the best way to achieve this however I don't know how to create the action or ensure the watermark is going to be the right size for each image. I do not know how to use Lightroom I can't get my head around it so I have to achieve this in photoshop. If there is someone out there who can take me through a step by step guide then I would really appreciate this. I have a head injury so find things very difficult to understand so could I ask you to explain the way to do this as easily as possible please. Thank you. Best Regards Paul
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‎Nov 15, 2015
05:53 AM
Hi Ned Tried that a number of times but no luck, still says i have been using the trial for 15 days now. Regards Paul
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‎Nov 14, 2015
10:48 AM
When I spoke to Adobe they said I can use Adobe CC on both my iMac and MacBook, I started the trial 14 days ago and decided to subscribe today, however when I opened it up on my MacBook it says I only have 14 days left of the trial, surely this isn't right, can someone advise in case I need to do something else to activate it on my MacBook. I have a head injury so please explain as simple as possible. Thank you. Paul
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