‎Mar 10, 2025
01:06 PM
Hi @AbbottsPrintShop NFS is an alternative network protocol to SMB that is mainly used on Linux systems (and Macs can use it too). NASes like Synology & QNAP support NFS but as far as I understand it, Drobo doesn't officially support it unfortunately.. I don't know if there's an unofficial way to add NFS support to a Drobo, but that would have to be the first step. If you can get that far, I can go into more depth into what's required from the Mac side to get it working, Liz
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‎Mar 08, 2025
06:40 AM
And.... I've decided to turn off compression permanently, and live with the larger file sizes,, because open/save are so much faster. On my MacBook Pro M1 Max, here's some representative load/save times from the Mac's SSD: Compressed PSB file (~2GB) Open: 13 seconds Save: 64 seconds Same file uncompressed (~3GB) Open: 1 second Save: 3 seconds That's some difference! compression/decompression times get exponentially bad at these file sizes! Liz
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‎Feb 28, 2025
02:24 PM
Now that is something I didn't expect from turning off backwards compatibility. ... hmm... Is it documented anywhere what all the affected functions are?
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‎Feb 28, 2025
02:15 PM
Yes, I'm definitely leaning towards a PSB only workflow
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‎Feb 28, 2025
01:40 PM
I did some tests with TIF files, and the TIF compression doesn't seem to be as good as PSD/PSB compression, resulting in larger files. Also, I would worry that not all features that I use in Photoshop would be supported in TIF files. What doesn't work in TIF format?
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‎Feb 28, 2025
01:32 PM
Yes... I've observed this myself.... image compression/decompression can be very slow for large files... no perfect solutions here!
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‎Feb 28, 2025
11:21 AM
Thanks for the information, I was unaware of the compatibility issues with Lightroom Classic when compatibility mode is turned off in Photoshop. . Useful to know. As it happens, that is also of no concern to me.... I only ever use Bridge and Photoshop. Bridge appears to work fine (so far) with compatibility mode turned off... So the file size reduction is a definite gain for me. Yeah, I think I'll be using PSB from the start. Thanks Liz
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‎Feb 28, 2025
09:13 AM
Hi, I've just upgraded from a Nikon D500 (20.9 megapixel) to a Nikon D850 (45.7 megapixel) camera, and almost immediately while editing in Photoshop, I've hit the 2GB limit of PSD files, and have had to switch to PSB files instead. I think I may need to change my workflow to manage file sizes more effectively going forwards. Up until now, I didn't give it a great deal of thought (with the 20..9 megapixel camera)... creating layers whenever I needed to, and never hitting the 2GB limit. I've already changed "Maximize PSD and PSB compatibility" to "Never" in the PS settings, which does reduce file sizes significantly. I'm not concerned with losing compatibility with old versions of Photoshop. I'm also wondering, if I'm going to go over 2GB file sizes regularly, whether I should just always save in PSB format from the start, so I never have to be part-way through an editing process and have to change from PSD to PSB. If anyone has got any tips on how to manage file sizes when editing large images, I'd love to hear them. Thank you for your help Liz
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‎Jan 10, 2025
02:45 AM
I would say that Bridge is more than just a browser because: It stores thumbnails, previews, and metadata for faster access during subsequent use. It has features like keyword tagging, searching, and filtering that rely on this cached information. It may not offer all the features of other cataloguing apps, but it still does enough. But in any case, it doesn't matter now.... I've fixed my issue. Bridge does everything I need it to. Thanks Liz Thanks Liz
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‎Jan 09, 2025
03:44 AM
1 Upvote
Once the search had completed with "include non-indexed files" enabled, subsequent searches with different keywords are now all working fine, finding everything, and super-fast. So all is now good. I'm surprised there's no simple option "index all files" somewhere in the UI that does this, however. Thanks Liz
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‎Jan 08, 2025
11:34 PM
Thanks for your replies everyone. My mistake for posting in the wrong forum, didn't realise that there was a specific Bridge forum. In my defence, this forum is called "Photoshop ecosystem" (ecosystem = system of interconnected elements). I would say that would include Bridge 😀 @LAMY2017 – all good, @MissLiz is already using this feature and might also wish to look into the Mac Finder search feature (Cmd + F) to see if this is any faster as it should already be indexed: By @Stephen Marsh
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‎Jan 08, 2025
11:27 AM
Hi, I'm finding that a keyword search in Bridge is not finding all my images. I think this is because many of the files are not indexed (I have a lot of files, accumulated over the last 20 years or so) Is there any way to force indexing of all images inside a folder (and subfolders) ? I'm currently doing a keyword search of the root folder with the option "Include Non-Indexed Files" enabled which is taking a while, but it appears to be finding everything eventually. I'm hoping that when this is finished all the files will be indexed correctly and future searches will be fast, irrespective of keyword. But is there a better way to do this? Thanks for any help Liz
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‎Dec 25, 2024
10:06 AM
If anyone's still reading, I've fixed my problem by configuring and using an NFS share instead of SMB. No more incorrect 'disk errors'. Also, NFS is noticably faster than SMB, so all seems good! I consider this all to be more proof of buggy SMB support in Sequoia. I can continue with my preferred workflow! 😀 Liz
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‎Dec 23, 2024
02:18 AM
Not yet, but I plan to. I'm still trying to accumulate more information with my own analysis, and also seeing if anyone else has similar issues here. I've not checked the Apple forums either yet, but I will do,
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‎Dec 23, 2024
01:21 AM
My problem is not about corruption of files, which is why I posted this, because there is a distinction here compared to other previous posts.. The files are all completely fine, as rebooting the Mac proves. You said "As I said, it works until it doesn't", well this doesn't apply just to NAS workflows, it applies to everything related to software... Over the years I've had lots of problems with software due to bugs (Photoshop included), but this is the first time I've had a NAS related issue. The fact is, in a properly configured NAS/network set up, things can actually be more reliable than a local drive, due to the extra redundancy that a NAS offers. It can even protect you against bit rot, which a non-RAIDed local drive cannot. The only issue I've had is a small decrease in performance, due to slower read/write speeds... but that's always been a compromise I was willing to make. I understand that it's not the recommended Adobe workflow, but surely that doesn't mean that we're not allowed to discuss this here? Surely it's worth striving to understand what the real problems are, and whether they can be resolved? Can we get back on-topic please.. If anyone has had any issues since upgrading to Sequoia, I'd appreciate a response. Thank you Liz
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‎Dec 22, 2024
02:23 PM
Yes, thanks, I am aware of all that 😀 It doesn't, however, stop me wondering what has changed to cause this problem now. I have after all been using a NAS for over 10 years with this workflow and I've had no NAS related issues in that time. As it happens, in this case, I do not believe this is an Adobe problem... I think it's some kind of SMB related issue that Apple have introduced in Sequoia. I'm wondering what other (non-Adobe) issues are yet to surface. Ideally Apple would allow you to downgrade the OS, but it looks like I'm stuck with it, unfortunately. Liz
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‎Dec 22, 2024
09:23 AM
Hi, I guess looking at other posts here that I know roughly what the answer to my question here is going to be. However, I believe that there is a bug in Mac OS Sequoia that is stopping me from using my current workflow that I have been using fine without issue for many years. So all my images are stored on a NAS. I open them in Bridge/ACR/Photoshop directly from the NAS, edit, and save the results back to the NAS. The images are never saved locally. The files on the NAS also get automatically backed up. Anyway, I understand this isn't Adobe's recommended workflow and they suggest you work on your files locally for performance reasons. However it seems that Sequoia has introduced a file system issue (bug?) that makes my current workflow pretty much impossible now. So.. an example.... Double click a raw file in Bridge (should open Photoshop, then open the file in ACR) It really couldn't be much simpler. However, this process now randomly fails, about 25% of the time with "File <xxx> could not be opened because of a disk error" At this point, if I try and copy the file off the NAS using Finder I get an error "Unable to copy file. Error code - 51" So that's quite scary... has the file been corrupted on the NAS? The answer is no. If I reboot the NAS, then the file can be copied with Finder without error. So the "Disk Error" message is clearly not describing the real problem. (I suspect that when Photoshop says "Disk Error" that it keeps a lock on the file, which is why Finder then can't copy it) If I'm lucky, the file will now open if I double click on it in Adobe Bridge after the reboot. So anyway, it looks like Sequoia is actually responsible for most of this problem. Has anyone else come across this problem with a NAS? Anyway, I think it's time for a long overdue change to my workflow, and edit files locally, and set up a backup to my NAS from there instead. I'm very interested to know what's going on with Sequoia though, so if anyone has any thoughts on this, that would be really appreciated. Thank you for reading Liz
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‎May 20, 2024
10:46 AM
Not sure it's been withdrawn though... for me it's still listed as available to install in the creative cloud app, and still listed as the latest version
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‎May 20, 2024
10:44 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks @NRC13 Finally, I don't feel like a complete idiot... I am also in the UK... maybe I'm not far off with my region idea.
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‎May 20, 2024
10:40 AM
and on my Mac in the "About photoshop" dialogue, also indicates 25.9.0 release version
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‎May 20, 2024
10:31 AM
So how do you explain what I'm seeing? As you can see in my image above, the latest version is 25.9 Both my Mac and PC got updated to 25.9. My guess is an Adobe mistake... possibly 25.9 somehow got released in a specific region only or something. I have nothing else to offer 🙂 Liz
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‎May 20, 2024
09:40 AM
and here's an image from the Adobe Create Cloud app on the PC. Again, no indication that 25.9 is a beta version.
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‎May 20, 2024
09:08 AM
1 Upvote
Incorrect. I have 25.9 on my Mac (unless it's the beta version, but it doesn't say as such, and I've never actively requested beta versions). I have now downgraded from 25.9 on my PC to 25.7, and it is working correctly again. On my Mac it even says "25.9.0 Release" when you select "About Photoshop", no sign of "beta" anywhere! and it makes no sense that I would have been updated to a beta version today in any case. Photoshop is used nearly every day. Liz
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‎May 20, 2024
06:34 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the info @Ged_Traynor @Noel.Carboni Why has 25.9 this been released? You knew about this issue in the beta version at least 2 weeks ago.... Seems madness to release it now with such a distructive outcome! Can you give any estimate for when a fix is likely? Thanks Liz
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‎May 20, 2024
06:18 AM
I've noticed that there has been an isssue reported with Photoshop CC 25.9 (beta) here about Photoshop failing to start with error 000142.
However, it looks like this is now occurring on the released version of 25.9.
Photoshop auto-updated itself today (was working fine before), and I now get the same error 000142 when I try and start it. This is NOT a Photoshop beta version.
This is on Windows 10. CPU is a 14 year old Intel core i7.
I know it's old.... but it's been working fine with no issues 🙂
Is this no longer supported?
If that is the case, why did the auto-updater allow Photoshop to update?
Am I going to need to downgrade back to the previous version or is this issue going to be fixed?
Seems very strange that if Adobe knew of this issue that v25.9 would be released without fixing it.
If I do need to downgrade, how do I do that? I can't see a way to select a version to install.
Thank you for your help
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