Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎Mar 03, 2025
08:20 AM
Assuming you used an XML to import to Premiere Pro, those subclips were defined in the XML. Either Final Cut or whatever intermediate translator you used described the clips as subclips, so that's how Premiere Pro imported them.
Those blue ranges are clip markers. If you also open the Markers panel you'll see them listed there when the clip is in Source Monitor.
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‎Mar 03, 2025
06:32 AM
The purple "film strip" icon means the clip has video. The green square is a little waveform, indicating there is also audio in the clip. The items with { } braces represent a subclip. In Premiere Pro a subclip is its own entity that doesn't rely on the original clip, but it came from an original clip. For example you might have an original clip with three takes in it, and make three subclips that behave like their own single clips for easier editing.
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‎Mar 03, 2025
06:06 AM
1 Upvote
If your mixer is working in Audition then yes that should work just fine. If they are working in Pro Tools or another software, then AAF is the way to go.
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‎Mar 03, 2025
01:11 AM
@ChristianS. if you want to send your sequence from Premiere Pro to Audition for mixing, there's no need to use AAF. Instead, from Premiere Pro's Project panel right click on the sequence and choose: Edit in Adobe Audition > Sequence. This will create an Audition project for you, with all the media and effects sent over based on the settings you choose.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
07:42 AM
Hey @arlens46928762 thanks for the feedback. While you can't recognize faces or specific people with the upcoming Search panel, we definitely have heard that it would be wildly useful.
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‎Feb 27, 2025
02:22 AM
1 Upvote
@KazuTa A good point; I'll pass it along to our documentation teaml. We have a whole series of videos about Productions from Karl Soule – here's one on migrating from a standalone project to a Production:
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‎Feb 27, 2025
02:03 AM
@melody8219 Thanks for trying out Search panel! Right now the Metadata search is matching against all metadata the project knows about. We're looking at ways to improve that, and give you control over which specific metadata you want to search for.
If you're talking about the length of visual results, there's no specific limit. For example if you have a 10 minute clip of a person looking at the camera talking, and you search "person looking at the camera talking" you should get a result that is 10 minutes long. Are you seeing a limit you don't expect?
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‎Feb 26, 2025
02:22 PM
@KazuTa I replied on your other post. Short answer: the Reassociate command you found is to help in cases of unintentional clip moving; it isn't needed when breaking apart a project to a production. I also linked to the documentation PDF for Productions, which has a page on how to do the migration you're attempting. Hope it helps!
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‎Feb 26, 2025
02:19 PM
@KazuTa the key is to keep all the projects open as you do this initial breaking apart. Yes you'll end up with a lot of projects open, and you should do File > Save All often! If you don't keep all the projects open, they won't "see" the clips move and therefore you'll have the experience you describe of clips in a sequence not knowing that their source clips have moved. Also, you should be dragging the items from project to project, do not copy/paste.
See p. 73 of the Best Practices Guide (Working with Productions > Migrating an Existing Project to a Production > If your work is a single project file): – click "Get File" on that link to download the PDF.
The whole chapter "Working with Productions" is an in-depth documentation of how the feature works.
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‎Feb 26, 2025
03:21 AM
1 Upvote
The Production panel is listening for changes to the Production folder on disk. If you manually drop a .prproj in there, it will show up in the Production panel. This is a perfectly fine way to add a project to your Production. We created "Add Project to Production" mainly for projects that are coming from outside the production that you want to incorporate. For that you should use Add Project to Production. But in your case, you are really just manually syncing, in a way. So there's no need to use that command, just drop it directly in the folder.
The key here is to just make sure when creating this new project on your end, always create a brand new project. Don't duplicate an existing one. This will avoid any issues with Duplicate IDs.
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‎Feb 25, 2025
04:00 AM
1 Upvote
@KazuTa If you both are working with non-syncing Productions, meaning you have your own cloned copies then when you share a new project to the other person, they should just drop it directly into their Production folder. There's no need to use the Add Project to Production in this strict example.
However, if you host the Production on LucidLink directly, then you both are looking at the same Production, and there's no need to send the project at all. The other editor will see your project as soon as you make it.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
07:46 AM
@dalebenedict Video codecs can be identified either be a human-readable name, like "Advanced Video Codec (AVC)" or "Apple ProRes 422 HQ", or they can be identified in software using their "FourCC" code. FourCC is a four-character code that video files can have written into them, so that the playing software knows what codec the video is.
avc1, apcs, apcn etc that you listed are FourCC codes. I'm not aware of a canonical list of all the codes, but this is a pretty good list I found online:
You usually don't see the fourcc codes listed in software, most video editing and playback software will display using the human readable name. So for example "avc1" is AVC aka H.264 in Premiere Pro's export settings. "apcs" is "Apple ProRes 422 (LT)" which you can find inside Premiere Pro if you export using QuickTime MOV format.
I hope that helps!
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‎Feb 21, 2025
05:57 AM
1 Upvote
I would be happy to advocate with our team to make improvements here, but I have to admit it sounds like these suggestions are things that already exist in Premiere Pro. There are two states an editor might be in where we put in specific UI to try to help them out:
First, every sequence starts out as a "Text-Based Editing" sequence for purposes of transcription. This means that as you edit in clips, the transcripts attached to the source clips automatically stitch together to form the dynamic sequence transcript. We believe this is the right default for most people.
If some or all of your clips are not transcribed, you will see an alert banner at the top of the transcript saying "# source clips have not been transcribed" with a big blue "Transcribe" button. You can even twirl open that banner and de-select any clips you may not want transcribed:
In this way, we try to guide editors towards creating the source transcripts they need to use Text-Based Editing successfully. As you can see the empty state text in this case even says "Transcribe your source clips to view your sequence transcript."
Second, there is the question of an editor understanding that if they manually switch to a static transcription that the transcript no longer updates as they edit. As @Stan Jones pointed out, we've had a dialog warning about that from the very beginning. It says rather clearly (in my opinion) "Your transcript will not update as you edit".
Given these two mitigations that have been in place since Text-Based Editing has been released, what modifications or additions are actually being suggested here @Kevin-Monahan @R Neil Haugen ?
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‎Feb 18, 2025
02:48 AM
In/Out Duration is important enough that it gets a dedicated Timecode label in the Program Monitor! Look for the gray timecode area in the bottom right of the monitor (see my screenshot). That is a live-updating In/Out Duration.
Additionally, you can open the Timecode panel (Window > Timecode) and set one of the rows to be In/Out Duration and put that panel wherever you want.
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‎Feb 11, 2025
05:55 AM
@Citizen_Sam While updating, why not update to 2025? Two questions for you:
What are the specs of the system? Mac (Intel or Apple silicon?) or Windows? What CPU/GPU? Which OS version?
If you download and install Premiere Pro (Beta) from Creative Cloud (go to the Apps section then Beta), you'll get version 25.2 Beta installed next to your existing 24.6.4. How does the Beta 25.2 perform?
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‎Jan 27, 2025
06:09 AM
What was previously called the "Master" track is now called the "Mix" track. It is exactly the same functionality, just a change in name. You can see it in your screenshots after Audio Track 3 (A3). This renaming happened in fall 2020.
Read more about the naming here:
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‎Jan 24, 2025
08:00 AM
Hi @invisibleavatar are you using Premiere Pro Beta? If so, this is a project index file created by Premiere Pro to enable the Media Intelligence visual search now available in the Beta version. They are harmless to delete but they will be regenerated the next time you open that project. More information here:
And an FAQ:
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‎Jan 22, 2025
06:43 AM
@arewenotmen Premiere Pro sequences have two modes when it comes to transcripts. The default mode is for Text-Based Editing, where the transcript is created dynamically by combining the transcripts from each source clip. So the workflow is that the source clips are all transcribed, and then in the sequence they just automatically assemble into your sequence transcript. In this way if you delete a clip, it's transcript also disappears, etc.
The other mode, which is what happens when you choose "Generate Static Transcript", takes the audio from your sequence at that point in time and transcribes it. If you change the sequence (trim, remove a clip, etc) you'll need to re-transcribe, because it's not dynamic and it's just a static representation of that one point in time.
In your case, split and merge buttons are missing because you're in the first mode (dynamic) and so the sections of transcripts are controlled automatically by the clip bounds. You can see this if you add an edit point in the audio, it will split the transcript at that point. If you want to fix the speaker by splitting a segment and then changing the speaker, you should go back to the source clip and fix it in that transcript. The change you make there will then flow automatically into your edit sequence transcript. Just press F to Match Frame from your sequence to that clip, and in the Text panel you now see the source transcript and the split/merge buttons are there.
I hope that helps!
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‎Jan 22, 2025
06:12 AM
@NemoRoman Thanks for sticking with me – you gave one extra clue there that is the answer (working across projects). Premiere Pro can, optionally, write markers into the XMP metadata with the clip on disk. In this way you can have the behavior your describe, where a marker added to a subclip also shows up on the original clip, and across projects. But it's happening because the marker gets added to the media file, outside of the project data, and then all clips referencing that media read it out again. So, you used to have that preference on, and now it's off. You can find it in Preferences > Media > Write clip markers to XMP.
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‎Jan 22, 2025
02:23 AM
The core behavior described here – putting a marker on a subclip and having the marker show up also in the original clip, I don't think ever worked. Subclips in Premiere Pro don't maintain a relationship to the original clip (like they do in other NLEs). They are their own new clip, and so the marker sets are not synced. Any markers on the original clip at the time of subclipping do travel to the subclip, but then that's the end of the marker relationship. I'm not aware of any changes to this any time recently.
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‎Jan 21, 2025
04:36 AM
@yash-lucid thanks for sending that recording, it's really helpful to see what you're seeing. When your Project panel is in Icon or Freeform view (yours is in Icon view) and you click on a thumbnail, it creates a mini-player on that clip. That's why you see a blue timeline bar with a little playhead. When that bar or playhead is clicked, Premiere Pro will play back that clip or sequence inside the mini player, including playing sound. This will stop the playback of the sequence, otherwise you'd have two audio sources playing at the same time.
The only way I'm aware to avoid this is to work in List view. I'll take this as feedback to the team, though, that it might be nice to be able to turn off this mini-player view if it would be interrupting your main playback.
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‎Jan 20, 2025
07:34 AM
Hi @Imageflux Inc I think what you're seeing could be an issue we are working on happening in macOS 15 where the filler detection model is not able to run. It's a separate model from the main transcription model, so you can transcribe even if maybe you can't detect fillers. To know for sure, could you have the Mac user try the Premiere Pro Beta version (downloaded separately in the Creative Cloud app)? It has a fix for this and should be able to create the fillers. Thanks.
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‎Jan 20, 2025
07:00 AM
@yash-lucid This should work – I can create bins, rename items, move them into bins, etc all without stopping Timeline playback. Which OS, OS version, and Premiere Pro version are you using?
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‎Jan 15, 2025
02:29 AM
1 Upvote
@LucasSantos This is a bug that unfortunately made it into Premiere Pro 25.1. It will be fixed in Premiere Pro 25.2 which is not yet released. It only occurs when the video track height is at the minimum height, so increasing the track height will work around it. Also, you could download Premiere Pro Beta which has the fix, or, you could use Creative Cloud desktop application to revert back to Premiere Pro 25.0.
I'm sorry about this, I know it's frustrating!
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‎Jan 15, 2025
01:46 AM
1 Upvote
@Geoffrey37968971duzb Good news, there are two different options that can help. First of all, the clip is becoming selected because you have Sequence > Selection Follows Playhead turned on. This means that when the playhead moves, the clip underneath it is selected. This feature respects the enabled tracks, so I'm guessing you only have that bottom track enabled in the track header. So, you can turn off this setting and you won't have the clip selected.
Second, the Markers panel has an option in the panel menu (three horizontal lines) called "Ignore Timeline selection" where it wont change its display based on what is selected in the timeline.
Hopefully either of those options will help!
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‎Jan 13, 2025
03:03 AM
@AndyOates I'm sorry about this, it was a mistake on our part. The bug has been fixed in the Beta version you can download today if you like, and the fix will be in the next release.
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‎Jan 08, 2025
07:05 AM
No, this will not work. Premiere Pro is built around the concept of accessing media files from a file system. It can be local attached storage or a network volume, but it needs to be a file system that resolves to a file path.
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Jan 08, 2025
02:38 AM
‎Jan 08, 2025
02:38 AM
This change is specifically referring to the GPU Rendering option found in Project settings. The renderer there refers to the compositing and creation of the final frame you see in the program monitor (and that's used to encode in an export).
Hardware encoding in the export setting refers to using dedicated GPU hardware to take that final frame and encode it to a certain format. That is not changing.
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Adobe Employee
in Premiere Pro (Beta) Discussions
‎Jan 08, 2025
02:36 AM
‎Jan 08, 2025
02:36 AM
Yes, we partner with GPU vendors to ensure new drivers are tested with our applications before release.
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‎Dec 20, 2024
01:15 AM
@Stan37263142ehz7 This is unintentional and will be fixed in the next release. There is a fix already in the beta version. Thank you!
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