‎Feb 21, 2025
05:01 PM
I do want to point out that the Save CDL script works without any issues!
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‎Feb 21, 2025
04:08 PM
All you would see are the simplest of steps that you outlined, and then I get that error. I am running macOS 15.3.1 - so maybe that has something to do with it? I have not seen this issue with any other scripts.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
03:28 PM
Even when doing those steps, it gives me that error. Although I have to apply it to an adjustment layer for my current project. I'm running the latest After Effects version (2025) on a Mac.
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‎Feb 21, 2025
03:08 PM
I had to change the extension to xml, as this site won't let me load any zip files or anything with a cdl extension... If you rename the extension to cdl - that's what I was working with! Thank you!
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‎Feb 21, 2025
12:17 PM
Hi! I love the idea of this, but I keep getting the error "TypeError: null is not an object" after selecting a CDL file. I have the CDL plug-in selected when I do that, so not sure what else to do! Thank you! Hey guys, I've got a free CDL plug-in available at This one exposes the CDL values as sliders so you can set them yourself or using scripting. It includes AE scripts for reading values from a CDL file or writing out a new one from your settings. By @fnordware
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‎Oct 05, 2024
11:32 AM
1 Upvote
That's perfect! Exactly what I was looking for. Thank you, so much, Mathias. I truly appreciate you sending me all these.
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‎Oct 04, 2024
02:06 PM
I'm so sorry, I'm really struggling with making that adjustment. I don't need to do anything as complex as creating or duplicating a whole new comp. I'm just wanting to take the one selected footage, in the current comp, trim the start and end, and make the comp the duration of that, plus one at the head for the slate.
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‎Oct 03, 2024
04:15 PM
(corrected unclear grammar) Hi! I'm sorry, I loaded this up and realized I wasn't clear in what I was requesting, and I wasn't able to take that and figure it out. I currently have a comp I use as a template, so I do not want a brand new comp created, but would like the comp I have pre-made to have it's duration shorter without handles, leaving one frame at the beginning for a slate. What I have now is a "pre-made" comp, which has a very long duration, because I don't know how long the duration needs to be. I drop footage into my "pre-made" comp, so it is automatically the top layer (the default for After Effects, as I'm sure you know) What I would like to do is take the footage, which is already selected, by default, and remove 40 frame handles from either side, shift that footage inside the comp "to the right", by one, leaving the first frame for a slate, and then make that current comp the new duration of the comp, plus one for the slate. Then take that footage, with handles removed and put that into a pre-comp. Hopefully, that makes sense. Thank you, so much, for your time and help.
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‎Oct 03, 2024
04:12 PM
Hi! I'm sorry, I loaded this up and realized I wasn't clear in what I was requesting, and I wasn't able to take that and figure it out. I currently have a comp I use as a template, so I do not want a brand new comp created. What I have now is a "pre-made" comp, that I make has a very long duration, so I don't know how long the duration needs to be. I drop footage for that comp onto the "pre-made" comp, so it is automatically the top layer (the default for After Effects, as I'm sure you know) What I would like to do is take the footage, which is already selected, by default, and remove 40 frame handles from either side, shift that footage inside the comp "to the right", by one, leaving the first frame for a slate, and then make that current comp the new duration of the comp, plus one for the slate. Then take that footage, with handles removed and put that into a pre-comp. Hopefully, that makes sense. Thank you, so much, for your time and help.
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‎Oct 03, 2024
01:11 PM
Thank you, so much!!!!!
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‎Oct 02, 2024
02:27 PM
1 Upvote
Hi, I'm needing to take some footage that contains 48 frame handles (I know, right?) and reduce them to 8 frame handles, make the comp that duration plus one frame (for the slate), and place that footage into a precomp. I'm really having difficulty with it... Thank you for your time!
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‎Jul 12, 2024
01:42 PM
Obviously, very happy that they have since implemented the OCIO wokflow, but so disappointed that they have still not updated the grain plug-in. I THINK Adobe knows After Effects is being used in a professional, high-end environment, so I'm still not sure what it happening, here. Does ANYONE know how to contact Adobe about this? I don't know why this seems to not be even a low-priority, and being completely ignored after all these years of updates.
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‎Jun 06, 2024
10:13 AM
I was seeing that people were launching Photoshop and seeing an agreement they had to accept in order to launch it, and it sounded like anything at all being created or altered in Photoshop could be used by Adobe in any way they want. I did not see this same thing pop-up in After Effects, this morning. Does anyone know if this is being planned for After Effects as well? My concern is that clients will not allow me to use After Effects, at all, if any footage I use in it is being sent to Adobe to be used however they like.
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‎Mar 18, 2024
07:57 PM
Is there a certain number of upvotes that need to happen before Adobe looks into these kinds of things? I was really hoping with the number of releases since I first posted this, plus they seem to be pushing for industry standard color spaces, etc, this would be something they would want to address. In my opinion, this is the best add grain plugin as far as functionality goes, but it is still 16-bit, and not mult-render compatible or GPU accelerated. Even just 32-bit would help as a stop-gap.
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‎Apr 30, 2023
12:01 PM
1 Upvote
Unfortunately, paying $31/month for BorisFX Sapphire solely for accurate grain doesn't make sense for me, and no one shold have to do that, either. I have no use for anything else in that package. I'm really hoping someday they just correct what is built-in to After Effects. It's already there, it just needs to be updated.
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‎Dec 16, 2022
08:20 AM
1 Upvote
Great! Thank you!
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‎Dec 15, 2022
01:09 PM
Hi! I'm having difficulty finding a way to trim a composition by 9 frames at the beginning and end using Automation Blocks. I'm seeing a way to set the work area, but not a way of automating trimming to a work area. Ideally, I would just like to trim a comp removing the first and last of 9 frames. Thank you!
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‎Nov 01, 2022
10:47 AM
Never mind - I saw where you put it online, already. Thank you!
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‎Oct 31, 2022
05:03 PM
Sorry, I'm having a difficult time recreating what you are showing here. Even the first block, I don't know how you made it say "with: my layer". Is there a way I could download what you've built there? Thank you for your time.
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‎Oct 31, 2022
09:17 AM
Hi, I'm having difficulty finding out how to 'fit to height' of the currently selected height. Thank you!
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‎Sep 28, 2022
02:41 AM
I need to apply grain frequently in my work to clean plates I’ve created, and it needs to match the 6k/4k HDR plates I’ve been provided. I prefer Add Grain to Match Grain, as it’s quicker and more accurate for me to manually set it. Because of the size of the plates, and the lack of GPU acceleration in this plug-in, it’s the main bottleneck in my rendering speed, plus 32-bit would help with color fidelity. Obviously, multiframe rendering would be great, too, but I would at least love GPU acceleration to start!
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‎Aug 06, 2022
12:25 AM
That worked! And that will also be helpful in the future when I run into similar automations. Thank you, again!
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‎Aug 06, 2022
12:11 AM
I've never been a fan of the 50% gray solid method, but I appreciate the suggestion. I was hoping to have a solution other than to have to use three adjustment layers (or the 50% gray solids), and use just one plug-in that recreates the accuracy of what I could get from the built-in Add Grain plug-in - which has more parameters than any other grain plug-in I've encountered. From what I can tell, the Renoiser work-around seems like it will accomplish what I'm looking for, for the time being.
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‎Aug 05, 2022
11:45 PM
Being that clicking the refresh button is not useful to me because the comp names will always be different, how would I disable or enable specific effects in a layer, when I won't know ahead of time what the comp name is? I realized the method I used alters ALL the effects on a layer, but there is one effect I would like to start off as disabled.
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‎Aug 05, 2022
11:19 PM
1 Upvote
Thank you for the extra tips!
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‎Aug 05, 2022
11:14 PM
1 Upvote
Fantastic! That worked! Thank you!
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‎Aug 05, 2022
08:42 PM
I was trying to set the start frame of the active composition (where the start frame is 1000) using: set attribute time of project item active composition to 0 When I run the script, I'm not seeing any change, and the console shows: "execution result:undefined destructor final end point 'main script' reached"
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‎Aug 05, 2022
02:33 PM
Actually, I did come up with a workaround with Renoiser - I have to set the grain amount to a much lower number, with the highlight set to zero, and then max out the shadow amount... Not great, but hopefully this will be addressed in a Renoiser update. Setting something to zero should make it so that there is zero grain applied, I would think.
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‎Aug 05, 2022
02:17 PM
Unfortunately, neither one of those grain plugins have the right amount (or any in the case of Boris Continuum) of control over the tonal range of the image. Continuum doesn't allow for any control, whatsoever, of applying the grain according to highlights, midtones or shadows. Renoiser from Maxon doesn't allow for the range that I need in those three areas. Even when I set all three of those ranges to zero, there is still grain in the image, when there should be none. When I set the application setting of highlights, midtones and shadows to zero in the built-in AE plug-in, there is no grain, which is how it SHOULD work. That's why I was hoping that Adobe would just address the 32-bit issue, at least, with their built-in plugin. Rick, maybe I'm missing something, but if there is some workaround that you can think of to fix Maxon's Red Giant's Renoiser plug-in, that would be great!
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‎Aug 05, 2022
12:09 PM
1 Upvote
Sorry - I just figured this out - by using the "For each effect", and inside that using the "set atrribute" using the "my effect" variable!
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