David Franzen at Work
Adobe Employee
David Franzen at Work
Adobe Employee
Mar 11, 2025
Thanks for the update. I'm so glad you were able to find a solution! Can you share what the remedy was? Perhaps it will help others find a solution in less time. -David
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‎Feb 27, 2025
03:21 PM
in your ogiginal report you were using an older version of Camera Raw, Photoshop Camera Raw 15.5. Since you were having the problem with both that old version, and with the new version, and because you also cannot enable GPU accleration in Lightroom, I don't think the root cause is a recent change in Photoshop. Did anything else change about your system since GPU acceleration was last working correctly in Photoshop Camera Raw?
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‎Feb 27, 2025
02:06 PM
Elements does not use Camera Raw's GPU acceleration features.
I don't think it will harm anything to try purging the cache, but I have not before observed this sort of problem being related to the cache.
Have you tried Lightroom or Lightroom Classic? Thanks,
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‎Feb 27, 2025
12:56 PM
Thank you for providing the log files.
I do not have a 3060 Ti available, but I've tried other three-thousand series NVIDIA RTX GPUs this driver version, and a two-thousand series GTX GPU and cannot reproduce the problem. This maybe a malfunction with your GPU.
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‎Feb 26, 2025
12:09 PM
Thanks for sending the log files.
The Adobe Lightroom Log Latest v1.txt incidates an error from NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti GPU with driver version I see from the DxDiag file that you probably updated the NVIDIA driver after that, as it shows NVIDIA driver version I can see from the Camera Raw Log Latest v1.txt file that you have a very old version of the Camera Raw plugin installed: Adobe Photoshop Camera Raw 15.5 (Windows), version 15.5x1595. The current version is 17.2. I reccommend that you try updating Camera Raw to the latest version.
You can update Camera Raw using the Creative Cloud app or by downloading the stand-alone installer from this page: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/kb/camera-raw-plug-in-installer.html
After installing Camera Raw 17.2, relaunch Photoshop (you want to quit before updating the plugin), and go to the Edit menu > Preferences > Camera Raw.... Open the Performance tag, and for Use Graphics Processor select Auto. You should see below that the name of your NVIDIA GPU, or your Intel GPU, depending on which device is the default. Note that Camera Raw can't contol which GPU is the default, this is up to Windows. If the Intel GPU shows up here and you want to use the NVIDIA GPU isntead, you may need to change the Windows Power mode setting to Balanced or Best Performance and relaunch Photoshop. Then try opening a raw file in Photoshop with Camera Raw.
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‎Feb 26, 2025
08:26 AM
Thank you for trying 17.1 and confirming it works there.
I don't yet know the root cause of the problem you saw with 17.2, and I don't think we have heard of this happening to anyone else yet on 17.2.
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‎Feb 25, 2025
08:56 AM
Here is a link to a stand-alone installer for Camera Raw 17.1, for Windows x64. Please try it to confirm that the problem only happens with 17.2.
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‎Feb 19, 2025
08:52 AM
Thanks for the additional information.
I don't know what is going on, but here are a couple things to try.
There is another log that might hold some clues, the Camera Raw log. To get a copy of it, please try these steps.
1. Quit Photoshop (and Bridge or AfterEffects if they are running)
2. Launch Photoshop and reproduce the bug, ie. try to open a file in Camera Raw and then clear the error dialog about Photoshop not recognizing the file type.
3. (Very important step) Quit Photoshop
4. Collect the log files.
On Windows, the log location is: %APPDATA%\Adobe\CameraRaw\Logs. A shortcut to get to this folder on Windows is:
Press the Windows key.
Enter 'Run'.
Enter '%APPDATA%\Adobe\CameraRaw\Logs'.
For example: C:\Users\tester\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\CameraRaw\Logs
5. When you have found it, save a copy of the file "Camera Raw Log Latest v1.txt" and share it with us, please.
You can reinstall Camera Raw using the stand-alone installer. You can download it here: https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/kb/camera-raw-plug-in-installer.html. Make sure you quit Photoshop, Bridge and After Effects before running the installer. Since you already tried reinstalling Photoshop, the plugin should be installed (and it appears installed from the logs you shared), so I don't have high confidence this will fix the problem, but it should not take long to try this step. If reinstallation does not work, please try renaming this folder on your PC: %APPDATA%\Adobe\CameraRaw, this is where Camera Raw stores temporary files and files like Presets, Save options or Profiles you create or install. Then try restarting Photosop and opening Camera Raw. Since you ran the cleaner tool already, this step may not help, but it will make sure Camera Raw is starting with a clean slate.
Has the behavior you're seeing has changed since your first post, when you reported that "Photoshop displays the following message: Could not complete your request because Photoshop does not recognize this type of file." and your last post, "here is no response when I tried to open every diglog related to Camera Raw" that is if what you see now is Photoshop appearing to _do nothing_ as opposed to show an error dialog, please let me know.
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‎Feb 18, 2025
12:20 PM
1 Upvote
For Windows users, if you observed the feature producing garbage output (noise/static, etc.) with Camera Raw 17.1, please update to Camera Raw 17.2 and try again. Version 17.2 includes a change that should improve compatability with some GPU on Windows. If you have seem results like that on Mac, unfortunetly we have not yet been able to provide a fix in 17.2. Thanks, David
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‎Feb 18, 2025
10:23 AM
Are you able to open Camera Preferences dialog in Photoshop from the Edit menu > Preferences > Camera Raw. Does that work? Are you able to open any other raw or non-raw files in Camera Raw in Photoshop? (You may be able to download some sample raw files from other camera manufacturuers websites or camera review websites, if you don't have files from another camera.) Are you able to open your NEF (or any other) files in Camera Raw using Bridge instead of Photoshop? Can you tell us exactly what model of Nikon camera(s) the NEFs are from?
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‎Jan 08, 2025
11:00 AM
Didn't work. Just get this every time...
By @Leigh Gray
Can you please send me the full system info for your computer? In Photoshop please select "System Info" from the Help menu and copy the information. Thanks for your help!
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‎Jan 08, 2025
10:58 AM
I have tried 4 photos and it pixilates the photo. They are all artworks that I did and are behind glass. I read that it should work but it doesn't. My raw files are not compressed and I use a Canon R6 and it saves raw as CR3.
I would love some suggestions and help
By @painterjan
Can you please provide a link to download one of the CR3 files that does not work? Can you please send me the full system info for your computer? In Photoshop please select "System Info" from the Help menu and copy the information. Thanks for your help!
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‎Jan 08, 2025
10:54 AM
I followed the steps to actvate thsi feature, even rebooting my mac, but it still does not allow me to use. On Mac mini M2 pro, Sequoia 15.2.
By @Aimee V Photo
What message is shown when you mouse over the ! warning icon? Can you please provide a link to this NEF file for me to download? Can you please send me the full system info for your Mac Mini M2? In Photoshop please select "System Info" from the Help menu and copy the information. Thank for your help.
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‎Dec 20, 2024
01:31 PM
In my case it is option b the reflecion option is available, but it can't be selected. the error massage says: at this moment, is not compatible with this picture
By @arjen_5978
Please verify you are opening the files are raw files, and that you are opening the raw files directly. Note the workflows Conrad_C noted--there are various worklfows (for example using Camera Raw as a filter) where the original photo was a raw file, but you are using Camera Raw to edit non-raw data derived from the original. Thanks, David
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‎Dec 20, 2024
10:24 AM
Will not work with Canon cr3 files or older raw filed from olympus M43 or Panasonic cameras.
By @scotth41361852
Can you define "not working" in more detail? Is the feature not available? Does using it cause an error dialog to appear? Do you simply not like the results? If you'd like us to examine your problems further please share system information about your MSI computer (from Photoshop's help menu > System Info) and example file that does not work. Thanks, David
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‎Dec 20, 2024
10:23 AM
It seems not to work with canon CR3 files on a MSI compter.
By @arjen_5792
Can you define "not working" in more detail? Is the feature not available? Does using it cause an error dialog to appears? Do you simply not like the results? If you'd like us to examine your problems further please share system information about your MSI computer (from Photoshop's help menu > System Info) and example file that does not work. Thanks, David
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‎Dec 20, 2024
10:19 AM
The feature works with raw files. Most, but not all DNG files are necessarily raw files, as you can convert non-raw files to DNG as well as raw files. Can you select raw profiles like Adobe Color for the raw file (only availabel for raw), does the White Balance temperture slider go from -100 to +100 (non-raw behavior)? If you are sure the DNG contains raw data and it stil doesn't work, please share a sample file for us to examine. Thanks,
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‎Dec 16, 2024
09:33 AM
Can you define "not working?" Is the feature disabled, or is it not producing results you like? Raw files from Fuji cameras, including those with x-trans sensors are supported. If it's disabled for you and you don't think it should be, please provide a sample file.
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‎Dec 16, 2024
09:29 AM
Can you provide a sample ORF file? The feature should not be disabled for 3-color raw files. 1-color (monochrome) and 4-color raw files are not supported.
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‎Dec 16, 2024
09:14 AM
Thank you for sharing the file. The dimensions in CameraRaw, 6,192 x 4,128, are the correct image size for this photo when propertly processing the NEF. You will also see the same image size opening the NEF in Nikon's NS Studio app. -David
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‎Dec 13, 2024
04:19 PM
1 Upvote
I don't know what camera you are using, but according to Nikon's USA's website, in the technical details for the Z 8, the resolution you see in Camera Raw is one of the normal resoltuions for the camera. Scroll down to the Image Area (pixels) section and you'll see listed "(M)6,192 x 4,128" https://www.nikonusa.com/p/z-8/1695/overview#tech-specs I suspect that the other software you are using may not be correctly reading the dimensions of the photo, based on information in the raw file about what the sensor's active area dimensions are in the raw data.
Check on the LCD screen of your camera to see what dimensions it displays for the image size option you selected in the camera's menu system. Does it match the dimensions you see in Camera Raw? -David
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‎Dec 13, 2024
09:36 AM
Please provide a file.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
02:22 PM
In Camera Raw 17.1 (the new update today), you should see a reduction in VRAM used on Windows when you close the Camera Raw diglog after having used the Masking panel.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
02:21 PM
1 Upvote
In Camera Raw 17.1 (the new update today), you should see a reduction in VRAM used on Windows when you close the Camera Raw diglog after having used the Masking panel.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
12:36 PM
1 Upvote
The corrupt image result is a known problem on some Windows PCs for this technology preview. We are working on a fix for the next release. Thanks for your patience.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
12:34 PM
@lucellent wrote:
How do you even use it?
I tried all kinds of image formats and it always stays disabled and says that it doesn't support my image format. This is dumb...
Currently, the Reflections removal tool does not support non-raw file formats like JPEG and HEIC.
Here is our help page about the feature.
https://helpx.adobe.com/camera-raw/using/remove-reflections.html You can reach this page (in any supported language) by clicking on the info (i) icon for Remove Reflections.
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‎Nov 08, 2024
12:22 PM
If you have any other Photoshop plugins or other software you installed for opening Nikon NEF files, can you please try disabling or uninstalling it and trying again? Thanks, David
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‎Nov 08, 2024
09:21 AM
Thanks for trying again. I suspect that the version of Photoshop may not be a factor here.
Please try deleting all the files and folders in the CameraRaw/GPU folder in your screenshot, quitting and restarting Photoshop and trying again.
From the logs it looks like when you use Lightrooom Classic, GPU acceleration is working when you edit photos. Is this correct?
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‎Oct 14, 2024
12:02 PM
Please provide you Photoshop system info (Help > System Info...) and sample photos. Thanks.
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‎Oct 07, 2024
10:33 AM
What kind of mask, with what settings? Please share an example of a raw and sidecar files so I can test this. What operations, specifically, get slow? How long do the slow operations take?
Are you sure GPU acceleration is enabled on your PC?
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