‎May 13, 2022
12:24 AM
Thank you Rod for the confirmation. Could you pls guide me on how to log an enhancement request?
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‎May 12, 2022
11:58 PM
Do you know any way to generate VTT or SRT file through Captivate? It would be easy to use the generated subtitle file in somewhere else as well.
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‎Apr 29, 2022
12:41 AM
Yeah, it makes sense. Thank you.
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‎Apr 28, 2022
07:24 AM
Thank you TLCMediaDesign. Could you pls little eleboarte how can we make the screen faster? But the audio should also be in faster mode. I get it about .vtt file. But is it possible to add vtt file in LMS platform?
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‎Apr 28, 2022
04:20 AM
Hello, I am using Adobe Captivate for creating simulations and courses. Now, I have two questions here: Can we control the speed of the slides in .html output? Do we have any playback controller functionality in Captivate - like to run the course in 1X or 2X or 3X speed? Is it possible to add close captioning in video publish output in Captivate? I know it is easy to turn-on the CC in html output, but do we have the similar functionality when we will publish in video format? Appreciate your support in advance!!
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‎Mar 30, 2022
08:23 AM
No, it is not possible for me to replace the captured slides as the report which I have captured has been changed now. Let me do some workaround to handle this, but i agree to point to capture on Video Demo. Going forward I'll keep this as my setting. Thank you :).
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‎Mar 30, 2022
05:20 AM
Thank you Lilybiri. Ok I will use the video mode method to record the screen in future. But, do you have any workaround for the slides/simulations which I had already recorded?
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‎Mar 27, 2022
01:39 AM
Hi, I am using Captivate 2019 - 11.5.5. I captured some screens using software simulation in Captivate. It also have some FMR slides as well. When published to video, and the screens moves from FMR to static screen, there is some kind of blink effect added by default. I have total 3 FMR slides in my project, but strangey I am facing issue with only two slides. I also have the another project with same setting and FMR slides, that was running fine. Any reason?
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‎Mar 03, 2022
02:28 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, I am using Photoshop 2022 (23.2.1). When I used the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in and out of the layer, it slows down and zoom in-out bit by bit, not smoothly.
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‎Oct 18, 2020
11:33 PM
Hi, I have a same issue. I recorded the simulations with 600px height but client wants more blank space in height to add CC, copyright text, and other information. So I rescale the project from 600px to 630px, because If I select 630px height in the initial stage, the recording screens acquire the complete slide edge to edge and then I don't have enough space to add these information. And rescaling the project disturbs the FMR slides. Please suggest.
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‎Sep 15, 2020
08:19 AM
Thanks. I will try this solution and will connect with you again if still facing the issue.
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‎Sep 15, 2020
07:47 AM
Thanks Lilybiri for your response. I am recording the simulation in a custom size with resize the browser window. So it's challanging to stop the simulation in-between and re-record the scrolling action in video mode and then again switched to simulation mode. Is this a Captivate bug or issue in my installed software, because sometimes it works fine whatever I record.
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‎Sep 15, 2020
07:27 AM
Hi, I am using Adobe Captivate 2019 ( for recording simulation. All the slides looks good after recording simulation exept the slide having .swf (FMR) in it. The FMR slide run fine in preview mode but shrinks (width wise) after publish the course. Any specific reason or am I doing something wrong?
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‎May 26, 2020
06:52 AM
In my machine I have two accounts. One is administrator and other one is user account. When I ran the software in user account it showed me some problem, as I mentioned above. But in the same time it was running fine in admin account. So, may be, there was a problem in user account, some technical glitch or something else. I just deleted the user account and created a new one. Now all the Adobe software running perfect.
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‎May 25, 2020
09:00 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks Srishti for your reply. There was an issue in my machine. Now the issue has been resolved.
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‎May 17, 2020
03:44 AM
Hi, I am using Adobe Illustrator CC 2020 (24.1.2). When I launch the software, it takes approx. 15 mins to open, and also hanged while working and takes more time when save a file as well.
Already updated the software with the latest version, but it doesn't work.
{Renamed by MOD}
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‎Apr 22, 2020
01:30 AM
Thanks Lilybiri. Yes you are right. Adobe Captivate Prime is not free and it is not included in my subscription. So as per your comment, if the user doesn't have Adobe Captivate they will not be able to see the course? If that so, is there any free platform where I can upload the course and other user will see without any installation or subscription, just on web?
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‎Apr 22, 2020
12:46 AM
Hi, we are developing courses for our reputed clients using Adobe Captivate 2019. Is there any online platform from Adobe where we can publish our courses and share the link with client (outside the organisation). So that client will review courses online and share their feedback online as well?
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‎Dec 23, 2019
10:51 PM
Hi Lilybiri, thanks for your explanation. In my case, some of the slides button also include in quiz when the user clicked on it and I found it by look at Advanced Interaction (F9). Now the problem has been resolved. Thanks 🙂
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‎Dec 04, 2019
06:08 AM
I have created a course in Adobe Captivate 2019, in which I have content slide as well as question slide (drag and drop). But these question slides are not a part of the quiz as there is no quiz in this course. Hence tracking of the course depend on the slide viewed. When I upload the course on LMS (Oracle), it runs fine. But the issue is after completing the course, it doesn't show the score 100%. Instead it shows a score less than 100% even the status marked as completed. This screenshot represents the course behaviour on LMS. This screenshot represents the course publish setting while publish in SCORM. Now I have two issue: 1) LMS shows incorrect score after completing the course. 2) Is it possible to off the score and not seeing on screen?
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‎Nov 07, 2019
11:19 PM
Thanks for your response Lilybiri. Yes I faced the same issue on SCORM Cloud as well. The course is running fine for the first time and completed marked. But when revisit, it don't allow to go on the quiz slide.
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‎Nov 07, 2019
08:34 AM
Hi, I have created a course in Adobe Captivate 2019. There are content as well as quiz slides in the course. I uploaded the course on LMS, for the first time the course is running fine. But when user revisit the course and trying to navigate to the quiz slide, he/she is not able to visit the quiz. The quiz slide is not coming after first attempt and the course get stuck on the first slide itself. Also when I published the course, it successfully published in HTML5 version, but when I tried to publish in SWF format it shows me an error below. I feel that the issue is related to this error. Can anyone please help me!!!
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