‎Feb 11, 2025
11:05 AM
Larry, thanks for the reply, but the problem persists. When I said I did something "wrong", I was referring to the resulting problem with the Hand tool. And in spite of a supposed "cure" having arrived a few years back, the hand tool is not fixed. I'm using PS 26.2.0, and I CAN NOT GET RID OF THE HAND TOOL. I know no one believes me, but there you are. I would send screenshots if I could. They would consist of: Closeup shot of the Move tool, selected, with the hand tool next to it; the Marquee tool selected, with the hand tool next to it, the Lasso tool selected, wth the hand tool next to it, etcetera, for every tool on the screen. If that isn't clear: Every Tool I Select Becomes the Hand Tool. I don't know what I can do about it. Can Adobe help?
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‎Feb 11, 2025
09:49 AM
That solved the problem. Thank you. I guess I was using PS before those choices were accessible, and never learned how to use them until now. That helps a lot.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
02:30 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the quick reply. I hadn't been using 0's before single digits, but I immediately tried that. Nada. I'm on a Mac Mini M1, running Sequioia 15.2. I'm ready to believe that the problem is with the OS rather than with Photoshop, but if there's a way to fine-tune the Mac's file-sorting order per folder, I couldn't find it. I've included one or two screenshots to make my point. Thanks for your help.
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‎Feb 10, 2025
01:44 PM
I don't recall running into this problem in Photoshop before, but I could be wrong: I have a series of 30-odd page images in one folder that I want to set up as a book-for myself only- that I can print out in color. I was hoping that simply identifying each image numerically would be sufficient to keep them "stacked up" in the folder in the correct order, but that doesn't work. I'm not sure what principle-if any- governs the sequence of files currently, but it's a non-starter for printing a book. Is there a way to force Photoshop to list files in a folder alphabetically? Alphanumerically? What am I missing here?
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‎Feb 08, 2025
11:08 AM
After working in Adobe Photoshop 2020 for years, I decided to switch to a newer model, and upgraded to 2025. I know now that plenty of study will be required to familiarize myself with PS 2025, but knowledge of the Old Ways has got me somewhere, at least. What I can't get past is the "Hand " tool. If I do something that the app considers "wrong", I am left with only that one tool showing up onscreen. Nothing else is usable, and even the Hand tool is useless, beyond moving the application frame around on the monitor. So the only recourse I have is to save the file, close Photoshop, and try to figure out what I did wrong that brought everything to a halt. Any ideas?
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‎Oct 12, 2024
02:11 PM
Not a vector object. A reaster object, just like the PS trial. I do know the difference. In AI, I opened a new file, brought up the same raster file as I had in PS, selected the same area of the image, copied it, and was able to plant it in the newly-opened blank file. Flattened it and saved it. I couldn't do that in Photoshop. Any idea why not? I'm willing to believe that something I did or didn't do is causing this problem, but I was using Illustrator long before I started using Photoshop, so I didn't confuse raster and vector.
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‎Oct 12, 2024
09:10 AM
I tried to accomplish the same thing (copy the same image, then paste) in Illustrator 2024, and managed to do it in a matter of seconds, then completed the whole "job" in two or three minutes. Meanwhile, Photoshop won't do anything I expect it to. What could I have done to create this problem?
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‎Oct 12, 2024
06:15 AM
Note-I just tried it, using the files I had been trying with previously (and unsuccessfully), selected the smaller image, after reducing it to simply an image, hit Command-C, switched to the larger image (blank page) and typed Command-V. Nothing happened. Nada.
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‎Oct 12, 2024
06:08 AM
I think so, but I could have missed that. Continue, please.
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‎Oct 11, 2024
03:00 PM
1 Upvote
It's that simple. I have used PS for many uyears, but I stopped for a bit, around 2020, then resumed in 2023. And now I find that many of my old shortcuts, such as Command-C for "Copy ", and Command-V for "paste", don't work. I can't tell what I'm doing wrong. Frankly, I can't tell what I'm doing at all in PS 2024. This is pretty basic stuff, and I can't do it anymore. Should I switch to Affinity? Any and all help will be appreciated. I'm on an M1 Mac Mini runing Sequoia 15.0.1.
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‎Oct 11, 2024
02:33 PM
It's that simple. I have used PS for many uyears, but I stopped for a bit, around 2020, then resumed in 2024. And now I find that many of my old shortcuts, such as Command-C for "Copy ", and Command-V for "paste", don't work. I can't tell what I'm doing wrong. This is pretty basic stuff, and I can't do it anymore. Should I switch to Affinity? Any and all help will be appreciated. I'm on an M1 Mac Mini runing Sequoia 15.0.1.
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‎Oct 11, 2024
10:45 AM
So look for "Photoshop Ecosystem, and start there, rather than in "Conmmunity"?
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‎Oct 11, 2024
10:28 AM
Since spending a lot of time using Photoshop 2020, using PS 2024 is a surprise. It never occured to me that simply copying and pasting would be a struggle. I have been told by now that there have been no chnages whatever in the methods required for success in Photoshop-I've been told that repeatedly in this very forum-so please humor me and simply describe the process of copying one smaller image and pasting it into a larger page. Do they need to be both the same file format? Same color space? Same units of measurement? I know by now that doing copy and paste is more involved than simply command-C followed by Command-V, and that I will need to use the Edit menu. OK, if that's what it takes. What does it take? Using a 2020 Mac M1 Mini running Sequoia 15.0.1 (NOT Beta)
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‎Sep 10, 2024
05:02 AM
Valid question. I am using AI 2024 in MacOS Sequoia beta, 15.1. But I think my problem has more to do with my failing memory than with Illustrator.
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‎Sep 09, 2024
10:37 AM
Hier ist es, mit dem Schreiben:
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‎Sep 09, 2024
09:04 AM
I give up-it was once easy in Illustrator to compose lines of type such that they could be centered along a vertical centerline. How do I do that now?
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‎Aug 31, 2024
01:59 PM
As far a I can tell, Illustrator now functions only as a type-and-page layout tool, rather than as a design tool for any other area of interest. Do I have that right? For years I have used AI, successfully, in designing large and small projects in wood, plastic, and metal. Until now, in AI 2024. Is it no longer possible to specify a measurement standard, e.g., inches, centimeters, millimeters, etc., leaving "points" as the only unit of measurement allowed? I hope I'm wrong about that, but that cumbersome and clunky procedure of specifying each individual measurement unit, which is then translated instantly into points, is stupid and laughable. I've been paying for a subscription to Adobe for quite a few years, but if this situation is what I'm going to be stuck with from now on, bye-bye Adobe. This is a non-starter for me. Is this situation really the case, or am I missing something? Say it aint so, Adobe.
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‎Aug 28, 2024
12:00 PM
A fairly straightforward question: Can I run Adobe Creative Suite Premium (NOT CREATIVE CLOUD) ensemble on a Mac running OSX 10.5, aka Snow Leopard? The CS ensemble is as of 2004.
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‎Aug 26, 2024
08:03 AM
Actually, there's another issue that cropped up and stopped me dead in my tracks: In my current version of Illustrator (28.6 ?). I can no longer use the app to design anything that isn't calibrated in points. Since I don't do type and page layout at all, but I do -or did- design woodworking and metalworking projects in Illustrator, is it possible to get the app to function using inches, centimeters, millimeters, etc? I was able t get one project doe by specifying sizes along with the postscript cm, in., or mm, but it took me three times as long as it should have, and there was NO WAY for me to simply state the preferred units of measure at the beginning and save the trouble of "cm" after every measurement. Is this "progress" for Adobe? If there's no way around this, then Illustrator has lost its usefulness to me. Out it goes. No more subsription.
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‎Aug 06, 2024
06:20 AM
I presume: the Adobe Developers' forum. I don't remember if the probelm started in Sonoma or after, when I upgraded to a Beta of Sequioa. Anyway, Now, in Sequioa, it comes up regularly.
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‎Aug 06, 2024
06:17 AM
Thank you for the procedure. That may work. I should have posted on a different forum, but if it works, Great!
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‎Aug 06, 2024
06:14 AM
Ignore this inquiry. I should have sent it to the Adobe Developers forum. If there is a way to erase the item from the forum, i don't knwo what it is.
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‎Aug 06, 2024
06:05 AM
Apropos of what I don't know, but I keep getting these Allow-or-Don't Allow inquiries about What am I supposed to do with this? I'm on a Mac Mini running Sequoia.
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‎Jul 31, 2024
01:43 PM
Excellent question, and it told me the answer to my question. I WAS able to paste a PS copy into another application (Affinity Photo 2), which tells me that I was either inept or using a slightly malfunctioning keyboard. The same problem has recurred, but if I hit Cmd-V one more time, the image gets pasted onto what I want it to. Thank you for the suggestion.
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‎Jul 23, 2024
11:20 AM
I've had problems using Photoshop. That's the latest version of PS, v. 25.9.1 (Mac), on a 2020 M1 Mac Mini running Sonoma. But the problems I have don't seem related to any Mac software issue: I'm having difficulties simply copying and pasting images, mostly PDFs, from one Photoshop file into another Photoshop file. I mean, this is the basic stuff of Photoshop, right? select a small image, copy it and paste it into a largerr target area or image. -I can't do it. No explanations. File format? PDF to PDF, Phototshop to PDF, Photoshop to Photoshop. I've had problems with the latet PS version because I last used a version 2-3 steps older, but I was able to find answers to those questions. Has anybody else run into this one?
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‎Jul 03, 2024
06:42 AM
I'm using PS Mac desktop, and have for a long time, but this current version of the app is useless to me because I don't have a detailed manual for it. Nothing about it resembles previous iterations of the app. Starting it gets me a solid black screen with a dotted rectangle in the middle; opening a file is a different process; doing anything with that file is impossible, because-why? I have no idea. And I have yet to find any posts here directed at those of us who can't figure out what to do with Photoshop. So is there a currebt 2024 Manual I can download? Or will I need to buy it?
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‎May 04, 2024
05:38 AM
Thanks. In my case, since I've been using AI so long (since about 1990) that I never need to sign in, I just went at it in a way different from the usual, opened the app, then checked my bank statement. One Adobe charge. It worked. Thanks. I'll try to pick a better place/forum to ask my questions.
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‎May 03, 2024
01:43 PM
I had to reformat my main HDD, so now if I click on Illustrator in the dock I am told I will need to subscribe all over for this month. How do I sort this out?
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‎Mar 11, 2024
09:14 AM
A hearty "Thanks!" to all three of you, Monika, Ton, and Ares. Both solutions work to accomplish what I was hoping for. Thanks again.
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‎Mar 10, 2024
08:06 AM
I may have known how to solve this in years past, but here's the problem I can't solve now: I'm in Illustrator 21, tracing with the 4-option (P) pen tool. over a photo with a lot of long straight lines. When I get to the end of a straight line, I don't know how to simply STOP the line. If I stop the pen tool moving, then hit click (Wacom), or click plus -Command, or -option, or -Control, or -Retrun, any or all of the above, I will create an anchor point, but it's an anchor point for what is clearly intended to be a curved pen line continuing on beyond the anchor point. In other words, the line is in no way stopped. So what keyboard shortcut or command will simply stop the line? End it? How do I do that?
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