Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Jul 10, 2023
02:29 PM
1 Upvote
I hate this workflow. It's cumbersome and useless. Revert it back to the old Save As defaults, and make all this new complicated stuff optional in preferences.
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‎Dec 02, 2022
07:41 AM
Why doesn't Adobe make the Quick Export as a PNG the default behavior when saving as a .png file? *- Radha Fitch* *M: 352-664-8911**rmdfitch@gmail.com * Please confirm receipt of this message.
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‎Oct 13, 2022
01:28 AM
I'm using Mac OS Big Sur 11.7 I have a late 2014 5k iMac, with a 4 GHz intel i7, 32 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3, and a 4 GB AMD Radeon R9 M295X video card. In Adobe Lightroom to adjust image geometry to straighten a scanned/photographed image, I can use the bars to draw along it's edges to automatically straighten the image. In Adobe Lightroom there's a zoomed in preview which allows my selection to be precise. But that doesn't happen in Photoshop. Why the disparity? It's a great function, and should be consistent across apps. I don't want to have to switch to another application for good performance for just one step in my process. Thank you!
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‎Oct 13, 2022
01:24 AM
I'm using Mac OS Big Sur 11.7 I have a late 2014 5k iMac, with a 4 GHz intel i7, 32 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3, and a 4 GB AMD Radeon R9 M295X video card. The crop tool is laggy. I select it, and try to drag the corners of the preview area, and it lags, jumps around and is imprecise and slow. This is odd, as making a rectangular selection is smooth and works fine to then select Image/Crop. Also in Adobe Lightroom the crop tool works smoothly, with it's preview overlay. Why the disparity? I haven't seen this bug anywhere else listed in your forums or elsewhere online, so I wanted to report it now, to ensure that future updates have it resolved, as I don't want to have to buy a new computer in order to update my OS, in order to run the latest version of Photoshop that's not BETA, or an old version that won't recieve new features. Thank you!
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‎Oct 13, 2022
01:20 AM
I'm using Mac OS Big Sur 11.7 I have a late 2014 5k iMac, with a 4 GHz intel i7, 32 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3, and a 4 GB AMD Radeon R9 M295X video card Apple refuses to allow computers from older than 2015 to update to their newest OS. I'm stuck now using Big Sur for the rest of my computer's life. So since upgrading Photoshop a few versions ago, I experienced bugs introduced by the updates. The Spot Healing brush makes a dark overlay of the area it's going to affect, which should disappear automatically after releasing the tool, revealing the processed edit. But now it just stays there, and every additional edit also stays there, making additional black areas. They only resolve to disappear when the image refreshes, by zooming in or out or changing tool. I installed Photoshop Beta to see if it would resolve it in a future update. It seems to work fine. But you just released a new Photoshop update, which I installed, and the bug is still there. I downgraded Photoshop to version 23.3.1 and it works fine now. I haven't seen this bug anywhere else listed in your forums or elsewhere online, so I wanted to report it now, to ensure that future updates have it resolved, as I don't want to have to buy a new computer in order to update my OS, in order to run the latest version of Photoshop that's not BETA, or an old version that won't recieve new features. Thank you!
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‎Oct 13, 2022
01:14 AM
I'm using Mac OS Big Sur 11.7 I have a late 2014 5k iMac, with a 4 GHz intel i7, 32 GB of 1600 MHz DDR3, and a 4 GB AMD Radeon R9 M295X video card Apple refuses to allow computers from older than 2015 to update to their newest OS. I'm stuck now using Big Sur for the rest of my computer's life. So since upgrading Photoshop a few versions ago, I experienced bugs introduced by the updates. My keyboard shortcuts didn't catch. I would press "b" for brush, but as soon as I would release my key, the active tool would revert to the formerly selected tool. This happened for all tool shortcuts. If I sat and repeatedly hit the key it would eventually stick to the selected tool, sometimes. Other times I would have to restart Photoshop, and it may resolve it for a little while, before it would happen again. I installed Photoshop Beta to see if it would resolve it in a future update. It seems to work fine. But you just released a new Photoshop update, which I installed, and the bug is still there. I downgraded Photoshop to version 23.3.1 and it works fine now. I haven't seen this bug anywhere else listed in your forums or elsewhere online, so I wanted to report it now, to ensure that future updates have it resolved, as I don't want to have to buy a new computer in order to update my OS, in order to run the latest version of Photoshop that's not BETA, or an old version that won't recieve new features. Thank you!
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‎Jul 16, 2022
10:12 AM
Dear Adobe, I'm working on a book project, and need to insert pictures which flow with the text. You have Anchored Objects to facilitate this. But the functionality of Anchored Objects is horribly designed and poorly implemented and makes laying out books nearly impossible. This is unacceptable. I inserted many pictures in relation to the text. I add text wrap and corner rounding styles. I have to adjust some text or add a picture in the text preceding it, and the text flows around the subsequent images, making them now positioned in the wrong area of text. To address this problem I research online and find out about Anchored Objects. I can't right-click on my already placed pictures and create anchored objects out of them. NO that would be GOOD design! Why would you do THAT? I have to now create new Anchored Objects. So I select my picture and go to Object/Anchored Objects, and all options are greyed out. Why? I have to have nothing selected. So I deselect all objects, return to the menu, and have to Insert an object. But nothing happens. Why? Because I need to first set an input point in the text, by putting the text cursor somewhere in the body. Ideally it would be at the beginning of the paragraph in which I want to picture to be attached to. Makes sense right? WRONG! Adobe's great idea is that it has to be inserted into the line ABOVE the paragraph in order for text wrap to move the first line of the following paragraph in which the picture is to be wrapping text around itself. Ok I do this, but hang on, the area of the picture is sometimes BLANK! Why's this? Somehow the Anchored Object is behind the text box, ok no problem, move it above it. DOESN'T WORK! Why? No Idea. Ok select the text box, send it behind, works! Great! Another problem, the preceding text needs adjusting to clean up an orphan line, but the Anchored Objects stay on the page they were added to, they don't flow across pages!!! WTH!?! What is the use of an anchored picture next to text if it can't flow across pages with the text?!?! This is so impossibly frustrating I feel compelled to make my own app and put Adobe out of business. Fix this or else! It seems like Adobe never listens to their customers. They're happy to be the monopoly and just let bad situations like this linger for decades.
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‎May 16, 2022
07:09 PM
May 2022, the problem persists. Adobe, please fix this!
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‎Jul 19, 2021
08:38 AM
Thank you! That worked.
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‎Jul 15, 2021
09:22 AM
I'm trying to apply an image to this simple plane which I've added a brushed metal material to. But the option under Import > Place Image on Model is greyed out. Adobe: Instead of simply greying out functions and leaving users guessing as to why it's greyed out, why not save everyone the trouble and put a ? next to the greyed out item giving a reason why it's greyed out, and what to do about it? This is the first time I'm using Stager, and if it's this hard to do a simple thing like add an image, I'm never going to subscribe or buy it. I'd rather use Blender.
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