Mar 11, 2025
1 Upvote
Probably not, but it would be nice to be able to load all my various programs into memory. Some serious video editing and 3d content creation might benefit from that much RAM, but I'm not a pro at those things. I've got 256GB right now, and the system seems quite happy. I've always thought of your 16 32GB sticks with envy. If I upgrade to a 5995wx, which I might, then I could reasonably see investing in 8 64GB sticks. But with the way things are going, I might be stuck as-is. Besides, I'm already two CPU generations out of date, and when the 9000 series comes out, I'll be thinking of what's next, with DDR6. I miss my old dual Opteron 290 system. It served me well until late November 2018 when I encountered a hardware error. It had 16GB of 400MHz DDR, and 8 U320 15k rpm SCSI drives in two RAID10s, as well as three SATAIII ssds and a 1TB NVME. With the GTX285 and GTX770 4GB gpus, it was still fine for anything Adobe at the time. Now, of course, it couldn't run anything, since it was maxed out at Windows 7 Pro x64 and didn't have AVX. Still, it lasted almost 13 years, 11 of them liquid-cooled. I never experienced drive thrash on it, either. (My 2010 hp at work was terrible for drive thrash, though. SATA hdds are garbage.) Sorry for my rambling.
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Mar 11, 2025
I wish I could afford to max out the RAM on my 2020ish Threadripper Pro system at home... I don't want to use a scratch disk anymore, and I don't like having a pagefile for the system, but the cost of that much RAM would buy me a decent used car! I've never had to deal with drive thrashing, however, no matter how large the files have gotten, so I guess I'm okay for now.
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‎Feb 25, 2025
03:38 PM
Removed previous post about them being Windows lock/temp files. @Ton Frederiks is correct. Wait. No, those are from a Mac. Sorry! I go back and forth all the time, and I forget which lock/temp file each OS makes. Anyway, they are harmless lock/temp files.
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‎Feb 24, 2025
11:02 AM
1 Upvote
To quote an irritated user who posted on User Voice, before the number one thread for Acrobat was taken down, "The UI designer should be sent to North Korea and forced to dig his own grave". Maybe a bit extreme, but I think it neatly encapsulates our feelings about the New Acrobat. By the way, the threads that Bevi Chagnon started now state that the requested changes were implemented, which is absolute gaslighting of the highest order. If I couldn't revert to the Old Acrobat, I would have to find a new pdf creator/editor.
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‎Feb 18, 2025
02:32 PM
I haven't experienced any real lag in Photoshop on my three Windows 11 systems under conditions similar to what is being described. I don't think the problem is necessarily Photoshop. The systems have varying hardware. One is an i7 9700k with 64GB of 3200MHz DDR4, a 1TB 970 Pro and a 6GB 1060. The second is a Threadripper 2950x with 128GB of 3200MHz DDR4, 2 1TB 970 Pros (scratch) and a 2TB Aorus (boot), and two RTX2080s. The third is a Threadripper 3955wx with 256GB of 3200MHz DDR4, 2TB FireCuda 530 (boot) 8x2TB FireCuda 530 RAID10 array (programs), 400GB P DC5800x (scratch) and a 6.4TB D7-P5620 (backup), with an RTX3090ti.
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‎Feb 18, 2025
01:51 PM
The main reason I currently run Windows 11 is the lack of Adobe's support for Creative Cloud in Linux. I find Windows 11 very annoying, but it is completely stable. (I've never experienced a crash on my two home systems or work system, despite having modified the registry in quite a few instances. Still trying to get rid of Edge!) I just prefer using Linux. The idea of using Proton to enable CC in Linux is appealing to me, but I seriously doubt it will ever happen, and even if it did, there would be no technical support. I don't foresee Linux ever being a supported platform for CC. I hope I'm wrong.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
10:07 AM
I'm not sure if I did anything, but this stopped happening to me in all CC programs several months ago.
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‎Feb 13, 2025
12:25 PM
I'm not going to update to ID 20.1 until this gets sorted, as I am already running Windows 11 24H2 with KB5051987. Currently ID 20.0, and no problems. Actually, no problems with any programs, CC or otherwise.
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‎Feb 11, 2025
11:56 AM
Wow. That's... unexpected. I'm happy it's working, but that is really odd. It's unlikely, but you may have had memory fragmentation. Windows is the tool of the devil, as far as I'm concerned. I'm too lazy to go back to Linux, especially since Adobe doesn't support it, and I'm too set in my ways and love having custom hardware, so I can't do a Mac. Godspeed!
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‎Feb 10, 2025
03:57 PM
I'd second that suggestion. I actually didn't need the 64GB at work, except when I had to load Fiery Command Workstation for our Xerox servers, which uses an ungodly 5-6GB of ram just by itself. I optimize the system at least twice a week, and have all my files and programs taking up less than 300GB of the drive. By contrast, another system here with the same loadout of files and programs is nearing 90% of its 1TB ssd, because I can't convince my coworker to delete unnecessary files. Windows 10 and 11 are also stupid, because you have to close a program (by default) to free up memory. The following may/may not have an effect on the amount of memory being used, but it actually helped me a bit, and it can greatly increase the longevity of your ssd, especially if it has a low dwpd endurance rating: you can try to disable prefetch/superfetch (sysmain) in Windows, which might lower the amount of data resident in the memory, at the cost of slightly slower initial program access. With a fast cpu and drive combination, this speed loss will not be noticeable. I did it in the registry, but you can also simply turn off the service. I would recommend going through your startup and services lists to disable anything you don't need/want that might be starting automatically and wasting ram. Startup should be safe to edit as is, but be sure you know what you're doing in Services, though, as disabling the wrong service can result in severe malfunctions. I was able to trim over 3GB of wasted ram through this process.
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‎Feb 07, 2025
12:54 PM
I had this issue with my work (as in day job) computer. Upgrading to 64GB of ram 'fixed' it. Since I haven't found a place in InDesign or Illustrator where you can set the percentage of system ram to use (like in Photoshop) I just swapped in some old ram from one of my home systems that was lying around. I'm not sure if there is much else that can be done. I hope I'm wrong, of course. 64GB of ram, even DDR5, is pretty inexpensive these days, especially when you amortise for the increase in productivity over the life of the system. I would recommend against getting a high-end gaming pc for using Adobe products. My drive-to-work system is a little over 6 years old and only has an i7 9700k, a GTX 1060 6GB, 64GB of 3200MHz DDR4, a 1TB Samsung 970 Pro, and it works great, even for relatively complex illustrations and Photoshop use. Illustrator, especially on Windows, is not very well optimized for the best hardware, so your returns on investment aren't linear. The one thing that matters most for Adobe programs across the board is CPU ipc, where your gaming system should actually help out. Otherwise, it's the amount of ram and having available, fast, dedicated scratch disks. I do get better performance with my TR3955wx's 3090 Ti, but, again, it isn't a linear increase. If you have enough ram to not need scratch disks, that's even better.
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‎Dec 26, 2024
03:50 PM
The UI is total crap, and the AI garbage being foisted on us is an insult, but it didn't take more than about 5 minutes for me to install it on my home system from 2020. Sounds like the installer is going nuts for some reason.
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‎Dec 26, 2024
03:41 PM
1 Upvote
I spend all day just scanning every QR code I can find. The more the merrier. Hmm. That's odd. I just got informed that I'm locked out of my files until I pay someone called N0oBz0r in bitcoin...
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‎Dec 11, 2024
02:20 PM
I was using the Brioso family yesterday. Today it was deactivated. I activated it. It showed up in InDesign. I used it for a few lines of type, then it vanished. It deactivated itself in the middle of being used. I reactivated it, and so far it is working. Never had this problem before, even though I've been driven nuts by the 150 days then deactivate policy for the last 4 years, especially since it usually happens at least once a month. This deactivation while being used is a new thing.
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‎Nov 20, 2024
03:31 PM
At least I'm now paying $89.99 a month for this...
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‎Oct 25, 2024
12:34 PM
1 Upvote
Well, it looks like the last updates to the Creative Cloud apps and the Creative Cloud Desktop fixed this for me. Fonts are activating correctly and updates are now appearing again! Thank you @J E L and @Bobby Henderson for your assistance!
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‎Oct 01, 2024
12:02 PM
I had to use the cli to clear the font cache. Winblows wouldn't let me open the folder at all, although I had permissions set and there were no errors in the Event Viewer associated with trying to access it. The system rebuilt the font cache without incident. I haven't had the font problem yet today. Maybe this helped? Edit: The problem has resurfaced. I had to restart for an update, and some of the Adobe fonts didn't load upon reopening InDesign. I forgot to open the Creative Cloud Desktop app first, however. I tried to close all Adobe programs and open the CCD first, then InDesign, and the fonts were still missing. Bugger.
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‎Oct 01, 2024
12:00 PM
Hi @J E L . CPU: Intel Core i7 9700k GPU: nVidia GTX1060 6GB RAM: 64GB 3200MHz DDR4 Free Disk Space: 469GB on a 1TB Samsung 970 Pro The only driver that isn't up to date is the display. I'll update that today. This system is getting close to 6 years old. Unlike my home systems, one of which is a little older, I didn't have much of a budget to work with when I built this one. Command Workstation takes up about 5.3GB of the RAM, but I have 67% free at idle with Photoshop, Illustrator, Acrobat Pro, InDesign, and Firefox running.
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‎Sep 30, 2024
12:45 PM
Hi @Bobby Henderson . That is a great idea. I'm going to try it. Thanks!
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‎Sep 30, 2024
12:44 PM
Hello @J E L . I have usually opened the Creative Cloud Desktop app first, and it often helps, but lately I've been getting the trouble I described even when I open it first. The fonts still (usually) load in non-Adobe programs, which seems incredibly odd. To make things worse, the Creative Cloud Desktop app hasn't been able to detect updates to any programs for a while, now. The CCD updates regularly, but even when I tell it to check for updates, it says I'm up to date. I'm several versions behind on Illustrator, InDesign, and Photoshop, to name just three. I have to check online for what the current version is, tell CCD to uninstall my current applications, and then download them again to get them to update. It isn't a huge deal, but it is annoying, as my other systems (at home) do not have this problem. I've reinstalled the CCD from scratch on this particular computer, and it still does this. Sometimes it will work okay for a month or two, but it always comes back. My whole Creative Cloud install must be borked, somehow. I tried the cleaner tool once, and it worked for a bit. I don't have any other problems on this computer. I set it up exactly like my home systems, software-wise, but it behaves slightly differently for Adobe programs. Thank you for the response and advice!
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‎Sep 24, 2024
11:40 AM
1 Upvote
I've been having this problem for about two years, and it is getting really bad. Usually, when I first open a document in InDesign, for example, the font(s) I was using yesterday is no longer available. There used to be an option to activate the fonts from Adobe Fonts, but now I just get the standard menu for replacing it. Closing all Adobe programs and then opening the offending program and file again would usually result in the font(s) being magically found. Today, I can't get that to happen any longer. I have tried signing out of Creative Cloud entirely, restarting the computer, signing back in, and loading the program and file, but the font(s) still aren't there. They all appear in the Creative Cloud desktop app. Both activated and enabled for all local programs. I have a lot of work to do this week on over a dozen projects, and now most of the fonts I've used to set them up so far are no longer loading. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Running Windows 11 Pro. A little update: I have been able to get a few Adobe fonts to show up by uninstalling them and then reinstalling, but I also received hundreds of errors reporting that the fonts couldn't be installed. I had to log out of Creative Cloud a second time and then I was able to continue. It looks like a 50/50 chance whether a particular font will show up when I start an Adobe program. A few, Like Neue Aachen Pro, will never load. Oddly, I can use that font in Word.
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‎Sep 06, 2024
12:22 PM
To paraphrase Adobe employees: We realize that the new UI is a significant change, but we hope that eventually people will give up pointing out just how horrible it is and embrace the suck.
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‎Aug 23, 2024
12:15 PM
Ah. Yes, I see your point. I've been practically forced to use AI to correct abnormalities and glitches in some photos for work, since my traditional methods of retouching aren't fast enough for some people. I don't ever use AI on personal projects, and, also like you, don't make major edits/replacements with AI. I would still argue that PS has a decently intuitive interface, however. I've been using it for over 26 years, and I remember that it seemed to have a reasonable learning curve. I've been using Illustrator for the same time, and grew up on PageMaker. We all have our preferences, of course. I apologize if I came across as insulting. It was not my intent. I often fail to communicate in the manner I intend.
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‎Aug 22, 2024
01:16 PM
This information has saved my butt a few times. Thank you!
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‎Aug 22, 2024
01:06 PM
1 Upvote
The debatable "fact" that the basic interface for Photoshop hasn't changed since its inception is one of the main reasons it has such staying power. People learn to use it and don't have to relearn it every update. I don't agree that it is unintuitive, as I learned it precisely by using it, along with Illustrator, InDesign, etc. While I will complain about the Acrobat UI/UX update, most Adobe software is intuitive, at least for the people I know. If you are really a photographer, then you probably don't need AI. The majority of what it creates is soulless garbage, in my opinion. Real artists rely on their abilities, not a generative program creating things based on text prompts or sampling of existing material. My best friend is an AI scientist, and we are diametrically opposed when it comes to our views on the value of AI in art. Real artists are being marginalized and squeezed out of the market because AI is now "good enough" for most people. (I know that using quotation marks for emphasis is grammatically incorrect, but it seems to get the point across.) Sorry for my rant.
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‎Aug 15, 2024
03:46 PM
After looking into relative performance of the same hardware under different software environments, I have to hope that Adobe phases out support for DirectX, as it is atrociously slow versus Vulkan and especially Metal. I have a friend with a Hackintosh that also runs Windows 11 and Linux (don't remember the distro), and under the Black Magic performance test doodad (my memory for names is very hazy), he gets about 1.7x the framerate for 8k under Vulkan (in Linux) and over 3x with Metal in MacOS. I'm considering trying to go the Hackintosh route for a triple-boot system, too. It's a ton of work, but Metal is amazing. Anyway, since DirectX is so terrible, and Vulkan is now on Windows systems too (I use it a lot), maybe that will be a kind of bridge to eventual (far future?) Linux support? I know that I said it was a non-starter earlier this year, but I do wonder...
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‎Jul 16, 2024
03:39 PM
The available cache in the drive will eventually saturate, resulting in much slower operation until it refreshes. Some flash devices have very slow/very little cache, and will throttle quickly, like most cheaper usb drives. A good NVME drive shouldn't have much problem. My USB 3.2 adapter hooked up to a 2TB Seagate FireCuda 530 doesn't throttle much under any conditions that I can detect, so that might not be the issue for you.
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‎Jul 16, 2024
02:59 PM
Same here. On 4 systems.
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‎Jul 12, 2024
03:09 PM
As far as I know, HDR artificially expands the color gamut, so it will be impossible to have an accurate calibration on a monitor that has HDR applied to it. I might be wrong, but that's my experience.
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‎Jun 18, 2024
02:57 PM
I must be blessed, because none of the Windows 11 computers I own and/or use with CC2024 programs have this problem. Since that's the case, I'm not sure that Webveiw2 is the ultimate culprit here. I would suggest looking for other commonalities in conjunction with this issue. Same/similar hardware, other software that could be interacting, plugins, etc.
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