‎Jan 20, 2025
11:51 PM
omg, thank you! I thought my adobe had beef with me and wouldn’t analyze the layer :"
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‎Sep 02, 2024
10:53 PM
The bug report has been updated.
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‎Jun 04, 2024
06:39 AM
1 Upvote
We wanted to update this thread that the issue was fixed with the release of 25.6. If you are still having this issue with the most recent Ps version, please start a new thread with your information so the team can investigate further.
Cory - Photoshop Product Manager
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‎Feb 20, 2024
10:12 AM
Removing the effect, then adding it without issue ... yea, that's a typical corrupt sequence bit. And having issues like this is a pain, no one questions that. But most of us here are simply practical types. What works works, what leads to trouble is best not done. And if a quick change to the sequence fixes it and gets you working again, then done. Warp is really by far the heaviest resource user in the app. Beats even the Neat Video plugin for video noise removal. And applying it on multiple clips at the same time can lead to this issue. And a couple others, fixed the same way. Might there be a way they could say program the app to not start a second Warp process through the system until the first one is applied? Maybe Would that fix this issue? Maybe. Might be worth an "Idea" post.
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‎Mar 30, 2022
03:51 PM
Thanks. This site is down.
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‎Jul 02, 2021
10:41 PM
Yes that's right. Very sorry.
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Community Expert
in Lightroom Classic Discussions
‎May 25, 2021
01:29 AM
1 Upvote
‎May 25, 2021
01:29 AM
1 Upvote
Another option: set an older Process Version. Prior to 2012 Lightroom offered different tonal adjustments in the Basic Panel - which were mostly not content-adaptive. Setting that older PV for a given image even within the latest software, causes the sliders for those older adjustments to be presented in Basic panel for that image. And when synced onto other images including setting this same PV, Lr will in effect behave like that older version of Lr so far as main Basic panel adjustments. But all other panels and functions will remain as-is. The advantage of doing it this way over using Tone Curve, is that Tone Curve can only modify the results from whatever Basic panel is producing (adjustments, PV, profile etc). But working in Basic panel (under whichever PV) you are working from all the data in the imported file. So there's the opportunity to do a better job of making the most of that.
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‎Apr 12, 2021
11:49 AM
Hi broadcast,
I am so sorry for your experience. I can see that you need help. My advice is that if Premiere is failing you the way you are currently working, look into an alternative workflow that will not fail you. Premiere Pro does not fail on me because my workflow is tested based on my source footage and the system I am using right now. You can use such techniques as creating proxies or transcoding to address any satanic codecs delivered by cameras serving up highly compressed Long GOP H.264/HEVC footage. To me, Long GOP footage, and even worse, Long GOP variable frame rate footage (screen captured footage, gaming, mobile phone video, webcam) is the chief demon that must be slayed for a smooth, reliable, and predictable editing experience. Sometimes you even need Handbrake to bring all that footage into alignment, but it must be dealt with.
Regular system maintenance and adherence to system requirements is also a given.
Please give us any other info which you could provide in order to help you.
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‎Apr 10, 2021
05:11 PM
1 Upvote
Yes, I did it. In the case of version 15.0, I even reinstalled Windows 10. Just to check. Nothing changed.
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‎Apr 10, 2021
06:44 AM
No. Versions 15.1 beta and 15.2 beta are the same.
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‎Nov 22, 2020
06:02 AM
This video is a revised version.
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‎Oct 23, 2020
08:38 PM
double x = 0.2; double y = 0.2; object[] BlurCenter = new object[2] { x, y }; .ApplyRadialBlur(50, PsRadialBlurMethod.psZoom, PsRadialBlurQuality.psRadialBlurBest, BlurCenter);
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‎Sep 13, 2020
10:29 PM
I export my project in 264 codec in 4k, CBR, bitrate 100 mb, high 5.2, default keyframe distence. Basically everything suits me. But when I go from light to dark, like a sunset or a cloud, I see a terrible pixilation from hell. I set the profile to high10 and unrestricted, it improved the situation, but somehow it is much worse than the same 264 codec as it is from the camera fuji x-t30. So the matter is in setting the codec during export, and not in the 264 codec itself.
What solutions are there to get the quality in 264 close to that of the camera in the same 264?
Or are there other options to end up with a compact file with very good quality? Please do not provide links to plugins and nothing else. We need specific examples describing the settings as you do.
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‎Sep 11, 2020
04:05 AM
I cannot open this resource. Link does not open. What can be wrong? When your project is for two hours of output video from five hours of material, for efficiency and in order not to go crazy, your editing process should have a clear structure of consistent homogeneous actions proven by experience. One of the elements of my editing structure is software stabilization. I do this at the very end of editing because then my proxies stop working if I do not disable the effects that break the proxies. And there is no need for me to be near the computer to consistently apply these effects. I can make the exact settings later. I will save my time on controlling the process, which in general is not needed if they do what I described above.
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‎Sep 10, 2020
05:10 AM
Thank. A bit inconvenient, but better than nothing.
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‎Jun 09, 2020
04:20 AM
I shot a video
Description of my actions below. 1) I imitate my timelapse. I create two sets of photos 1 and 2. 2) I import my photos. 3) I place two sets sequentially on the timeline and make the duration of each image in 1 frame. 4) I create a new sequence and place the sequence from the previous step on it. I will demonstrate that in the first part of the clip you can see 1 in the second part 2. 5) I place again the sequence from step 3 on a higher video track. I will demonstrate that a high video track is more priority than a low one. 6) I create a new sequence and place the sequence from the previous step on it as step 5. But!!! Now you can see that the priority is on the lower video track. It can be seen that switching the upper video track does not affect. And switching the lower video track has an effect.
The question is why is this happening? Why in one case is the priority of the upper video track, in the other lower video track? Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?
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‎Jun 08, 2020
06:51 AM
Inform you. PrPro 14.2.0. Latest drivers. Source of photography and further nesting. Removing birds and insects through overlay with lightening and shifting into the 1 frame. On some frames, an artifact is visible. The video is flickering. Software or hardware export gives the same result. Curves are applied to an additional layer. Without curves and with basic settings lumetry color, everything is perfect. .
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‎Apr 15, 2020
10:39 PM
I report a problem. PrPro 2020 14.1 and 14.0.4 Hardware 264 coding does not work AMD Radeon RX590 +. In version 14.0.3, this video export menu was active. When exporting, the video card was involved from 80% to 100% and export was several times faster. In versions 14.1 and 14.0.4, this menu is inactive. Jackdaw installed in the console.
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‎Mar 20, 2020
11:31 PM
1 Upvote
Okay, thanks, now i can go to sleep...
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‎Mar 20, 2020
09:14 AM
You've created the problem, actually. If you changed your card to the correct setting ... which is 16-235 ... then your problem would go away. You would still see black to white on your monitor.
GPUs and monitors work naturally ... more accurately ... at standard media settings. Video is 16-235. Period. Then the monitor displays it at full range black to white, and can sort out whether the media is 'standard' video media (16-235) or high-bit-depth/color-depth 4:4:4:4 media.
You do not have any media like that. It may sound odd, and well ... I did the same thing when I started out with video. And ... had to correct it to the actually normal and correct setting.
So I've been there, done that ... and fixed my mistake.
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‎Mar 19, 2020
04:43 PM
I inform you that when exporting 264 and HEVC support for the export of AMD video cards (RX 590) not working. The boolean in the console is on.
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