Luftar Von Rama
Luftar Von Rama
‎Sep 12, 2024
11:00 AM
1 Upvote
We're missing a quick option to conform pixel size to 1.8 under modify clip settings. A Reorganization of this list in pizel size would be nice as well.
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‎Oct 17, 2023
12:52 PM
1 Upvote
Can the Start Time option be added to sequence settings? It's only accessible via the drop-down list on the timeline and it doesn't make sense to have that option so hidden. Also, on the import page. When Create new sequence is selected, there should be an option to choose which preset to create the sequence from.
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‎Oct 17, 2023
08:15 AM
Can the EXR source settings be added to Lumetri Panel Can the EXR source settings be added to the Lumetri panel.
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‎Sep 13, 2023
10:37 AM
Importing EXRs is quite cumbersome and there's no way to do it via the Import tab, it's only possible through the media browser. The import tab should intelligently know that a folder of exr images should be imported as one file. Also, when importing EXR's. Preferably the bypass linear conversion checkbox should be ticked. And the source settings should be built into the lumetri color panel now that all color settings have moved there and should be editable on multiple clips. This would be extremely helpful for VFX workflows on larger projects.
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‎Apr 15, 2023
12:19 PM
It would be great to be able to export text graphics to images. An option in the dropdown in the Txt>Graphics menu would be great. This will help with VFX editorial workflows.
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‎Mar 23, 2023
12:50 PM
This is great. Is it possible to also do this with built in effects? I currently have an entire production that doesn't open because of essential sound effects. If I could turn disable all effects on load, I can open that production again.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
07:10 AM
It would be great to add collapsible/twirl down tracks. That way you can group multiple tracks and collapse them. Would be especially helpful when you have tons of audio tracks.
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‎Oct 05, 2022
01:24 PM
This is happening to me currently, Production was working fine. Sent projects back and forth between multiple editors. Now I can't open the project. The workarounds work sometimes but most of the times they dont. I'm on a NAS, Ryzen 5900x GTX 3090TI. New projects work fine. But the actual project i need cannot be opened without sorcery. Can we get a fix pelase?
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‎Oct 01, 2022
09:58 AM
I've been working in a Production for the past few months and it has been going fine but once I introduced more editors and send projects back and forth, the production didn't know how to link to those files and I had to continue relinking them every time. Now I can't even import projects, the relinking is frozen. It seems like premiere can't forget the hard drive path of the different editors and it keeps searching for those path. Nearing the end of the project and I've done everything, including making a new production and importing the projects but some projects won't import, and the progress gets stuck. I'm working off of a NAS, the other editor was working on an external SSD.
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‎Aug 25, 2022
07:51 AM
Great update to the essential graphics panel. One thing I would love to see is being able to import text files into the essential graphics panel. This would be extremely helpful for VFX editors who need to name shots/sequences and use database applications like Filemaker to make txt files with shot codes/names. Being able to import a text file into a timeline and have everything land where they need to with the text style chosen would be amazing.
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‎Jul 09, 2022
08:44 AM
1 Upvote
This issue is still present in the latest universe release and premiere pro 2022. I can sometimes get the camera shake to play in the timeline, but when rendering out I get a black screen only,
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‎Apr 22, 2020
08:27 PM
I've attached a video showcasing the reassociation Bug and the associated production via the google drive link.
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‎Apr 22, 2020
12:19 PM
I spent a good deal of time trying to migrate a big documentary project into a production. Here are my findings on bugs and improvements needed for productions. 1. Reassociate clips don't always work, even when the same clip has all of the same exact metadata. The clip remains in the project you don't want it in. We need to have a media tool, a page just like in Avid where you see all of the clips associated with that Production/Project. Perhaps give each piece of media a unique ID that we can see in the metadata fields. 2. If you move a clip that's used from one project into another, the video and usage shows the correct usage in the original project but then the usage disappears when moved to the new project. Then if you consolidate duplicates, it removes the clip that was moved from the original project. When you go to a sequence and match back in the original project, you get an error saying that clip is no longer in the project. This happens on clips that don't reassociate properly. 3. When you move a clip to another project, it requires two undos to get that clip back to the original project. 4. Any media moved into another project should be automatically associate that clip with the new project. Either make this default or give this as an option. 5. We need to be able to open a Production on the Welcome page. Having to go to file, open production makes it feel like you don't really want people to use productions where it should really be the standard. 6. Search Bins have been rendered useless in a production because they are project based. You want to be able to access all of the media you need when searching because the media will be filtered into a different project. Because if I wanted to set up my projects to have a Dailies bin and then a scene bin, the scene bin would need to have duplicate clips. To solve that I think below... 7. We need to be able to clone a clip into other projects. This functionality will keep the master clip associated with the original project but give you the ability to move clips into other projects without actually duplicating the media. 8. Lastly, the Merge Clip, Multi Camera source sequence worfklows need to be combined. We need one simple way to sync without all the different terms and limitations. Also make Merged clips to be able to be opened in a sequence and slipped.
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