‎Feb 26, 2025
12:38 PM
1 Upvote
This would be amazing as a native option.
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‎Dec 06, 2024
11:33 AM
1 Upvote
Greetings! Even though 32-bit float (and the potential peaking that can be SAVED from this wonderful godsend of an upgrade) is supported in Premiere, the waveform image in sequences [seems to be] rendered at 24-bit and confuses users/editors. So if it's peaking and I want to reign it in, I can't see past the peaked flat area - or mesa. It just brings the mesa down. I really wish the waveform generated from a 32-bit float was procedurally updated/accurate as the gain/volume is adjusted, pretty much like it is handled in any other video/audio editing software, including Audition! Audio-wise, peaked files can be normalized/volume lowered/recovered (and sounds GOOD!), but it makes volume level keyframing very hard to manipulate, not unlike controlling volume blindly. Are we using this wrong or is it just a simple oversight? *Note: A not-so-user-friendly work around is to Render and Replace/Send to Audition for the waveforms to look correct/accurate, again.
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‎Dec 06, 2024
11:04 AM
@mstegner Might be highjacking what Omer's trying to say but: 1. Sequences only have sample rates and not bit-rates. When it comes to exporting, the same audio options are limited. 2. Even though 32-bit float (and the potential peaking that can be SAVED from this wonderful upgrade) is supported, the waveform image in sequences is always rendered at 24-bit float and confuses users/editors. So if it's peaking and I want to reign it in, I can't see past the peaked flat area - or mesa. It just brings the mesa down. Audio-wise, it can be recovered, but it makes volume keyframes very hard to manipulate, not unlike controlling volume blindly. Are we using this wrong or is it just a simple oversight? *Note: A not-so-user-friendly work around is to Render and Replace/Send to Audition for the waveforms to look correct, again.
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‎Dec 03, 2024
03:57 PM
Also, what version is being used in Premiere?
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‎Dec 03, 2024
03:57 PM
Guys. I'm really sorry, but it's almost objectively worse than before. Also, I can almost not hear any difference of 100% versus 5%. Is anyone really experiencing better results in v2? I'm curious.
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‎Nov 06, 2024
11:38 AM
Between updating MacOS and updating Adobe, PluralEyes (formerly Red Giant, but acquired and killed by Maxon) has finally stopped working. It's end of life/"limited maintenance mode" has finally hammered the final nail in the coffin and there's no way for the program to be opened, much less be used with the Premiere integration feature. My proposal is both simple/elegant and probably very difficult to implement: allow the current Synchronize feature to be fully upgraded: allowing multiple framerates (anywhere from low frame rates to high frame rates - 1-240 or even higher!) multiple clips (or takes) in a single track and multiple tracks (or angles) to synchronize using only audio waveforms (and even increasing gain of existing, scratch-audio level waveforms in the background, if necessary) to find commonalities and sync automagically. The user would simply select clips, right-click and select Synchronize. The following prompt, not unlike how it currently works, would allow the user to select the master audio track to source primarily - its result would be quick and have any unmatched clips put to the end of the sequence. This kind of hodge podge, mix-and-match solution existed in PluralEyes and did it quite well, and so I believe it could be accomplished again for those who do not have access to Timecode-based alternatives when filming with multiple cameras/bodies/etc. This saves both seasoned and new editors anywhere between minutes to hours (depending on the scope of a project) of any multicam project from manual syncing. Does this exist? If so, teach a man to fish.
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‎Oct 20, 2024
06:24 AM
I tried your solution and it didn't work. I ended up using a SourceText expression that duplicated the words better than Repetile (or at least in a way that when I keyframed its position, there was no more judder/jitter). I also, in an attempt to use the composition as a template for a Plugin I use called CSV to Text layers, had to use another layer to point to its source. It was a major McGuyver solution, but it works now.
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‎Oct 10, 2024
10:11 AM
Is CC Repetile broken or is this user error? 1. Create a Text Layer (or any Shape Layer or use any graphic) 2. Add CC Repetile to It 3. Expand to the Left or Right 4. Keyframe the layer's position on the x axis at a slow speed. Watch the duplicates (created by CC Repetile) jitter, both in preview and in render Sometimes the bouncing (or glitchy or twitchy or jumpy) errors result in a small movement, but (especially if it's thin enough) it will jitter more and more as it duplicates from the original source. Is this a bug or a feature? For text repetitions, workarounds include using expressions like repeat(), but it is not a great solution as I'm having trouble with spacing. AE Version: 24.6.2 MacOS Sequioa Attached Gif and AE File
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‎Dec 19, 2023
11:42 PM
This seems crazy to me. Are there any other alternatives for capturing video on PC/Mac?
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‎Dec 19, 2023
06:07 PM
When you go to the Opacity Settings on a clip and attempt to change its blend mode from Normal, it would be great for the Program Window to show the affected change (if it were clicked) when it's hovered on. This has been around since 2019 on Photoshop and I didn't realize it wasn't adopted in Premiere. I sure wish we could have it. What a quality of life feature it would be! This is kind of how it works/worked in Photoshop: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QHWmwnNFM0o
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‎Oct 20, 2023
11:48 AM
When a user uses the Copy and Paste function for clips from one sequence in Project A into another sequence in Project B, it would be wonderful if Premiere prompted something along the lines with Forgive my ignorance if this somehow already exists or if the solution/prompt could use some work, but... I know there are go-arounds that involve stripping away plugins via XML Exporting/Importing: https://community.adobe.com/t5/premiere-pro-discussions/how-to-copy-sequences-from-another-project-and-not-end-up-with-duplicate-entries-for-source-clips/m-p/5648901 This is similar to Finder/Explorer copying and pasting solutions as Premiere gives the user no option. In its current context Project files become increasingly polluted, especially if you're using multiple clips from multiple projects. This would be a great feature that would save me time and sanity.
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‎Sep 18, 2023
12:46 PM
Guys. It's in Beta. I don't know if they saw this, but we asked. And now it's happening!
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‎Aug 16, 2023
04:01 PM
This seems to be a pretty common issue with Apple Silicon Architecture. I have tried de-selecting, deleting the mask, picking a different frame, manually tracking a mask, tracking a mask one frame at a time, all with varying success. Using M1 Ultra, 64 GB, etc.
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‎Mar 02, 2023
10:11 AM
Right-Clicking a Source Clip, you should be able to Paste and Remove Attributes, the same as you can from a clip on the timeline. Backstory: We shot a short video in Anamorphic on the Sony a7siii into a Ninja V+ and loved most of the results. In the source clip from the bin, we changed the PRORES RAW Source Settings to the appropriate Color Space, but to desqueeze, we added a Transform Effect on the source clip to make it less complicated if we wanted to add any effects to the edit, later. We were able to copy both Source Settings and Transform effect and paste them to the 58 clips. The problem is this: when we started to denoise some darker shots and color correct, we realized our aspect ratio looked off. We went back and found we had put in the wrong desqueeze setting on the transform. The solution? Double click each clip, delete the old transform effect, and add the correct transform effect: fifty-eight times. I just kept thinking - how is this not a feature already?
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‎Feb 22, 2023
02:31 PM
Ann! Yes. I am aware that you can semi-force a frame rate by creating sequences directly via a video clip. The problem is that if you ever change that frame rate, you can NEVER get it back on that sequence because (again) there's no option for it. Sure - there are some go-arounds, like simply Undo-ing all work before the change or creating new sequences and cutting and pasting a timeline's contents into the new one, but these are... unintuitive measures, at best. I can change almost any aspect of a resolution, but it's bizarre I don't have access to prescribed frame rates.
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‎Feb 22, 2023
10:55 AM
The enhancement from (formerly Project Shasta) Adobe Podcast is AMAZING. It transforms (most) bad audio into professional sounding audio and professional audio into beautifully-curated EQ'd and Compressed, pristine audio. If you haven't tried it first-hand, you MUST give it a shot. It could make you a believer. The good: For single-channel, vocal driven audio, there is literally nothing that sounds better to me. The bad: 1. I have to export a Raw Waveform and submit it to the website. 2. I have to wait for the file to process. 3. If there are any anomalies that created unwanted compression/limiting/EQ, I have to keyframe the audio's gain in those parts and rinse and repeat until I get the result I want. 4. There are NO parameters to fiddle with, but the end result is usually 99% perfection, I kind of don't care: it is quickly becoming part of my editing workflow on every project. The hope: Whether the process could live locally on Premiere or whether it could live through an integration (maybe like the Auto-transcribe function), I would absolutely LOVE the ability to let the AI of Adobe Enhance process do its magic with less steps - maybe even something along the lines of the Remix feature (which is also an amazing feature). Anyone who has had first-hand experience with Adobe Podcast Enhancement will tell you: this is an AI goldmine for the novice and/or the rushed/impatient editor. Integrating it better into Premiere and Audition and even After Effects would absolutely push it further ahead of the pack of competing NLE's.
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‎Feb 22, 2023
09:31 AM
1 Upvote
When you change a Sequence setting, the highest available Timebase is 60 fps. Whether it's a mainstream option (it's starting to look that way for some consumer cameras including smartphones for HFR) or not, it would be nice to be given options for fps in both Premiere and Encoder, whether it's low, high, or something in the middle. Some potential benefits: Want to make a choppy animation-like sequence in the single-digit category? With this feature, you could! Want to nest a sequence and change the framerate to something higher? With this feature, you could! Want to submit an HFR sequence that exceeds 60 fps for a myriad of testing purposes? With this feature, you could! Want to be like Peter Jackson and edit something in 48 fps? With this feature, you could! Being given this kind of control would allow creatives to control their content!
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‎Jan 11, 2023
01:52 PM
Is anyone else getting inundated wtih a backlog of all their previous UserVoice email subscriptions?
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‎Dec 14, 2021
10:43 AM
Dude. Calm down. Maybe asking for clarity can be less patronizing. Glad I stumbled upon the other answer.
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‎Apr 22, 2020
12:41 PM
I hate the new Title Tool. It never works quite right for me.
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