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‎Nov 01, 2024
11:19 AM
Came here to change the color of the text on the ruler. Copied the script. Whiel I did not create a full skin at all, i can say this does work in 2024 with PS Version 26.0.0
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‎Apr 22, 2020
04:34 PM
THANK YOU!!! I think I have it all difgured out now. Basically, I should open the TEMPLATE only after the device is coonnected, and then save the session with a different filename/location to work on offline, then open a new session (the next week, or whatever) using my template.... wash rinse and repeat. I got it. Thanks again
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‎Apr 22, 2020
12:49 PM
OK So I need to set up a template in Audition, but am cannot seem to get it right... here goes We are using a Beehringer X32 digital mixer into Audition, using the 32in/out setup. I have 17 total tracks I want to record, so I set up a multitrack session with all of the channels labeld and routed from the X32 into the inputs of Audition. The problem is that when I go back into the session after disconnnecting from the mixer all of the inputs say "None" and no loger correspond ot the ins/out from the mixer. Is there a way to save a session tha would automatically include the ins and outs as set up, independent of whether or not the mixer is actually coonnected? Namely, so that if i record the session using the template, save it as a file/folder session and the re-open the template, the routing is still there nect time, without having to re-set the inputs?
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