Agrita Jain
Adobe Employee
Agrita Jain
Adobe Employee
‎Jun 11, 2024
08:03 AM
@Color T sorry about the issue.
Could you please share the following details :
Can you use the generative fill/generative Expand feature on the same build ?
Do you have any network firewall by any chance?
Please share a psd file for the issue.
Also, can you use the text to image feature from browser on .
Frequency of this issue.
We would also like to connect with you for the issue, so that we can collect more logs and understand the scenario.
We are working to resolve the issue, thanks for the support.
Agrita Jain
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‎May 22, 2024
07:27 AM
1 Upvote
Hi @Fede_OK ,
Sorry about this issue you are facing. Its little wierd that its coming on your machine. Could you share the PSD doc of this file and also the email id with which you are using Photoshop. We will look into the details using PSD, and try to unblock you soon. Thanks,
Agrita Jain
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‎May 10, 2023
09:23 AM
Hi @Mall Cop ,
We are sorry for the inconvenience caused due to Program Error. Please try the below mentioned steps and share the details which can help our engineers to resolve the issue quickly.
Follow the instructions to install the Program Error Diagnostic Plugin
Open Photoshop and enable the Photoshop User Diagnostics option provided in the Plugins menu
Reproduce the Program Error, then click OK to dismiss the Program Error dialog (This then copies the detailed error text to your clipboard)
Click the blue Reply button on this post and paste the Program Error clipboard contents into this community thread
Agrita Jain
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‎Jun 26, 2022
07:27 AM
Hi @a.hortin
We are sorry about this issue you are facing.
Could you check few things at your end regarding this issue:
Go to Photoshop>Preferences>General , Select Reset All Warning Dialogs .
Restart PS. Does the issue still occur?
We would like to know if this issue is persistent with the new released 23.4.1 version of Photoshop.
Agrita Jain
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‎Jun 24, 2022
10:16 AM
Refer to this thread for fix :
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‎Jun 24, 2022
09:10 AM
Hello @Reuben5E93 ,
We deeply regret about the inconvinience caused because of new update.
Thank you for sharing the issues, we will look into the same.
We are aware of the crash on launch that is occuring on Windows.
The fix for the same is to update the Camera Raw version to 14.4.1 which is available in the Creative Cloud Desktop App.
We request you to update the same to resolve the crash.
Agrita Jain
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‎Apr 27, 2022
09:15 PM
1 Upvote
hi @James24207691ozfs ,
As mentioned above, PS is still crashing after disabling GPU.
Could you try launching Photoshop with Shift key pressed, and skip loading plugins, could be possible that some plugin is causing this crash.
Also, I would like to know more about the program error, can you share steps or try running the plugin so that we get some idea about it and help you resolve the same.
Agrita Jain
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‎Apr 21, 2022
09:11 AM
1 Upvote
Please share the steps/worflow you were trying with Photoshop when this error was encountered.
Also, the frequency of error(do you see it everytime in this workflow) and do share any test file, if possible.
Agrita Jain
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‎Apr 15, 2022
06:44 AM
Hi @nancyeloc
We have also released an update for the plugin which you can find at:
Launch Creative Cloud Desktop App.
Go to Stock & Marketplace>Plugins>Manage Plugins
Update button is highlighted with Adobe Design to Print Plugin, Select it to update the plugin.
You can choose to uninstall it from Creative Cloud Desktop App with the following steps:
1. Launch Creative Cloud Desktop App.
2. Go to Stock & Marketplace>Plugins>Manage Plugins
3. Click on the 3 dots pop-up menu for Adobe Design to Print Plugin, and select uninstall.
We recommend updating the Plugin and use it along with Photoshop 🙂
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‎Apr 14, 2022
12:42 AM
Kindly update to Photoshop 23.3 version, as we have fixed the crash in the same.
Also few users have responded that no crash has occured for them with new update.
If you have Adobe Design To Print plugin installed, then it is also one of the reasons for the crash on launch.
Please update the latest version of the plugin from Adobe Exchange, which in turn will prevent crash.
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‎Apr 14, 2022
12:36 AM
Glad that the issue is fixed for you with the new release.
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‎Apr 08, 2022
04:19 AM
Hi @gskibum ,
The issue has been fixed in the new BigSur update of 11.6.5 .
Hence, we request you to update OS to resolve the same.
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‎Nov 02, 2021
05:04 AM
Hi @benluckman ,
Happy to hear that program error got resolved post you disabled/uninstalled the AntiVirus.
Could you please list the issue that you faced (Open/Save/some other workflow) and also was it a Win/Mac machine ?
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‎Oct 17, 2021
10:18 PM
1 Upvote
We are extremely sorry about the issue you are facing.
We need few information from you to understand the issue, please provide the details:
The test files, share as shared asset in cloud/ or message me directly.
System Information (Help>System Info)
Zip the Settings folder and share the same, path :
Windows : Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings
Agrita Jain
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‎Oct 05, 2021
11:25 PM
hi @L33DBIZ ,
Sorry about the issue you are facing.
Could you please share the workflow/steps that you were doing when this error came.
If possible could you please share the image/file and if there is any preset involved that too. You can share the files and preset using direct message .
Agrita Jain
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‎Sep 30, 2021
08:27 AM
Sorry about the Program error that you are facing.
I understand the workflow that you are trying to do is :
1. Open a psd file,
2. edit the same, save it on network drive and it gives program error.
Are the above steps correct? Also few things I would like to understand here are:
1. Is error coming when you try to save via Export As option and Save for Web option too ?
2. Also is the file open from network too.
3. Could you share what king of network drive is it?
Agrita Jain
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‎Sep 15, 2021
06:48 AM
@juvelez - We are really sorry for the trouble. Could you please let us know few things :
Are you seeing this on a clean boot scenario, as in restart and launch PS, is it behaving the same.
Shift launch PS , which will skip loading optional and 3rd party plugins, do you see issue in that scenario too.
Can you share the preferences from your machine . zip the folder -> Users/[user name]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe/Adobe Photoshop [version]/Adobe Photoshop [version] Settings . 4. Also, share the Help>System Info and also a short video of issue if possible.
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‎Mar 02, 2021
10:13 PM
Hi @eli_kroen ,
I understand that this problem is really severe and we will be needing your help for the same.
Could you please share the following info:
System Info from Help>System Info in the menu.
Mechanism used to save. Save As , S4Web, Save
Format that you are trying to save
File size and also share file if possible
Console Traces. Clear traces before reproducing the issue. Post getting the error, select All on console and paste the traces in a text file and share. [ This can be done by running the application from terminal in Macbook. Run the following in terminal : " /Applications/Adobe\ Photoshop\ 2021/Adobe\ Photoshop\\ Photoshop\ 2021"]
And please do share preferences of Photoshop after compressing them. These are present at
~/Library/Preferences/Adobe\ Photoshop\ 2021\ Settings/ in Mac.
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‎Feb 19, 2021
09:10 AM
Are you still facing the issue? If yes, could you share the above mentioned details with us.
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‎Feb 17, 2021
11:02 PM
hi @Bitsey ,
I understand that this problem is really severe and we will be needing your help for the same.
Could you please share the following info:
System Info from Help>System Info in the menu.
Mechanism used to save. Save As , S4Web, Save
Is the error also seen while opening the files.
File Format that you are trying to save
File size and also share file if possible
Console Traces for Mac users - Post getting the error, select All on console and paste the traces in a text file and share. [ This can be done by running the application from terminal in Macbook. Run the following in terminal : "/Applications/Adobe\ Photoshop\ 2021/Adobe\ Photoshop\\ Photoshop\ 2021"]
And please do share preferences of Photoshop after compressing them. These are present at:
Mac -> ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe\ Photoshop\ 2021\ Settings/
Windows -> Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2021\Adobe Photoshop 2021 Settings
Thanks for the help!
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‎Feb 01, 2021
08:34 AM
Hi *Brian Bach ,
I understand that this problem is really severe and we will be needing your help for the same.
Could you please share the following info:
System Info from Help>System Info in the menu.
Mechanism used to save. Save As , S4Web, Save
Format that you are trying to save
File size and also share file if possible
Console Traces. Clear traces before reproducing the issue. Post getting the error, select All on console and paste the traces in a text file and share. [ This can be done by running the application from terminal in Macbook. Run the following in terminal : " /Applications/Adobe\ Photoshop\ 2021/Adobe\ Photoshop\\ Photoshop\ 2021"]
And please do share preferences of Photoshop after compressing them. These are present at ~/Library/Preferences/Adobe\ Photoshop\ 2021\ Settings/ in Mac and Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop 2021\Adobe Photoshop 2021 Settings - WIndows
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‎Jun 23, 2020
11:36 PM
1 Upvote
Hi , Could you please let us know following details : 1. Were you trying to save file on network? 2. What is the OS and machine you are facing the issue with ? 3. Also can you try with resetting preferences. 4. Do you have right permissions for file? 5. Also any other steps we can check with and if you can share file?
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