Piotr Braszak
Community Beginner
Piotr Braszak
Community Beginner
‎Dec 06, 2024
06:58 AM
I am absolutely sure that scratch disk problem is everyone's problem, but never have I had it so severe. Due to work circumstances, the repository of my project, and the software used, my disk has become pretty much fully filled. Out of 500GB SSD I am left with 23GB free space. This should be enough for Photoshop to work fine, but alas, it is not. I can run PS fine and work on it for some time, but every now and then, during an operation, the 'SCRATCH DISK FULL" error appears, which effectively prevents me from doing anything. I get it, PS needs space to work, but there's still 6GB free space to work with, and Photoshop tells me that's NOT ENOUGH?! More to that. When the error appears, this basically hardlocks my work. I cannot move any layer, I can not do any operation, I can not, and this is most important, SAVE MY WORK!!! Why is Photoshop unable to save a 131MB file while having 6GB free of scratch disk space? This is a bug that a 60EUR software should not have at all. And please do not tell me to buy additional disk space or move files to external disk. This is a software problem that I refuse to take responsibility for.
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‎Oct 19, 2022
05:17 AM
Does that mean that CC actually downloads a new version rather than update the old one? This would seem so.
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‎Oct 19, 2022
04:16 AM
Pining any CC application to windows taskbar causes that shortcut to launch outdated versions of that app. Meaning, if I launch Photoshop 23.5 and pin it to taskbar, that shortcut will now always launch Photoshop 23.5 even though CC succesfully updated it to 24.0. Tested on Windows 10 and 11
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‎Oct 19, 2022
04:11 AM
Using Convert Point tool I was able to quickly select multiple different vector paths within one path layer while holding SHIFT+ALT. For some reason it doesn't work anymore. Photoshop 24.0.0 Release Windows 11
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‎Oct 04, 2022
07:46 AM
I use it very often, especially when using text over colorful background. For now I am using the duplicated layer technique, but it is really cumbersome when I need to change text, duplicate it, or use it in multiple text boxes. Curving the text is also out of the question because in prototyping phase the text changes way too often. Fonts are essentially vectors, so why is this a limitation? Also, is it possible to force the stroke to be rendered behind fill by default? I am pretty sure this would be a wanted behaviour by majority of users.
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‎Oct 04, 2022
07:35 AM
In fact, this happens pretty much every time. When I use [F] key to go fullscreen preview and then hit it again, exiting the preview, Photoshop window extends underneath Windows taskbar. This forces me to grab the window and re-dock it at the top of my screen, so that Photoshop can refresh and resize accordingly. Windows 11 Adobe Photoshop Version: 23.5.1 20220907.r.724 5600b96 x64
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‎Oct 04, 2022
07:15 AM
When I nudge a vector node (or multiple nodes) they move by a pixel, but when I zoom out far enough, below 100%, the nudge moves nodes by fractions, causing them to be nudged off pixel grid. Windows 11 Adobe Photoshop Version: 23.5.1 20220907.r.724 5600b96 x64
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‎Sep 14, 2022
07:26 AM
1 Upvote
When I set a border for text, it is being drawn in front of fill. I want to be able to make the border render under the fill, so that it does not obstruct the fill. I am also unable to switch how border renders (out, middle, in). This was present in ~v41 and is still present in v54.1. I am stunned that it has not been discovered yet...
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‎Aug 25, 2022
12:26 AM
1 Upvote
Update on the issue. The latest update 22.6 fixed the problem, but only when I selected Do not migrate when asked about settings. This essentially reseted the settings and interface which, as pointed out by several other unhappy people, should not be the only solution every time a problem appears. Please try not to break things. This is not the first time stuff has gotten damaged when an update rolled out.
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‎Aug 25, 2022
12:03 AM
The specs are: - Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700HQ CPU @ 2.80GHz, 2808 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti - 16.0 GB RAM - Microsoft Windows 10 Home The problem occurs in a fresh project. I had a prompt to migrate settings from previous versions. I migrated from 22.4. I shall check if reset works.
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‎Aug 23, 2022
03:27 AM
1 Upvote
Is it me, or did the new AE 22.5 change the behaviour of spacebar? Normally it would playback the current composition from current time, no matter which panel was active. As of now it will only playback the composition when the preview panel is specifically selected. If I select any other panel, the move hand appears. If that was a deliberate change, then I'd like the previous one back, please. The current change forces me to add a meaningless, unneccessary mouse click to my workflow. PS. I tried adding spacebar as a shortcut to preview panel (to the right by default), but spacebar is not available, even if I unassign it from keyboard shortcuts.
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‎Oct 11, 2021
10:10 AM
Selecting multiple groups via shift+click also selects layers and groups inside these groups, even if all the groups are closed. This ,in turn, affects these layers when trying to change opacity of only the selected groups.
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‎Aug 12, 2020
04:47 AM
Hello community! I'm having a huge problem here with Illustrator and I cannot find the solution for the life of me. I've found some very old topics (several years ago) about same issue which didn't really help me. The problem is simple: I cannot type in polish letters. Normally I do that using right Alt+Letter, like śćźżąę. Unfortunately, in Illustrator this triggers keyboard shortcuts. I'm using latest CC Illustrator 24.2.3 on Windows 10. My windows display language is UK and I'm using Polish Programmers keyboard.
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