Nick Avallone
Nick Avallone
‎Dec 12, 2024
02:02 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks, Stephen. I did that on another thread. I also just spent a couple of hours with tech support on a remote connection. Jumped through all hoops to no avail. So frustrating, particularly because I hadn't updated anything, knowing that every update has the potential to screw things up. But I got this new popup rammed down my throat anyway, and have now lost a day's work because of it.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
11:58 AM
1 Upvote
I just tried tried searching for the bug report page, and could only find something called the "Wish Form"? But it doesn't give the option to anything. There's no form on the Wish Form page. The wheels have completely come off the bus at Adobe.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
10:01 AM
I just started getting this today. I am running PS 2024. And I just updated it to v.25.12. But I don't see why they still offer that update since my PS is now effectively bricked until I move to 2025... becauase I can neither click on nor close the popup. On a multi-monitor Mac setup, the popup is part of the app window, not a seperate window. And when the popup is active, nothing else can be clicked. So if that popup appears adjacent to your active file, it goes way off screen and becomes inaccessible. It's infuriating. It seems that the more they diddle around with AI stuff, the worse the software gets.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
08:57 AM
1 Upvote
I forgot to mention, I cannot even access the popup. Instead of the PS app and the popup appearing in different windows in Mission Control, they display in a single window somehow -- behavior I've never seen before -- and I can't click anything in that window. I've got a two-monitor setup, if that's relevant.
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‎Dec 12, 2024
08:46 AM
Photoshop 2024 is dead in the water for me. If I open it and work on a file, it gets completely stuck after 30 seconds or so. Showing my desktop reveals a garbage little popup that insits I update to the current version. "Your device is running an old version of Adobe Photoshop. Update to the current version to enjoy etc." See attached. I just updated PS 2024 to v.25.12 today in hopes that would solve the issue. Nope. Apparently, Adobe allows me to update my version of 2024...but not use it? I do not want to run 2025 yet. It's 2 weeks old, and I've been burned way too many times before by brand new releases (after 30 years using PS, I know better.) How do I stop this popup from interfering with my job?
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‎Apr 23, 2024
02:00 PM
Anyone have solutions for a Mac? I've already downgraded Acrobat, turned off Security and Security (Enhanced). There are very few files I can open at this point. I've got a 32 MB file that just flashes blank white boxes while the pinwheel cursor spins endlessly. It's still doing this dance, and I opened the file five minutes ago. It's hard to believe anyone can actually use this software in a professional environment anymore. Mac Studio 2023 Apple M2 Max 64 GB RAM/ 100 GB free storage space
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‎Apr 01, 2024
10:50 AM
After upgrading to 2024, my Saved document presets are all gone. The Recents and other Preset document settings are still available, but my personal ones have vanished. My JSON file is here: /Users/[user]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Photoshop 2024 Settings/New Doc Sizes.json But the file has no content: {
"sections": [
"section": "user",
"presets": []
} I fixed the issue by copying my 2023 Saved Presets into the 2024 directory. But come on, Adobe! I had to do this with my Brushes recently, too. Enough fiddling with generative AI crap and just make sure updates don't screw up our settings!
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‎Mar 11, 2023
03:14 PM
Having same problem. I've also got objects using masks. Unfortunately, I can't disable them because Illustrator is now frozen, displaying the error but not letting me click out of it. Looks like I'll need to completely bail out of AI and lose my work. I blame myself for not waiting 6 months before updating.
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‎Jan 03, 2023
10:46 AM
Is it possible to have multiple open Paths in a single Shape layer? No. And the Combine Shapes option for the Path tool doesn't seem to do anything other than allow me to add to the Shape layer (instead of creating a new layer). Of course it has an effect; please post screenshots including the pertinent Panels to clarify the situation you based that observation on. I didn't mean to imply that the Combine Shapes option didn't do anything at all, only that it does not have any effect on the question I asked. Anyway, if it's not possible to have multiple open paths on a single Shape Layer, then I guess that's my answer. Thanks for saving me from dedicating more time trying to find a solution that does not exist!
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‎Jan 02, 2023
09:48 PM
I'm trying to draw some open paths in Photoshop on a single Shape layer. When I create a new Shape layer, I can create an open path. But when I try to add to that Shape layer, any new path closes automatically. And the Combine Shapes option for the Path tool doesn't seem to do anything other than allow me to add to the Shape layer (instead of creating a new layer). Is it possible to have multiple open Paths in a single Shape layer? I'm completely stumped. Any advice would be appreciated, or at least a big old No!
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‎Dec 02, 2021
06:26 PM
What in the living sh!t is this? I've been staring at "Verifying Adobe Photoshop 2022" for five minutes now (and counting) and completely unable to work. Does ANYONE check these things before testing them on us? Het your game face on, Adobe. There are other fish in this sea.
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‎Jan 26, 2021
12:20 PM
It looks like your question was never really answered, despite being marked as "Answered". I mistakenly hit COMMAND+SHIFT+B, and the scale/rotate handles stopped appearing when I selected shapes in my workspace. Hitting that combo again brought the handles back. Hopefully that relates to your issue!
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