‎Mar 05, 2025
03:12 AM
This is one of the most annoying pop-ups in Photoshop ever! I have the latest version [v 26.4.1] andd still it disrupts my work as it pops up suggesting that I should update Photoshop! But when I open the Creative Cloud app and search for updates, it says that there are none andd I have the latest version! Really Adobe? Please fix this immediately.
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‎Feb 14, 2025
06:03 PM
@CJButlerThanks for this clarification. At least for now it is working, but I haven't had enough chance to test it and see if there are side-effects to User Experience. In any case, as least you are able to reproduce the issue again so that maybe will help with pinpointing the actual root cause of this problem.
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‎Feb 11, 2025
04:11 PM
Thank you very much!!! Only this helped!
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‎Mar 05, 2025
03:12 AM
This is one of the most annoying pop-ups in Photoshop ever! I have the latest version [v 26.4.1] andd still it disrupts my work as it pops up suggesting that I should update Photoshop! But when I open the Creative Cloud app and search for updates, it says that there are none andd I have the latest version! Really Adobe? Please fix this immediately.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
07:19 AM
<merged from cc desktop bugs>
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‎Dec 09, 2024
07:18 PM
1 Upvote
Same issue. Totally unacceptable. Installed and verified a day early for a 16-hour flight & unable to use software I am paying for offline and lost more than a day's productivity. This needs to be fixed.
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‎Oct 11, 2024
01:40 PM
Unfortunately I have to revive this but: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-completely-broken-hand-tool-ps24-5-hand-tool-sticking-sticky-not-seeing-mouse-up/idc-p/14660275/page/26#M106438 @CShubertsince you asked about this as the last post there: We wanted to update this thread that the issue was fixed with the release of 25.6. If you are still having this issue with the most recent Ps version, please start a new thread with your information so the team can investigate further. Unfortunately this bug is still happening to me on every single machine I own (all different PCs; all Windows 10 but each with otherwise different hardware specs - none of these computers have ever had a tabloet installed so there are no tablet drivers or tablet hardware associated with this). The issue was never resolved for me in 25.6 as said in that thread, but unfortunately has (and still) persists including in the most recent version. I am now on 25.12 and it is still a problem. I am not the only one reporting that this was not fixed in 25.6, as others report it happening in 25.7 (no response was made to this report): https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/cursor-stuck-in-transform-handle/m-p/14584481 Symptoms are the same as those reported by dozens of others in oroginal thread: move tool gets stuck in corner when attempting to resize an unlocked layer. I understand that this has been a difficult issue to track and resolve, but it has been happening since 2001 (https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/p-cursor-gets-stuck-on-transform-handle-in-photoshop-22-5-1-windows-only/m-p/12343584?search-action-id=612303251094&search-result-uid=12343584) and we are now nearing the end of 2024 and it is still happening.....this is a serious problem that makes PS borderline unusable, but unfortunately it has remained unfixed for years.
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‎Oct 04, 2024
09:40 AM
1 Upvote
If it's the same issue OP described where the mouse has more drawing accuracy, I believe I may have found a fix. In the "Pen & Windows Ink" settings, under the "Additional Pen Settings" pulldown, there's a checkbox for "Let me use my pen as a mouse when it's available." Checking this box seems to have fixed the pen accuracy issue in Acrobat, as it will read tablet inputs with mouse-grade accuracy now. It will still smooth lines, but this shouldn't affect the quality of your marks now.
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‎Feb 04, 2025
07:19 AM
<merged from cc desktop bugs>
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‎Jun 04, 2024
06:39 AM
1 Upvote
We wanted to update this thread that the issue was fixed with the release of 25.6. If you are still having this issue with the most recent Ps version, please start a new thread with your information so the team can investigate further.
Cory - Photoshop Product Manager
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‎Dec 22, 2023
12:10 PM
More instances, same bug: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/transform-handles-move-tool-etc-getting-stuck-to-mouse-cursor-old-problem-returned/td-p/13688508 https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/cursor-gets-stuck-to-transformation-handles/td-p/13483317 https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/sticky-cursor-problem-and-new-bar-won-t-pin-ps24-6/idi-p/13905256 https://www.reddit.com/r/photoshop/comments/qccdop/help_free_transform_locks_to_mouse_movement/ You have MULTIPLE user reports of the same issue over the span of 2-3 years. We are still waiting on a permanent fix for this irritating problem. How can you neglect such a workflow-breaking issue for so long? When will we see a permanent fix for this?
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‎Jun 29, 2023
01:52 PM
What a joke...how can it be resolved if it's not resolved. It should be reopened and indicated that it's not resolved. I'll start a new thread but ...come on. It's a problem today and this is the thread that comes up when you search google for a ressolution.
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‎Jun 14, 2023
11:11 AM
I must sound like a broken record in here by now, but damn it I cannot help but keep complaining! Keith has said it pretty much in a nut shell as have others in here. The "bundles" are a joke to be honest. Now that the ability to use lighting and make normal maps have been taken out of the current versions, I am now paying for a "bundle" of crap I do not need just to get photoshop with reduced functions, and no reduction in price. Did anyone ask the public/ the users what they need or want in a bundle? I think not! Do we have the option to create our own bundle? Nope! I use only photoshop, I have no use for any of the other things in my bundle but I have to pay for the whole shebang anyhow. Yet a bundle for me would be Photoshop with lighting and normal map features, and Illustrator and that's it. I really don't need or will I ever use the other programs I pay for in my bundle. AND I am certainly NOT going to pay through the nose to get Subtance just to make a normal map or lighting options. Adobe, you are making a lot of loyal long term customers very very unhappy! You may well lose many of us over this money grabbing change. You take away, don't give back, ask for more, and DO NOT LISTEN!
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‎Dec 17, 2021
04:32 PM
Joshy - Thanks for this follow-up response. However to answer your confusion about the issue - the steps you described are exactly what I did in my example images above. This is a limitation of the way that Photoshop handles alpha channels on export for .PNGs with transparency. I've heard the problem described elsewhere as being because photshop stores transparency and alphas separately. If you open a 4-channel .PNG, you will find in the channels tab that photoshop only has 3: R, G, amd B - and Alpha is treated separately and uniquely. I will note that you you do the same process with .TGA files, however, there is no such issue with the alphas not saving on channel export. Photoshop likes to overwrite Alphas as white for PNGs, and to get it to export transparency as alpha, you have to use a mask as you describe rather than adding an alpha channel in the usual way...however on export, you will find that the RGB channel values are also shifted from their original values. Yet with a .TGA this works as it should, and the 'save a copy' window for .TGA has an additional checkbox which you can select to make it export alphas as the 4th channel, making it a 32-bit TGA. This should be an option for .PNG, but is not. So while you can do texture packing with TGA files, this isn't ideal of course because a .TGA file will be significantly larger than a .PNG since it does not take advantage of the same level of compression you will get from a .PNG. The two aims of packing textures into single channels are (1) to reduce draw calls in 3d software, and (2) to reduce memory usage. By forcing us to use .TGA instead of .PNG, Photoshop essentially nullifies its usefulness in one of these two areas. It's not the end of the world, but I wanted to be clear that this is very much a photoshop problem with how it handles .PNG transparency and alpha and not an issue with the file format or the target software I'm handling the .PNGs with. The fact that it works fine with .TGA also demonstrates this. While you should be able to use an additional 8-bit/pixel channel on a 32-bit .PNG to store an alpha map, photoshop does not support this capability properly and the 'export alphas' checkbox in the 'save a copy' winow is grayed out. Ironically, GIMP actually does this correctly. So does Blender with its compositing feature pack (both free softwares).
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‎Jan 10, 2021
09:15 PM
What's happening with your system? Works fine on mine.
Notice the last post was two years back?
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