Wednesday Dessauer
Wednesday Dessauer
Nov 21, 2023
09:33 PM
1 Upvote
Still an issue! macOS Ventura 13.4 (22F66) XD version: x64, Creative Cloud Sync 6.6.4. The following sample reliably has the bug (tested across multiple browsers desktop & mobile) if you click on the 'shake' first. However, if you click the 'rotate' button first it gets past the hurdle and then works fine! Very annoying to have to supply those instructions to stakeholders! <iframe src="" width="600" height="600" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe>
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Mar 29, 2023
11:57 PM
Sorry. After reading the 'known limitations' section I returned to this prompt padding it out to a full sentence and this eliminated whatever was triggering the false positive terms of use violation. I guess if this is a known issue then it still might be possible to formula a more constructive error message.
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Mar 28, 2023
01:50 PM
On my first session with text effects, I am finding most things I type generate nothing saying it's violating the terms. I'm not trying to do anything controversial. A good error message would help me diagnose the problem. For example the phrase 'holy smoke' - if it told me which word was problematic, and better still why, it might train me to work with it better.
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Sep 18, 2022
02:07 PM
It does strike me as funny that none of the people praising 'Figma's successful business model" (who seem to mostly be on the free tier?) are counting the $20B as part of Figma’s business model or its success. “if you're not paying for the product, then...”
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Sep 17, 2022
05:12 PM
1 Upvote
I'm afraid it looks that way. I don't expect they will shut it off any time soon, but there doesn't seem to be a busines case for continuing to build new features. I suspect they will leave it to stagnate and just fall further & further behind the other prototyping apps. It avoids the issue for now, and reduces the objections later. One thing I wonder is, when the time does come to turn off the lights, will all those prototypes in the cloud continue to function? ( I'm starting my questions list for Adobe MAX already! )
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Sep 16, 2022
03:01 PM
I had totally forgotten about Streamline. Ever the source of knowledge Earth. In my defence, I never used auto trace features back then. I always insisted on doing everything manually with the pen tool, like I was Luke Skywalker with just one shot at destroying the Deathstar.
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Sep 15, 2022
05:20 PM
Maybe I should add, when they do run out an app in favour of another, they have rolled in features. Like I think Illustrator got Freehands auttrace engine (?). So people here talking about a super app Adobe FigmaXD are probably not wrong. It's gonna upset the Figma purists, but I think they are already looking at jumping to Pen;or and others. Seems premature when honestly no one seems to know where this is headed yet.
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Sep 15, 2022
05:15 PM
My hot take without all the facts: Figma & XD aren't well differentiated enough to make a clear path for running them in parallel indefinitely. When they say 'we will continue to supportt XD' while 'reducing our investment in XD' it sounds similar to what they've done with Adobe Dimensions since introducing the Substance Suite. The difference is that as the premium product, Figma would have to become a subscription (?). I'm having flash backs of when Adobe acquired Macromedia. They mainly wanted Flash I think, but Dreamweaver replaced GoLive!, which I was actually using at the time. On the other hand, I had already jumped ship from Freehand to Illustrator, which was the survivor there. That precedent makes me think they would be pragmatic in siding with Figma (which the valuation shows that they acknowledge they can't out conpete) rather than contemplating killing it. I think it has a larger user base still, so not annoying them will be the major challenge. I guess now we need to wait to see what the XD team say at MAX on their future roadmap, but I fear that 'continue to support' is just a stepping stone towards the fate of Adobe Muse which remained ignored for the years until they quietly shut it off with the fewest complaints. Not only do I use XD, I have class loads of students and a growing catalogue of training resources invested in it. I'm ok with changing ship, as I say, I've done it before... but a little more clarity from Adobe on this would sure help me plan my future training and start building that out.
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Jul 21, 2022
05:33 PM
1 Upvote
The new 'new document' UI is an improvement over the legacy one, but it just needs to work correctly (which it did initially). For me, the whole problem hangs on the clipboard specifications shown on the left not flowing through to the actual new document specifications displayed on the right. The only fix I can find is to click a different preset, then click back on the clipboard preset. Maybe that sounds like a minor inconvenience (?) but it isn't just non-intuitive for the user, it also breaks a standard keyboard shortcut workflow: ⌘C ⌘N [return]
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Jul 19, 2022
04:59 PM
A common operation I would perform is to copy a selection, create a new document which defaults to that clipboard size and then paste in those pixels. What I am finding in PS Beta is that although the new document defaults appear with the current clipboard dimensions highlighted in 'your recent items' on the left, the right panel 'Preset Details' actually holds the previously specification list. Furthermore clicking on the clipboard option on the left still does not update these details. I have to click onto another default first, then back onto 'clipboard' in order to get those details for the new document.
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Jun 10, 2022
10:03 PM
I am having a similar issue to this. Version: x64 on macOS 11.6.5 and I have tested in Desktop Chrome102.0.5005.115 & Safari 15.5 with the same weird result I hope to replicate for you here: If you press anything but the "Section 2" tab it works fine. But if the first button you press is that tab it gets stuck in the loop. Weirdly, once it has visited another artboard, returning to the original one and pressing the 'problem-button' works fine! ("What the?!") <p><iframe src="" width="1000" height="300" allowfullscreen="allowfullscreen"></iframe></p>
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Apr 08, 2022
12:17 AM
1 Upvote
Can Content-aware fill be made available as an option in the Canvas extension dropdown within the Canvas Size window?
This would save multiple steps in a common workflow.
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