Apr 29, 2024
02:46 AM
@Pete.Greenfinding a bug in this feature, version 25.7.0 (not beta), should I post here or start a new topic? Thanks!
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Apr 14, 2024
08:45 AM
> Has everyone fixed this bug? I'm just watching the thread because I can't test it because it's the busiest season. Also, since it is not included in fixed issue page (although it is natural because some changes are applied), I am curious about your opinion. @Jqqerry you can have two versions installed at the same time I guess, at least that's what I did and checked every 25 update, using 24.0 for work. In my case with 25.6 - no sticky hand when panning with space.
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Nov 03, 2023
12:26 AM
@CJButlerwhat about @Goyko survey idea? I guess what's even more aggravating than devteam not being able to fix it quickly (or at all) is the fact that in the meantime there are new features implemented that for many of us are to be seldomly used, but hand tool, bread and butter of our daily work is broken. I also suppose that the most vocal people here are the ones that use your software to make a living, not say AI enthusiasts. Since v25 I've used these generative features once 🤷:male_sign: and could have easily grab another photo and with some masking add the missing background just as quickly, but the hand tool, I use it hundred times a day. It adds insult to injury. For what it's worth, I set up a new rig few days ago, clean machine, fresh Photoshop installation, it's there, so maybe grab something Intel based with RTX GPU, install W10 Pro 22H2, update, move the taskbar to the window's top (I remember Photoshop going bonkers back in the day with taskbar on top) and see for yourself. And to sum it up maybe we are frustrated also because it's not the only bug that plagues your software. random clipboard problems between your apps (suggested solution - something hijacks the clipboard, not our fault, like it's the only program ever that cannot into clipboard management, seriously?), Illustrator's inability to refresh layer thumbnails properly - it's there since version 10, we're using 20 something now, quirky guides in Photoshop, artboards in Photoshop acting unexpectedly, selections stopping working everywhere but Indesign (yet), stock libraries not loading, fonts not activating on a whim, I could go on and on, but living in the world of early access apps and constant updates we are conditioned to shrug those small bugsies off and continue, but you still manage to break things big time... And all that with the recurring payment when lot of us could easily keep using CS6.
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Oct 12, 2023
11:26 PM
@CJButlerwell you have quite a few reproducable bugs here, is there a way to enable logging so you can analyze our cases?
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Oct 03, 2023
05:52 AM
@Caity.psd Can we get some updates on the fix progress? I understand that bugs happen every now and then, and I am aware of the fact how elusive and hard to track those things can be, especially with such a monster of a codebase but honestly it's more than a bug, it's a basic application functionality that's broken... I'm back on 24.6.0, as it is the last version where hand tool works for me, as all the posted workarounds fail sooner or later.
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Sep 12, 2023
03:45 AM
It might not be a solution for everyone, but in my case it worked... (Win10/RTX2060 528.49 Studio driver) I managed to overcome this in 24.6, after update to 25.0 - welcome back, sticky hand! Tried different things and switching Performance>Use Graphics Processor off and on again fixed it for now. Below are my Tools settings (if I remember correctly that helped me solve the problem in the first place)
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May 24, 2023
06:35 AM
I don't want to 😉 Printing house guidelines, but I suppose that's beside the point, I'm really curious what's behind variable drop shadow ppi vs flattener settings and if there is any chance of controlling them.
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May 24, 2023
05:01 AM
I'm creating some files for printing, page size 100x550mm, scale 1:10. I have one object with InDesign's drop shadow. And after exporting (no downsampling, flattener set to 1200 ppi for meshes and gradients) flattened images resolution is 529.167 ppi. When I scale up page size to 200x1100mm, exported shadow is 264.583 ppi all of a sudden (checked with Acrobat's preflight). In both cases I'd expect it to be 1200 and I need this shadow to be effectively at least 120, 150 would be optimal. Any clues? I really don't want to recreate these in Photoshop...
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Aug 05, 2022
07:38 AM
rob day, you saved the day 😉 Thank you very much!
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Aug 05, 2022
04:46 AM
Thanks, but it won't work as I need to - unless there's some switch or option I should toggle or turn either on or off. After changing page size with "Edit page size option" spread gets mangled: When changing master's size pages overlap:
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Aug 05, 2022
04:29 AM
Helloes, I have a simple project, a cover for a postcard set. But... I don't know in advance how many postcards will be there, be it 10 or 20 which makes quite a difference for a spine-page width. Is there a way to: a) change page width within a spread in a way that spread will accomodate to the changes and move pages left and right accordingly (so these magenta pages might be 6 or 12 mm and pages won't overlap after changing the size) b) create spread with gaps between pages, but export as a pdf without those gaps? c) create whole project as separate pages and create a spread on export? d) some other solutions? Thanks!
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Mar 23, 2022
09:56 AM
It's an almost perfect solution, I'm apparently overworked, haven't thought of that. Thanks!
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Mar 23, 2022
08:40 AM
Thanks! Maybe I didn't make myself clear, but I know I can copy-paste things or duplicate things easily, what I want is to create single right master page based upon right page from master spread, so I don't have to manipulate two masters, just one in case of moving stuff around. I find it impossible to do. As for why - in this example S is spread, L is left, P is right, C is dark, J is light, these aren't all the masters, just a few. I have a bazillion page document that will be both printed and published digitally. I want to maintain both versions in one file, make changes to 1 master (say S_C in an example below) not 5 (like S_C, L_C, P_C, L_C alt version, P_C alt version and so on) for each master there is.
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Mar 23, 2022
06:40 AM
I have a master spread consisiting of left and right page, let's say it has big L on the left page and big R on the right page. Now I want to have both those masters as single master pages, based on the spread pages, so I have single master left with big L based on the spread and master right with big R based on the spread - so all the operations on master spread are reflected on both single masters. Creating new master, single page, based on a spread results in a left page. Creating another spread based on original spread and removing left page results in left page... Creating new single master and dragging and dropping right page from master spread results in left page... I know I can easily copy-paste content from spread to singles, but I certainly would love to keep singles based on the spread. Is it even possible to create single master based on a spread's right page?
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May 17, 2021
08:43 AM
helloes, having the same problem, incompatible drivers, after update to 25.2 and onwards Illustrator is slow, doesn't work well, hangs and seldomly crashes. Reverting to 25.1 solves all the problems. Fun fact (25.1): Also worth noticing that lenovo won't update drivers every month like nvidia does and using non-vendor ones causes all sort of problems. Also also don't you think that CC being used in corporate environments shouldn't cry at me when my drivers are not even a year old and card has enough juice to do much more complicated operations than Illustrator preview?
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