Breathtaking Vintage
Breathtaking Vintage
‎Dec 05, 2024
07:18 PM
ntdll.dll faulty module is associated with graphic processor, Try to update the grpahic drivers. It should work once the drivers are updated.
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‎Nov 14, 2022
07:41 PM
you have some corrupted files. uninstall premiere pro and after effects including preferences, check for, and if available, update your os repair all ms visual c++ versions that can be repaired. update your ms visual c++, if it can be updated restart your computer (don't skip this) reinstall premiere pro and after effects By @kglad very interesting, good job and thanks for sharing such a good blog.
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‎Sep 17, 2022
12:55 AM
1 Upvote
I am at the point where I can't get anything done. Adobe overall is a dumpster fire of a company with its programs. Acrobat is a useless program that can't function in any Teams meeting without glitching. Trying to mark up a drawing in front of clients in a Teams meeting is embarassing. It constantly fails. I have given up on Acrobat for AutoCAD as that is a glitchy mess. Now I am on a four back version on PS because inexplicably, getting a photo to load in the lates PS in Windows 11 is impossible and saving confuses the computer to where it stalls and hangs. The incompetence is breathtaking, their idiocy concerning Windows updates legendary, their support is a psychotic mess, and add that with Windows 11 updates that Adobe can't seem to get a grip on, it is now to the point that there should be a mass migration, kicking all Adobe products to the curb. I now use Bluebeam for all my meetings with clients to go over drawings and it is elegant and smooth and does practically everything. Technology was supposed to make work easier and let us be more creative. Instead, it has turned artists and creatives into IT techs that are constantly trying to figure out what the latest issue is and how to fix it or figure out the mystifyingly complex workarounds written by Adobe's cubicle drones. The bottom line is this company exists for shareholders. Not us.
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‎Jul 07, 2022
01:22 PM
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