‎Nov 19, 2024
02:13 PM
Three months later, two updates later and the issue still persists.
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‎Nov 19, 2024
02:12 PM
1 Upvote
I'm having the same exact issue, using the latest version of Premiere Pro (25.0) on an intel 27" iMac running OS 14.7 (Sonoma). Only started happening with the Premiere Pro 25. When does Adobe plan to fix such a glaring bug? Or is this my final sign to start using Davinci for editing? I can't even revert because my files will no longer open in the previous version of Premiere Pro.
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‎Apr 26, 2024
01:13 AM
Adjustment Presets that use the luminosity blending mode are no longer working in the latest update of Photoshop (25.7.0). This is also true for the latest version of the Photoshop BETA. In addition to not working, presets created with the luminosity blending mode can't be deleted. When hovering over them, the tool tip claims the adjustment preset uses a blend mode not compatible with the document.
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‎Mar 13, 2024
11:54 AM
After updating to the latest version of Photoshop BETA, importing adjustment presets results in an error "There was a problem with your selected file, and the custom presets did not import." I tested this with adjustment presets that work fine in the Photoshop release (25.5.1) and also tested it with a preset created with the latest version of Photoshop BETA. Both result in the same error.
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‎Nov 01, 2023
06:33 PM
When saving for web and saving as a GIF, the animation preview isn't working. When hitting the play button, nothing happens. The saved GIFs still animate properly. The animation preview was working in the last version of Photoshop. I'm using a mac.
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‎Oct 21, 2023
04:09 PM
I've just updated again to the latest version of Photoshop 25.0.0 and the depth map neural filter is still broken for me.
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‎Aug 23, 2023
06:48 PM
See the below image, showing a single pixel row of pixels along the edge in random colors. This happens at certain zoom levels. At other zoom levels, the pixels disappear. The pixels are NOT in the file, only in the user interface.
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‎Aug 23, 2023
06:25 PM
Hey @CShubert , thanks for the response. I'm on the latest version of Photoshop as of today. Please find attached the output I get from your image. And screenshots showing my photoshop version and my imac/OS specs.
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‎Aug 02, 2023
04:04 PM
At the beginning of this year, I recorded a tutorial on to use the Depth Map created by the Depth Blur neural filter. When Adobe updated to Photoshop 2023, the Depth Map filter was changed and now no longer creates any kind of usuable depth map. Not sure if Adobe is aware of this problem and/or when it will be fixed? I've attached a file showing the Depth Map results in January of this year compared to today. It shows the problem quite clearly.
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‎Jun 22, 2023
04:25 PM
Thanks for the suggestions. I still feel the magic wand tool would be a good addition to the Select and Mask workspace (along with anti-aliasing and feather options for the lasso tool). I've run into many use cases where the magic wand simply does a far better and faster job than the Quick Select tool. Yes, I can go out of Select and Mask, make my wand selection and then re-enter Select and Mask... but if we're going to have a separate workspace for Select & Mask, we should have all the tools inside that workspace needed for selecting and masking.
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‎Jun 22, 2023
04:11 PM
Thanks for this great answer. Quick question—is there a way to automate this process with Zapier? Meaning, can I use a zap with email input to share and revoke access to an Adobe library?
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‎Jun 22, 2023
03:39 PM
It would be great to have the magic wand tool in the Select and Mask workspace. There are often times when the smart selection misses holes or other areas that would be easily selected by the Magic Wand. Unfortunately, the magic wand is not available in the Select and Mask workspace.
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‎Jun 21, 2023
10:01 AM
Most designers and artists ARE against any kind of restrictions because we are adults. We are not more or less qualified than the other adults at Adobe at deciding what we want to create. What makes people at a software company in San Jose qualified to restrict what designers and artists can create? On the plus side, it opens the door to a lot of competition, which is always healthy. If Affinity Photo or Gimp implement a generative fill without restrictions, they will quickly take a lot of Adobe's marketshare. Just look at this thread. Hundreds of artists and designers being stopped from their daily work because Adobe decided they have the right to dictate what people who have paid for a product can do with it. And it's not lost on me that the petition posted here to end the restrictions was quickly removed by Adobe.
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‎Jun 14, 2023
01:21 PM
Any skilled Photoshop artist can ALREADY accomplish any kind of fake image you can possibly imagine. How is the introduction of a new tool changing this in any significant way?
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‎Jun 14, 2023
11:03 AM
I think a better solution, for both Adobe and artists, is to set up the generation to happen without saving anything to their servers. And then remove all restrictions and leave all legal liability on the users, where it belongs. This is the model that has existed for the last 30 years and has worked well.
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‎Jun 14, 2023
10:45 AM
I agree. We're all ignoring the fact that Adobe have now established themselves as some kind of arbiter of virtue and purity with the "guidelines." Since when does the paintbrush dictate what art the painter can create? We've been conditioned to accept this as "normal" but it is so far from normal it actually defies belief. A design software company is dictating what artists can and can't design? In any other context, the solution would be to use a different tool.
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‎May 26, 2023
05:25 PM
Even without a prompt, I am getting violation errors. The image is of a little girl with yellow balloons. The prompt is empty. I am trying to get rid of some graphics printed on the balloons. I've successfully used the tool on this exact image many times, but now it keeps erroring when I try.
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‎Apr 26, 2023
11:39 AM
Seems like a bug rather than a feature... "a woman in a C-pose"
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‎Feb 09, 2023
01:05 PM
9 years later and Adobe still haven't solved this on Mac retina displays (virtually all graphic design displays are double resolution at this point). Anyone at Adobe going to address this or do we have to just jump to Resolve for editing?
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‎Jan 11, 2023
01:05 PM
Thanks for reply. Seems like a huge oversight. I'll definitely put in a feature request.
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‎Jan 10, 2023
03:10 PM
Double-clicking a folder in the Project panel no longer opens the bin in a separate panel. I don't find any workaround for this. Has anyone else run into this? Any solution?
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‎Nov 20, 2022
12:38 AM
Thanks and this is what I've done. I set the command+1 to make the Seq panel active, then command+2 to Shuffle Right (so that I could do it without my mouse hand) and then command+3 to reactive the text panel (I need this for working on captions). This last shortcut doesn't seem to work 100% of the time, although I'm not entirely sure why. The other two work fine.
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‎Nov 18, 2022
04:28 PM
I realize that the shortcut for increasing playback speed in Premiere is hitting L on the keyboard while playing. However, this only works if the timeline panel is active. And therein lies my problem—when working on captioning, the Transcript panel is active as I make corrections. But I want the video to play at 2X speed because I have hours and hours of this to get through. Unfortunately, I can't do this with a shortcut, because L doesn't work in the Transcript panel. Is there a UNIVERSAL shortcut (or command for which I can assign a shortcut) for increasing the playback speed? I thought a solution might be an applescript... but Premiere Pro doesn't support it. I'm looking for a way to hotkey the 2X playback speed of the current playing sequence WITHOUT needing to have the sequence panel active. Any help would be appreciated.
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‎Nov 16, 2022
04:44 PM
I use the auto-match on all of my tracks and it works, but there's some issue with the UI. I have to push the "Auto-Match" button multiple times for it to work. Anyone else running into this or is it something with my setup? I'm using a 2020 5k Retina iMac on MacOS 12.2 with the latest version of Premiere Pro (23.0.0).
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‎Oct 15, 2022
01:53 PM
I'm running the latest version of Photoshop (23.5.1) on MacOS 12.1 and every time I "reset to default" on the pattern overlay in layer effects, the entire program crashes. This is repeatable and I haven't yet figured out a way to reset it without making the program crash.
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