Rajneesh Chavli
Adobe Employee
Rajneesh Chavli
Adobe Employee
‎Jun 30, 2022
04:09 AM
@hellyeeeah in Photoshop 23.4.1, please try the following: https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-bugs/p-spring-loaded-tool-feature-is-misbehaving/idc-p/13019163#M58894
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Adobe Employee
in Photoshop ecosystem Discussions
‎Jun 20, 2022
11:22 PM
1 Upvote
‎Jun 20, 2022
11:22 PM
1 Upvote
Please try the following new control to customize the spring-loading sensitivity time as per your use-case:
Photoshop Preferences > Tools > Spring-loaded Tool shortcuts
Check if the checkbox is unchecked
The time value above reflects the time for which a key needs to be pressed to enable the spring-loaded feature
Keep the time value above to a large value (e.g. 2000 which means that a key needs to be pressed for 2 seconds for spring-loading to activate for it)
Unchecking this checkbox will completely disable the spring-loaded tools feature.
Using this you can have the capability of a more fine-grained control over the spring-loaded feature from the UI itself, and you can also modify it within the same Ps launch itself.
Please let us know the behaviour after performing aforementioned changes. Thanks.
[Also posted this on the original thread here]
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‎Jun 20, 2022
11:15 PM
Please try the following new control to customize the spring-loading sensitivity time as per your use-case:
Photoshop Preferences > Tools > Spring-loaded Tool shortcuts
Check if the checkbox is unchecked
The time value above reflects the time for which a key needs to be pressed to enable the spring-loaded feature
Keep the time value above to a large value (e.g. 2000 which means that a key needs to be pressed for 2 seconds for spring-loading to activate for it)
Unchecking this checkbox will completely disable the spring-loaded tools feature.
Using this you can have the capability of a more fine-grained control over the spring-loaded feature from the UI itself, and you can also modify it within the same Ps launch itself.
Please let us know the behaviour after performing aforementioned changes. Thanks.
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‎Mar 06, 2022
07:26 PM
Thanks for the update @k e l l i.
Does this crash happen every time now or is it intermittent?
Also, you mentioned on Feb 25 that you've reset your preferences and on 01 March you mentioned about the crash; was there no crash on rectangle shape corner rounding during this period? If so, does resetting preferences resolve the crash now also?
Further, can you please share a video of the steps being performed leading up to the crash?
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‎Feb 23, 2022
10:31 PM
@Strand5EC4 @k e l l i thanks for reporting this.
I'm unable to repro the crash on my machine, hence requesting more information from you.
Have you tried resetting Ps preferences > relaunching Ps > performing the workflow that crashes? Please see Sahil's comment which is the first post on this thread for more details.
If the crash persists even after resetting preferences, please share the following information:
Is this crash document-specific or generic? In other words, does the following workflow also trigger a crash: New blank document > draw rectangle > drag corner radius
Does the crash happen even if GPU is disabled? This can be done via Photoshop > Preferences > Peformance > uncheck Use Graphics Processor. Then create a new document to perform your workflow.
Does the crash happen on linked as well as unlinked corner rounding? Unlinked corner rounding may be achieved by pressing Opt key before dragging the corner pin.
Does the crash happen on changing corner radius of other shapes as well (e.g. triangle and polygon)?
Does the crash happen on Ps 22.x?
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‎Feb 09, 2022
08:14 PM
1 Upvote
@Charismatic_yogiB82A @hellyeeeah please try out the following on Ps 23.1 and let us know how it fares:
Just add the following line to //Users/[User Name]/Library/Preferences/[Photoshop_version]Settings/PSUserConfig.txt, restart Ps and perform the intended workflow.
sprk 200
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‎Feb 09, 2022
08:05 PM
@Francesco_Giacomelli please try out the following on Ps 23.1 and let us know how it fares:
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‎Jan 16, 2022
07:09 PM
@Annie E please let us know if you got a chance to try out the suggestions posted by Francesco, or if this issue is still reproducible at your end.
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‎Dec 21, 2021
07:18 PM
1 Upvote
@JonnaTraff is this happening for different tools or only for the Eyedropper and Brush tools? Is this "stuck" behaviour always reproducible? Did this behaviour start to occur after enabling the sprk optional extension?
@Michèle22310063x1ha can you please let me know the complete path in which you're trying to search the Adobe Photoshop 2022 Settings folder? Following is the location of the path:
[Installation Drive]:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\[Photoshop_version]\[Photoshop_version]Settings\
//Users/[User Name]/Library/Preferences/[Photoshop_version]Settings/
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‎Dec 20, 2021
02:00 AM
[EDIT: Please see the updated resolution here]
@TheCraigist81 @Michèle22310063x1ha can you please let me know if you are seeing this issue even after trying out the optional extension that I mentioned about in an earlier post? Pasting it here for easy reference (please note that this optional extension is now available in Photoshop 23.1 as well):
Capability to have a more fine-grained control over the spring-loaded feature is now available in the latest Ps Beta build (which can be accessed via Creative Cloud).
Use the following optional extension (see this kb article for info on optional extensions) in PSUserConfig.txt:
sprk <time in milliseconds>
The time value above reflects the time for which a key needs to be pressed to enable the spring-loaded feature
Keep the time value above to a large value (e.g. 20000 which means that a key needs to be pressed for 20 seconds for spring-loading to activate for it)
Please let us know the behaviour after performing aforementioned changes. Thanks.
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‎Dec 09, 2021
07:50 PM
@Annie E thanks for reporting.
Did you get a chance to try out the suggestions posted by Francesco? Can you please let us know if this issue is still reproducible at your end?
I tried nudging shapes/paths using arrow keys (with and without shift key) in Ps 23.0.2 on Windows and the crash didn't repro.
Based on the crash log that you've submitted, the GPU is offline on your machine; is this intended? I also disabled the GPU and then tried nudging shapes and it works correctly on my machine.
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‎Nov 17, 2021
12:04 AM
1 Upvote
@leosn56185363 please look in the "Beta apps" section (in the left pane) of Creative Cloud Desktop.
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‎Nov 16, 2021
11:21 PM
[EDIT: Please see the updated resolution here]
Capability to have a more fine-grained control over the spring-loaded feature is now available in the latest Ps Beta build (which can be accessed via Creative Cloud).
Use the following optional extension (see this kb article for info on optional extensions) in PSUserConfig.txt:
sprk <time in milliseconds>
The time value above reflects the time for which a key needs to be pressed to enable the spring-loaded feature
Keep the time value above to a large value (e.g. 20000 which means that a key needs to be pressed for 20 seconds for spring-loading to activate for it)
Please let us know the behaviour after performing aforementioned changes. Thanks.
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‎Oct 29, 2021
12:02 AM
@leosn56185363 the video that you posted earlier shows the issue clearly, so again thanks for that.
Although we haven't been able to repro this in-house, we hope to have an update soon which you all can test out and let us know.
Thanks for your patience.
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‎Oct 28, 2021
09:26 PM
@leosn56185363 we hope to have an update on this soon.
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‎Oct 16, 2021
05:47 AM
I've put in a request for you.
Thanks so much @jane-e , appreciate it.
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‎Oct 07, 2021
05:28 AM
If the behaviour is precisely the same as the steps I've mentioned above, please let me know as to where you consider it to be buggy. Possibly the last step where the tool switches back to Brush?
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‎Oct 07, 2021
05:24 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks @leosn56185363 and @DeadlyNinja , appreciate your prompt replies. To distill the behaviour: Press B : switches to Brush tool Stroke on canvas : acts as a Brush Mouse/Stylus up : Brush stroke ends Press E and don't key up, i.e. E is kept pressed : tool switches to Eraser Stroke on canvas : erases the painted stroke Mouse/Stylus up : Eraser stroke ends (E is still pressed). Tool is still Eraser. Key up, i.e. E is no longer pressed : tool switches back to Brush Can you please let me know if you are encountering the above behaviour? If not, would request you to please provide information as to where the behaviour differs from above. Others please chime in with the pen/mouse info (along with operating system) as well as in verification of the above behaviour. All inputs are helpful for investigating this. Thanks.
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‎Oct 07, 2021
03:30 AM
Yes @jane-e. Haven't requisitioned the employee badge here though.
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‎Oct 07, 2021
12:57 AM
Hi, Can folks here let me know if this occurs only when using a pen/stylus on tablet or it occurs with mouse on PC as well? Based on current replies it appears to happen on both macOS and windows. The more people that reply to this, the better it'll be for us to try to investigate this issue. Thanks.
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