‎May 23, 2024
06:34 PM
It is working... for now. God knows for how long...
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‎May 23, 2024
06:17 PM
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‎May 23, 2024
04:37 PM
Adobe needs to provide answers for this stuff. It's a workflow breaking problem. A money problem.
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‎May 03, 2024
12:52 PM
After my last post reply, Illustrator was working normally. Then, after going about Smart Object edits it started doing it again.
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‎May 03, 2024
05:56 AM
Hello, thanks for replying. These are client files so they arrive as is- The artboard conforms to the size of the "Page" each element is "extracted" from- so any sort of editing in terms of resizing the artboard probably wouldn't be beneficial as it creates more work. I think I read a near similar issue where users ended up wanting to request something like a "size to fit" for Illustrator and this request has been up for a long time. Saying that, this only became an issue a day or 2 ago so I don't know whats going on. I'm a bit busy at the moment but I'll try to run additional experiments when possible.
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‎May 02, 2024
03:36 PM
I have to edit a bunch of Vector objects from within multiple PSD files. When I double click them to open in Illustrator lately, they have all been opening way zoomed in but lost on a giant workspace. I don't know if this is because I hit a key at some point or if it is the result of how the files were originally edited. I included 3 screenshots. The first one is what the file looks like after I double click it in Photoshop and it opens in illustrator, the second one is me zooming out trying to find the element on the giant workspace and the third is me finally zooming in. I don't know why this started happening but it is costing me a ton of time. I already tried deleting preferences and a few other tips that didn't work. I know I can hit Ctrl+0 to zero in on the element but that is irritating as I didn't have to do that a day ago and I have many files to edit. Thanks. Edit: From what I am reading I can't change the canvas- which contains the artboard(s). So, why is Illustrator opening a file in the vast sea of canvas for such a tiny element in a relatively tiny artboard?
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‎Mar 08, 2024
10:36 AM
Thanks for the reply. Yeah, on this particular machine all my setting for updates and downloads and everything are all managed. I have no clue why that happened and am still curious to find out
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‎Mar 07, 2024
02:14 PM
Can anyone explain to me why Adobe Photoshop Express was suddenly installed on my machine? I turned the computer on one day to be met with the message it installed and this was without my prompt or permission. Is there some kind of reason for this? Does standard Photoshop need this installed? I'm slightly annoyed because I have reasons not to install more programs at the moment. Any help appreciated.
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‎Jan 21, 2024
10:41 AM
I noticed this happened with my secondary PC with the last update- was SORT OF rectified when updating Windows (the past couple of updates still have Photoshop running a little wonky on this machine though to be honest ). Didn't go through a lot of the responses here but its worth it to check for updates in the very off chance you haven't.
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‎Jan 21, 2024
10:34 AM
Been wanting to sort of comment on this but I have been busy with work. I noticed after the last update that the "movement" of objects or images within layers, anything that you can move around the screen with your mouse, seems to have been slightly altered in Photoshop. I was wondering if anyone has brought this up or if it was addressed in any kind of update announcements- I dug around but didn't see anything. An example of how this would impact my work flow would be doing something like selecting an object in a layer and when I want to maybe resize or rotate it (like "Edit-Transform-Rotate..."), after I select "Rotate" the object will spin around in the layer, requiring me to undo the initial action as I'm likely trying to perform a subtle edit. If I was resizing the object, the image will similarly be shrunk or enlarged quickly- again, requiring I undo this initial editing "movement" so I can start editing from where the image initially was positioned in it's original state. Wondering if anyone else has encountered this. Thanks!
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‎Nov 08, 2023
09:32 AM
Hello. Since the last update I have noticed this bug with Smart Objects. Basically, I create multi-layered Smart Objects. I place them within my greater image (Almost like a patch) and I edit and adjust the size, warp and reshape the Smart Object. Once I am happy with the placement I will open up the Smart Object to either delete control layers or un-needed layers or turn the control layers off so they are no longer visible. Lately, I have noticed that when I adjust these layers and save the smart object all of my reshaping and adjusting is reverted on the Smart Object as if I had done none of it. Though my controls layers are now invisible as I had just edited the layers and saved. I have to do this work in this way and now it is not working. I have not seen anything in the updates that stated Smart Object functions were changed in any sort of way. Any help appreciated. Thanks.
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‎Jun 15, 2023
10:16 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for your reply. I see no need to provide a sample file as any sort of PSD experimentation can be carried out with a simple user created file like the one the screenshot is based off of above. In fact, if any sort of script or action was found I would likely strip out all other layers aside from the dialogue layers. All one would need would be a rasterized layer and it's designation in the layer panel. Thanks for your time though and have a great day.
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‎Jun 15, 2023
08:55 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for the reply. The other layer names are irrelevent as I have the option of dumping them entirely- just keeping my dialogue layer groups for whatever exprimentation. Even if I had a type layer for each and every panel I am not concerned with them as I would just pick out what I wanted to keep. The non-text layer names are named by the author and/or me- as they are just named "layer 1, 2 etc." by Photoshop if not designated by the user. I do work in a "visual medium" but this particular request deals with a very basic Photoshop function- which is just creating a new layer. I'll throw in an example screenshot of a rasterized layer with the original layer name designation Photoshop adds to it when you type out text. Thanks.
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‎Jun 15, 2023
07:49 AM
Thanks for the response. The guy just screwed up his files for the most part by rasterizing them- he generally gives me at least PSD's with editable text layers. If he was sending completed files out for whatever final publishing purpose- that would be fine. The thing is, the "base files" need to be edited and translated to multiple languages. The particular font doesn't matter too much as I usually change the fonts when I am changing to another language- sometimes I even change the Asian fonts before editing as well due to plugin quirks. The data is still available in the layers panel as the lines are not overly long. So far I have just manually copy-pasted things as I was sure I wouldn't be able to pull off any "tricks" in time for when I want to finish the project. Repositioning was done but that wasn't too much of a concern for me. I actually did try some screen reading software though and a lot of other tricky methods to try and capture the text and re-insert into the PSD files. I think if the text was English one of these methods could have mostly worked but since they were Asain characters I wasn't able to get more than a few random characters per page.
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‎Jun 15, 2023
07:39 AM
1 Upvote
I think I can describe that without a sample. When you create a text layer, the layer is named the same in the layers panel (If I typed "Hello" in text the text layer would read "Hello". The client accidently rasterized the text layers but the text information exists within the layer name designations.
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‎Jun 13, 2023
12:00 PM
1 Upvote
Hello. I localize Asian storybooks/comics for English readers. My client made a mistake with his base files and rasterized all the text layers within a batch of PSD files. I use a separate plugin to translate the text into English but it will not work with rasterized text layers as it needs the standard text to edit. Interestingly, the layer text descriptions still contain the text in Asian characters for each layer. Would there be any way (script??) to somehow take the text description information of each layer and either generate new text layers with this whether they can replace the rasterized layers or create new text layers? I know this is a difficult sort of thing to pull off but I do see similar things being done within this forum. Any help appreciated!
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‎Apr 02, 2023
03:17 AM
Hello. I edit multiple .PSD files for work. When I am done editing a series of .PSD files, I run a Batch command of a simple Action file I created to resize them all at once. I noticed today after updating Photoshop, that the Action file I created ends in an error in Photoshop- I even re-created the Action file to see if I could get a different result and it does not work. Photoshop gives me the error "Error: Could not complete the command because of a program error. (-1)". I can see that Photoshop will resize the first .psd file but then refues to save it and it spits out the error. I can run the batch with the errors sent to a "log" and at this point Photoshop will perform the resizing actions on the series of .PSD files but then I have to manually save each one- needless to say this defeats the purpose of running commands on multiple files. Any chance this will be fixed? I have too many files to manually resize each one like this.
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‎Nov 30, 2022
01:02 PM
Update : It appears I am going to have to open every PSD file I am working on in the last release as the same issue keeps occuring. I can sort of "fix" the problem by working normally in the older version saving it and then opening it in the latest version but at this point I may as well not use the latest release.
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‎Nov 30, 2022
12:52 PM
(Not related to deprecated fonts) Hello. I am running the latest Photoshop. I do a lot of typesetting and was fine editing all week. Today, I was laying down some text and when I went to add some warp effects to some words, I noticed that aside from the general effects I was adding to the text Photoshop was also distorting the actual fonts- as if i was putting a secondary "wave" or "distortion" effect on the letters changing them entirely. I noticed this was only happeneing to the regular font in question and not it's italic version. I thought it may have become corrupted- either the font or the font cache so first I deleted and then re-installed the font which didn't work. Then I deleted the cache so Photoshop would create a new one- this did not work. Finally, I opened the same file in the last version of Photoshop released, edited the text to my liking and then saved and closed the file. I re-opened this in the latest Photoshop and the problem went away. Very odd.
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‎Jan 27, 2022
08:58 PM
After looking over things, I almost think that this particular issue is just Legacy Compatibility. I'm not entirely sure. I get work to edit that could have been created recently or up to 10 years ago. The people in charge of delegating this work are not artists or designers- certainly not Adobe users. I sort of think Adobe has jumped the gun on all of these new updates which break backwards compatibility- the business world is slow to adapt to changes so Legacy Compatibility should probably be supported for another 10 years or so just to kind of "wring out" the last of the older documents that will still be in use. I think I may have gotten a mixed batch of PSD files in a series because 2 files down, the text slowdown has seemingly stopped. I say this now but God knows if it's really another issue- considering that this same kind of problem is routinely posted in the forums. Meh, I think I am typing to myself.
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‎Jan 27, 2022
08:06 PM
To follow up. Updating my Graphics Card Driver did nothing. Aside from V 23.1.1 I also have 21.2.1- This version has the same problem.
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‎Jan 27, 2022
05:17 PM
Hello. Was working with Photoshop all day. Stopped for dinner. Came back to Photoshop and suddenly when I try to resize text layers it is slow to edit with a sluggish delay. I have the latest updates. I cannot use alternate methods to edit the text as I have to match a particular style by resizing, warping, etc. I CANNOT achieve the desired results for my employer using the character panel so that is out. My computer is decent enough and I have been doing the same work since September without this issue. I give Photoshop a lot of ram with a dedicated Scratch drive. Turning on or off the Graphics Processor does nothing. Restarting the computer does nothing. Any help appreciated. Similar issue to this thread here (sort of) : https://community.adobe.com/t5/photoshop-ecosystem-discussions/type-layer-slows-down-whole-photoshop-selecting-transforming-and-scrolling-fonts/m-p/11171974 "Transform tool for text is unusable for me in PS. It's so laggy I can't even control it properly. It's a second long lag and I'm not exaggerating."
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