Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Mar 03, 2025
02:56 PM
1 Upvote
Well, I came here to solve one problem, and ended up solving two. I had never heard of nesting before, and it helps a lot. I had stacks of arwork like 15 layers tall in some places. Thanks.
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‎Mar 01, 2025
10:51 AM
I applied "transform". Rotated 90 degrees, and then upscaled to 200%. I recorde those clips in profile mode 1920x1080p. My camera recognizes when I fip it sideways, but for some reason when I pull the footage off the card it still sits horizontal so I have to go back and manually correct them to profile mode. After I applied the lumetri mask, the clip appears to stay in profile mode, but it gets cropped back to horizontal 1080p. At least that is what it "looks" like.
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‎Feb 28, 2025
01:14 PM
1 Upvote
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to PP. The problem I'm having is that when I apply the Lumetri color effect and then select the mask tool it "crops" the entire clip, revealing the clips below it on the timeline. This first image is with Lumetri color added to the clip. It looks like its working just fine. However the second picture is what happens after I click the mask effect. Here is a video of what its like when it happens
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‎Feb 10, 2023
12:44 PM
Hi all, I've used Premeier elements 2018 for years. With clips on the time line I was able to select a clip and then press "CTRL+ Left" and move clips one frame to the left (or right etc). Yesterday I "upgraded" to 2023 and this funtion no loger works. No combination of CRTL, Shift, ALT and the arrow keys will move the clip at all. The only thing the arrow keys will do now is move the play head, or slect from the top menu. Does anyone know how to nudge clips in Premiere elements 2023? Thanks Matt
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‎Feb 24, 2020
06:56 AM
One more question. Is there a way that I can save only the cut out part of the image so that there are NO transparent pixels? When I cut that out I used magnetic wand to outline then CTRL + X, then CRTL +V and then I deleted the bakcground layer. But I guss this just leaves me with a transparent background anyway? Can I make it so there is no "background"? Just the image cut out?
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‎Feb 24, 2020
06:46 AM
Thank you!
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‎Feb 24, 2020
06:46 AM
Thank you!
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‎Feb 22, 2020
10:26 AM
Thank you for your suggestions. I tried reseting but still get the same result. I did figure out a way to work around the bug. If I use magic wand to outline the entire layer then I am able to paint on only that layer.
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‎Feb 22, 2020
08:23 AM
I do want to paint the top layer, but the background (plain white) is a seperate layer which is not selected, but the brush paints it anyway.
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‎Feb 21, 2020
05:19 PM
Hi all, I use Elements 2018. I cut out an image. Deleted the back ground and treid to paint on part of it using the brush tool but it still paints the back ground. Tried putting it over a white BG, selecting the layer then paiting and it still pains the background too no matter what. Does the same thing using color replacement tool etc. It is possible to paint only the background layer, but not only the top layer. The yellow dot is what I pained with the brush for an example. Does anyone know how to fix this?
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‎Jun 08, 2018
05:13 AM
This also works in elements 2018. A transformer blew near my house and crashed everything. To recover the files open adobe>File>Open Project> (Some times a folder that says "auto saves" is next)> Open the most recently dated project. If you had not yet named it they say "my new video project".
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