CSI Productions
CSI Productions
‎Mar 05, 2025
11:42 AM
So I started using Firefly to hopefully create a pair of heels which the woman in the attached image had removed before we took this (cropped) team photo. I included this image as a reference but I was getting some really twisted images of distorted shiny shoes on hands (also attached). I used a very detailed prompt hoping to match her position, perspective, lighting etc. but it didn't work. Looking through the Firefly gallery, I watched a couple of videos about prompts and one girl was using simple prompts and getting the desired results so I drew a soft rectangle around her feet and used the prompt "High Heels" and got flagged. I tend to agree with others who have posted about what gets flagged. Anyone have any idea if this is even possible? I know how to do this the old fashioned way but I'm trying to stay current with the AI tools so no need to send ideas on how to do this without GF - I know how and it's really time consuming. These are the challenges professionals in marketing deal with daily. Not having the ability to use a tool like Generative fill for photo retouching like this (and other examples I've read about) makes it useless for real world fashion photographers. It's more of a tease than a tool - for this type of work. If I wanted to make a dog in a space helmet it's great but my clients don't ask me for things like that.
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‎Jan 24, 2025
08:17 AM
Different camera angles (like a real video storyboard) would be huge as well. Wide establishing shot, cut to medium shot of two people talking, cut to CU of character 1 (looking the same as the wide and medium shots with the same character having different expression(s)), cut to opposite angle showing second character matching their same face as wide/medium. So much need for this feature. I also see other software with this capability. I wonder why Adobe (with the power to do everything we've come to love) is struggling with this one. Not so much as a peep or progress report on if they're even heard their client base. chirp-chirp
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‎Jan 06, 2025
01:39 PM
Test this on a dupe of your original: I've been having some success by duplicating the image, cover the "offending" part of the image (just paint over it so it's hidden). Use this image to GenFill/Expand etc. Then copy/paste this on a layer "under" the original image (be sure you enlarge the original if you used Gen-Expand so the two dimensions match), display the original at 50% opacity so you can see the area to paint out and using your eraser tool (soft brish), erase the original to reveal the revised areas. Display the upper layer at 100% then flatten the image. Won't help with the model in a swimsuit directly but can be used to add remove or gen-expand stuff around the model.
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‎Dec 05, 2024
01:21 PM
Update: The "Quick Export" (upper right) does work properly - I'm no longer screwed. That's a technical term.
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‎Dec 05, 2024
01:19 PM
I'm trying to export a portion of audio to enhance with Adobe Audio enhance. I've selected the range where the audio I want to export is, selected the "Work Area" in the export window and it keeps exporting the entire sequence audio. Same problem with the previous beta which I just found out about and downloaded the new beta to see if it was fixed. Do you guys ever think you're spitting out these updates too fast? Your "paying" customers are being used as guinnea pigs and "our" paying customers work suffers as a result. My file can't be opened in a previous working version and it's a complex file so I'm screwed until another update fixes this. I know you'll say, "you aren't supposed to use beta software for real work." Two things about that. 1.) most of us don't have time to "play" with beta software outside of our regular production hours. 2.) if that's your response, stop making the beta version to default when you launch a project. Projects should be launched in the last version of the software they we're saved under. "We" should have the option to set the beta as the default not the other way around.
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‎Nov 21, 2024
02:01 PM
I just opened AE Beta Bld 24 and am editing text. My type tool is so big I can't isolate single lines of text w/o locking those surrounding it. Is this a bug or another "new feature" we don't need and have to go into preferences to put back the way it's always been? When I screen shot the cursor dissapears - can't show it but it's about four times it's normal size. Looks enlarged/pixelated. Anyone? Thanks in advance.
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‎Nov 06, 2024
12:02 PM
1 Upvote
Rather than confusing those of us who have used illustrator since version 1.0 with "Upgrades?" and forcing us to waste time searching for what used to be a default feature (this time can't see points or outlines). Why not make the default what it's always been and give people the option to turn them off in preferences? This times every Adobe app doing the same is compounding the time suck.
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‎Oct 18, 2024
09:24 AM
Tried this on my iMAC. It changed nothing.
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‎Oct 18, 2024
09:23 AM
I can't believe this post is from 2017 and it STILL (unless I'm mistaken) won't let you set it to whatever display you want. Someone said it "should" stay where it was when last quit - it doesn't. PLEASE fix this. Adobe creates so many upgrades to software to speed up the workflow but for whatever reason this seems to have been ignored. BTW File/Sort/Sort By Filename "IS" set and it still changes everytime I quite.
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‎Oct 04, 2024
07:14 AM
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‎Sep 27, 2024
02:17 PM
Hi Ton, If you reference the screen grab of my illustrator file you can see it does have background in the bleed area.
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‎Sep 27, 2024
10:43 AM
Thanks Anubhav, The reason is, some printers don't accept PDF files but they all seem to accept High Res JPEGS, PNG and/or PS files. I'm not sure where the client is having these printed and a pdf may be acceptable. I was thinking I might be able to save it as a PDF and then export a PS or PNG file from Acrobat. Thank you.
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‎Sep 27, 2024
10:27 AM
I downloaded an Illustrator business card template that include the actual business card size as well as a bleed. When I export it as a photoshop file (with layers) it crops the image to the actual card size but disregards the bleed. How do I export the template file to include the bleed? Additionally, when I open the Artboard dialog the ruler changes. The secon Ps file shows the ruler w/o the Artboard dialog.
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‎Sep 19, 2024
08:48 AM
That's an excellent tip for those needing to expand backgrounds from swimsuit models, fashion, marketing for suntan lotion etc. Tons of situations where this could be all that's needed. THANKS Tonya!
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‎Sep 11, 2024
03:46 PM
NP. I admit when I'm wrong. I didn't mean to come across ungrateful. Yes agree with the time saving comment. I think that's what we all are looking for. It will change storyboarding, book illustration, marketing material - exciting times!
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‎Sep 11, 2024
03:16 PM
My apology, I misunderstood what it meant to be a Community Expert. I guess I "assumed" you had more insight with Adobe and where they're going with all of this. It's very cool technology overall.
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‎Sep 11, 2024
12:48 PM
Jane-e, Thank you for replying and FYI I've read "every" thread relating to this issue because I have a special need for this feature to be implemented, hence, my desire to be treated as an adult with the information pertaining to the topic. I don't recall anyone from Adobe stating they're bound to a NDA and can't give us anymore information. Your comment stated "if" they implement it feels like it's not going to be anytime soon and my suggestion to others who need this feature yesterday would be to search elswhere.
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‎Sep 11, 2024
11:12 AM
We've all been asking for this from the beginning. It would be great if Adobe would be honest and let us know this is being worked on, it's difficult and may be awhile before we have a solution, it's impossible to do with AI. Whatever the reason, stringing this along when you might possibly know this isn't going to be doable would be welcome information so people aren't thinking the fix is right around the corner. We're all adults here, we can take the truth. It's not like we're asking you to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life - I think we all know there is and we handled it like adults (twighlight zone music). This "has got to be" one of the most requested feature (if not "the" most) with FireFly yet very little is being said by Adobe on what the hold up is. Admittedly I'm NOT a programmer which is exactly why I'd like someone who actually programs (for Adobe) to chime in as to what we can expect and when (if ever)? I'm now seeing regular online AI programs stating that they can in fact do consistency with characters between scenes so there seems to be a way to do it. This one feature request is really the only thing keeping me (and many others I suspect) from using FireFly almost as much as we do Photoshop - for me that's daily. Thanks for hearing me out.
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‎Aug 23, 2024
10:28 AM
Having the same thing happen. This is another one of those instances I've written about before. Why is Adobe so hellbent on constantly changing how we work. I swear it's two steps forward one step back with all this "progress." I'm working with Element 3D. I used to just copy my logo from Illustrator, drop it on a layer in AE and it's instantly made into individual masks which can then be used in Element to create 3D. Now I don't have a clue what I need to do to create masks. Anyone? A little help?
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‎Aug 20, 2024
12:27 PM
Wasn't an idea as much as helping others find a workaround. This was a Premiere Beta Discussion as noted in the subject - also where I posted it (or so I thought).
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‎Aug 08, 2024
08:46 AM
YES! TY Kevin! You da MAN! What's funny is, I'm "not" a new user. In fact, I was one of the original beta sites for Premiere prior to it ever being released (yeah, I'm old). I've grown up with this program but rarely find it necessary to go revise keyboard shortcuts. That being said you've just saved me a few more grey hairs.
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‎Aug 07, 2024
02:04 PM
1 Upvote
Can someone point me to a discussion, tutorial, link that discusses how and when to use the icons in the upper left of the timeline so I can paste, graphics, video clips, copy/paste etc. onto the track I want. I highlight a track and hit paste and Premiere creates a new track at the top of the timeline and pastes my clip there. I even lock tracks i don't want my clip to be pasted to and although there's an empty track highlighted, Premiere (again) creates a new track and pastes it there. I've tried every combination of icons turned on/off (see attached - I suspect these have nothing to do with this) in combination and what I'm trying to paste seems to just go to a new track at the top regardless. Additionally, sometimes it works as expected (pastes in the highlighted track) and other times it doesn't. I have no clue what the logic is on how Premiere determines where it pastes clips in the timeline. Thanks. What's the logic behind pasting a clip on a specific track?
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‎Aug 07, 2024
01:08 PM
Thanks Annika, Almost immediately after posting I realized the new beta didn't leave my workspace the way it was and closed the effect window. I requested my post be removed once I saw that but these things take a little time. Appreciate you chiming in.
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‎Aug 07, 2024
12:27 PM
1 Upvote
I'm applying the crop tool with Premiere's newest Beta bluid and it the controls no longer appear in the effects panel. Has it been moved somewhere else? Worked normally in the last build. Screen shows interface, Crop has been dragged and dropped on the clip twice but I see no controls anywhere.
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‎Jul 25, 2024
09:00 AM
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‎Jul 25, 2024
08:56 AM
That entry was misleading. You want to use the same character in for example a storyboard, where you can have an established character in various scenes and with various facial expressions, camera angles, clothing etc. What was written as a reference image "suggested" you could establish a character and then use it for a reference image and from there you can generate any other scenario with the character matching the reference - not so. Reference image won't do that. In the example they are just asking for a cute dog sitting (no different than doing a stock photo search - in this case) and then selecting one of the photos and then changing the look to a different art style. It won't let you pick one of the photos, use it as a reference and have the same dog chasing a stick, holding a ball in it's mouth or sleeping on a childs bed. This is what we all want but so far it's incapable. The closest example I've seen is in this thread. It has images of a Latin looking woman with dark hair in various scenarios and that shows promie. Is it Adobe or proper prompt? I submit it's probably a combination of both. We're all waiting for this feature to get nailed down. If Adobe pulls it off their stock will probably go up because every creative on the planet will be using it.
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‎Jul 25, 2024
08:44 AM
Welcome to the world of frustrated AI users. This has been one of the most popular requests since Ai Generated imagery has been released on the creative community. Maybe AIimage generation can't do everything. That being said, it sure is cool for the stuff it can do.
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‎Jul 25, 2024
08:28 AM
Tracy, at the risk of sounding rude, your thread entry is from last year. I don't understand how a statement that you want to track the popularity of this request is even in question. Ever since Firefly was introduced to the world users have been requesting this feature. From children's book illustrations (my personal request) to storyboards to print ads or corporate how to's - this community has been asking for this since it's inception. This whole time, through many upvotes to anyone who's requested this feature I think it's painfully clear we've been under the impression Adobe has heard us and was working on it. Your response suggests you need to take a poll to determine if it's something worth Adobe's time suggesting developing this feature hasn't even been started yet. Has it? Is it even possible? I'm not a programmer so I won't even pretend to know what's involved and I respect those who can write code. I understand with certain feature requests popularity dictates priority but it's been clear to anyone who's followed this thread that we've been asking/waiting for this feature for over a year. I would submit the jury is in and the verdict is, there's a dire need for this feature. We'll keep waiting, unless another company figures it out first, in which case, problem solved. Thank you.
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‎Jul 16, 2024
02:34 PM
I'm using Premiere Beta ver. 24.6.0 BETA (Build 62). I just rendered files which are revised duplicates from a template project I use regularly. I designated the directory I want to render to but it appears to havenot only rendered to the folder I specified, but it also made duplicate renders and saved them to the directory the sequence I had duplicated/revised and previously rendered to (I hope that's clear). For example: I duplicated a file, revised it, rendered to a newly specified location and it also rendered to the directory the original sequence was saved to. Image attached. Same naming convention/same render times. If it matters, in the export window I also exported using the vimeo output option simultaneous to the directory I was rendering to. Weird.
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‎Jul 10, 2024
10:36 AM
1 Upvote
We in this community have been haggling over this since FireFly started. Everyone understands there are countries that have VERY strict rules on what can be seen and what can't. Heck, I used to work as a news graphic artist for the Christian Science Monitor (Boston) and got reprimanded for using a stock photo of a guy on the beach picking up his girlfriend in a two piece bathing suit (not a string bikini, a two piece). This was for an over the shoulder news graphic about vacationing. Oops, who knew. I thought it was rediculous. The point is, some people don't get art. This is real stringent in some countries. Can't Adobe make the rules different based on the country you're in? If you live in a country that's really strict (ni hao) then you get the tight restrictions if you don't they get a less overbearing. As mentioned before, bottom line, Adobe is a private company and as such can do whatever they like. You have the option of using other software for Ai generation. There are a ton out there (with zero restrictions) so if Adobe won't let you add a background to a girl wearing a dress because (ITO) it's just too risque - use another companies software.
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