‎Dec 11, 2024
10:52 AM
@Kes Akalaonu That is useful in some circumstances, but doesn't help with text in MOGRTs unfortunately. The majority of text that I need translated is in MOGRTs.
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‎Dec 10, 2024
07:20 PM
This looks like a pretty good start. Are there any plans to add this functionality to the Text > Graphics panel so we can translate text in graphics and MORGTs as well?
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‎Dec 10, 2024
07:19 PM
That's a great start Kevin, but it only appears to address captions, not text in graphics. Hopefully this functionality can get extended to the Text > Graphics panel as well
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‎Sep 19, 2024
01:01 PM
1 Upvote
I have a project that I will be exporting to a MOGRT and will be adding a CSV to the EG panel so users can switch it out. I need to set it up intitally with the maximum number of rows and columns from the CSV file, but am experiencing some issues. I can successfully add any CSV file to the project and to the comp. However, when I add certain CSVs to the EG panel (from the comp > Data properties) After Effects crashes. For example, CSVs with 10 rows and 15 columns work, although it takes a little while for AE to parse all the data. A CSV with 24 rows and 25 columns crashes. AE freezes while it appears to be parsing but then the Windows waiting spinning blue circle appears. I've left it for a good ten minutes but it never recovers. So, is there a limit to the amount of rows and columns AE can parse in a CSV when you add it to the EG panel?
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‎Aug 13, 2024
08:25 AM
Thanks for the idea, but there are other commas spread through the CSV, so this won't work for me unfortunately. I've also discovered that this whole thing breaks when I make a MOGRT, bring it into Premiere, and swap out the CSV file. The reference to footage("datafile.csv") means it is always looking at the same (original) CSV file, not the swapped one. I need to reference the CSV in the comp instead (thisComp.layer("datafile.csv")) and the data.sourceText menthod doean't work .
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‎Aug 12, 2024
01:45 PM
I'm having issues with the numRows part of this expression because some of my CSV files contain new line characters within the rows themselves. These are important so that my text displays correctly with the correct line breaks. I'm using a CSV to display the same text (in the cols) in different languages. My CSV has 10 rows (languages) and two of the columns for each have a line break, so the expression finds reports 30 rows (10 for each actual row + 2 * 10 for the 2 columns with line breaks). Is there a way to restrict the count to just the first column of the CSV? That is where I am storing the language code and there will never be a manual line break there.
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‎Jul 12, 2024
11:41 AM
I have more and more projects where the text needs to be translated into a different language. My text assets are usally a mix of MOGRTs and Premiere text. Now I have to manually copy and paste the translated text for each entry into the Text > Graphics panel. It's great that you can see all editable text from the timeline in the Text > Graphics panel, and even great that you can export that to a single file. The ideal scenario would be auto-translation built into Premiere, where you could cimply selet a lanaguage and have all your text automatically translated. Next best after that would be the ability to import the translated text file I exported back into Premiere and have all my text magically update. Any likelihood these workflows are on the roadmap to speed up translation workflows?
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‎Jul 12, 2024
11:15 AM
That will certainly help with some of the translations. Thanks!
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‎Jul 11, 2024
02:29 PM
That's an interesting option, but won't help I'm afraid. Many of the Graphics items are text in MOGRTs, so I would lose all the MOGRT design and functionality. Thanks for the idea though. I will file a feature request.
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‎Jul 11, 2024
01:54 PM
Thanks @PaulMurphy, but that's not what I was asking. I'm aware of the options on the Transcript and Captions tabs. I was referring specifically to the text in the Graphics tab of the Text panel. It does not seem to have any import options.
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‎Jul 10, 2024
12:11 PM
I'm investigating translation workflows for video. I see you can view all the editable text in a timeline using the Text > Graphics panel and that you can even export all those text entries to a CSV or text file. If I was to translate those exported files to other languages, is there a way to import the files back into Premiere so all the text would magically display in the new language? I couldn't see anything in the UI to do this.
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‎Jun 14, 2024
09:54 AM
Whenever I open a specific project in AE I get a Missing Font dialog, but the text layers in the project do not seem to be using that stated missing font (Replica). The project is a MOGRT that has 4 text layers. One is a master layer ("Caption Text") which is used in the EG panel to have the user type in the text and change the font properties. The other three layers have the following expression on the Source Text property to display the text from the master layer: sourceTextProperty = thisComp.layer("Caption Text").text.sourceText;
newStyle = sourceTextProperty.getStyleAt(0,0);
newStyle.setText(sourceTextProperty); When I search for "missing font" in the Timeline panel Search box, the three "sub" layers are shown. All text layers show they are using Roboto in the Character panel when I select them individiually or as a group. Where else could the missing font be hiding?
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‎Feb 12, 2024
07:11 AM
Thanks Rick. This works great! I also found another way to access the layers of the pre-comp using "source". For example: textBG= thisLayer.source.layer("background").;
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‎Feb 09, 2024
09:37 PM
1 Upvote
I have a comp called "conversation" that has a pre-comp called "caption". The caption pre-comp contains a text layer ("caption-text") and a shape layer bg ("caption-bg") that acts as a speech bubble for the text and resizes depending on the text layer size. I want to be able to access the the dimensions of "caption-bg" from the "conversation" comp, its parent. Is there an expression to look inside the contents of a pre-comp and access its layers? Maybe something like this in the "conversation" comp? captionLength = layer("caption').subLayer("caption-bg").sourceRectAtTime().length
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‎Jul 25, 2023
09:15 AM
I have a MOGRT that displays a block of text, then some words in the text block change color and their stroke increases (so they appear bold). The words that change color and the time when the start and stop changing color are controlled by slider effects in AE. The following expression is on the text layer (End value or Range Selector): linear(time, animStart, animEnd, emphStart, emphEnd) animStart and animEnd are the start and end sliders for the color change, and emphStart and emphEnd are the start and end sliders for the words in the text block. Screenshot attached showing full expression and EG panel controls. This all works fine in the AE comp and when nesting it in other comps. However, when exporting the MOGRT and using in Premiere, the start and end time for the animation have no effect. The color change animation happens, but always at the same time regardless of the values of the sliders for animStart and animEnd. Is this kind of expression not supported in MOGRTs?
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‎Mar 13, 2023
09:16 AM
Thanks Mylenium. I will try your suggestion of different shape groups on even different layers and see where that gets me.
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‎Mar 10, 2023
02:54 PM
I'm trying to creating a MOGRT that will display the following pattern and allows customizations such as color changes, line thickness, length, line spacing, etc. and I'm about half way there. Target Pattern: I have a shape layer for the main line and sliders that control the size and color. I added a repeater ("v-copies") to duplicate the line vertically and tied some of the properties to sliders to control number of copies and spacing between lines. I added a second repeater to duplicate these ("h-copies") with similar controls for copies and spacing. The layer looks like this: The pattern this produces is below and is kind of backwards. The horizontal copies are spaced closer together vertically instead of being farther apart. The Scale property on the "h-copies" repeater is [100,90] to make each column progressively thinner and I have this expression on the Position property: hPadding = thisComp.layer("control").effect("Horizontal Spacing")("Slider");
xPos = content("line-element (shape)").content("Rectangle Path 1").size[0] + hPadding;
[ xPos, 0 ] I've tried a few things like reordering the repeaters, making the Y position negative, but nothing gets me any closer. I'm hoping this is an easy fix. Thanks.
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‎Feb 22, 2023
07:43 AM
UPDATE: The issue occurs after you edit the text in the Essential Properties (Source Text was added to the EG panel). It makes sense. When you edit the text, you replace the expression that the Font Size slider references, so it no longer works. To fix this I added a new text layer "title-text" and turned off visibility. I added this layer's source text to the EG panel instead of the other text layer. Then, on the original text layer I modified the expression as follows: sourceTextContent = thisComp.layer("title-text").text.sourceText;
.setFontSize(thisComp.layer("control").effect("Font Size")("Slider"))
; This now works fine.
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‎Feb 22, 2023
07:19 AM
Thanks for testing OussK. Your file worked for me too, and I created a new one which also worked. I think I will need to recreate my main project in case there is some corruption.
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‎Feb 21, 2023
01:42 PM
1 Upvote
I have a few pre-comps to use as titles in other comps. Each pre-comp includes a text layer and a control layer with a "Font Size" slider. The Source Text of the text layer has the following expresion:
.setFontSize(thisComp.layer("control").effect("Font Size")("Slider"))
; Changing the slider in the pre-comp's control layer works great. I've added the slider to the Essential Graphics panel and it works great there too. However, when I add the pre-comp to another comp and try changing the Font Size in the Essential Properties, nothing happens. I tried enabling the Font Size Adjustment in the EG panel, by that doesn't show up in the Essential Properties list. This is why I implemented the slider. I exported it as a MOGRT and tried it in Premiere, and it works fine there too. So why is it not working in AE? I'm on AE v23.1.0
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‎Feb 03, 2023
03:44 PM
That worked. Thanks Dan!
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‎Feb 03, 2023
01:24 PM
I've been working with this script for a while and it's been running great. However, this week I've been receiving an error on some files: "Unable to execute script at line 29. Null is not an object." After some investigation of the script and files, I see that some objects in the AI file are filled but do not have strokes. When the script converts this to the shape in AE, the AE shape layer group only contains a fill and no stroke. So the script gives an error and stops processing the rest of the groups. I tried adding an if/then/else statemement to the for loop at the end as follows : for (var i = 1; i <= myContents.numProperties; i++){
if (myStrokeWidth == null) {i = i + 1} else { // If there is no stroke, move to next group;
myGroup =;
myStrokeWidth ="ADBE Vectors Group").property("ADBE Vector Graphic - Stroke").property("ADBE Vector Stroke Width");
myStrokeWidth.expression = myExpr;
} However, this doesn't work and doesn't add the expression to any of the groups with strokes. What am I missing in this error checking? Thanks
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‎Jan 24, 2023
07:33 AM
If only we could, Dacia! I expect we'll be updating in the new year and after our current project wraps up. Until then I will be able to manage and will have some downtime in January to update the MOGRTs. Thanks for your input Dacia.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
07:33 AM
Thanks for the update Dacia. Glad to see it got implemented. It won't help me until my IT approves updating to v23.1 of AE and PP (I assume v23.1 MOGRTs won't work in Premiere v22).
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‎Jan 24, 2023
07:33 AM
Yes! All other text fields for non-MORGT properties show one decimal place by default and when you click in them, they show additional places if applied. MOGRT values should exhibit the same behavior. I have many MOGRTs that have time-based options (i.e. seconds) and being able to SEE what values have been entered is critical. The current behavior of rounding up or down to whole number is misleading and confusing. Even worse, clicking in the field does not show the decimal values you entered, so you have to try and remember what you entered or just guess. Terrible UX design.
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‎Dec 12, 2022
08:36 PM
I'm experiencing a similar issue with v22.6.3. My project settings are NOT set to create proxies on ingest (never have been). What's different for me is that only one file inside my project gets duplicated into the Motion Graphics Template Media folder. It's the same file every time but it does not happen consistently. Last week it happened every time I imported aMOGRT from EG to the timeline. Most of today was fine until about an hour ago when it duplicates every time. I don't know if this is related, but saw issues with Graphic Parameters after updating the MOGRT. For example, I added a couple of new sliders in AE, exported, then reimported into PP holding ALT to update all instances. Existing instances showed duplaicte Graphic Parameters in the Effect Controls panel, but did not include the new parameters. Adding a new instance to the timeline did work. I installed the v22.6.3 update recently and it seems to be the cause of all this. I cannot update to the newest version yet, so I will have to downgrade.
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‎Dec 12, 2022
08:21 PM
I have some similar MOGRTs with time adjustment options and agree this would be very useful and much more user friendly than having to type the value every time. All other text fields for non-MOGRT properties show 1 decimal place by default and when you click in the field, you can see any additional decimal places. This should be the same for MORGT values without having to specify anything in AE. There's a feature request for this you should vote for: Essential Graphics and Morgt from After Effects need decimals in slider option – Adobe video & audio apps (
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‎Dec 10, 2022
10:40 AM
Thanks for the info, Mylenium. Is there any way to use a loop expression to "trick" the clip into playing longer?
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‎Dec 09, 2022
03:54 PM
I'm having an issue in Premiere (v22.6.3) with playback of a video clip that was replaced in a MOGRT that was created in AE (v22.6.). Here are the details. Main comp called "mogrt-comp" with various text layers and shapes. A number of properties from these layers are added to the Essential Graphics for this comp. Comp called "video-bg-15s" that just has one layer, a video clip that runs for about 16s. No effects or expressions added. This layer is added to the "mogrt-comp" EG as the Media Replacement. Comp called "video-bg-60s" contains four intances of the "video-bg-15s" comp staggered so they overlap. Instances 2, 3, and 4 have a 1s fade in at the beginning (image below for reference). This comp serves as a 60s loop of the single 15s video clip comp and is added to the main "mogrt-comp". All comps are 60s long. In AE, when I add the "mogrt-comp" to a new comp and use its Essential Properties to replace the media , all works great. The new video background plays all the way from 0-60s. In Premiere, when I add the MOGRT to the timeline and replace the media, only the first ~16s plays back (which I presume is the end of first instance of the video clip replacement). After ~16s , there is a still frame of the new video background. It's the correct video, but a still frame from ~16-60s Is this an error/bug or intended behavior/limitation of the MOGRT in Premiere?
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‎Dec 09, 2022
03:30 PM
Fabulous. Thanks for the detailed description, Dan.
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