Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Oct 02, 2024
04:39 AM
1 Upvote
That's a good suggestion!
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‎May 07, 2024
02:37 AM
1 Upvote
Updating the Update: OK, so it turns out the solution was the same as two years ago, a rogue "PSUserConfig" file lurking around, ruining the Windows Ink functionality and replacing it with the very lousy WinTab.. So why didn't I find it?! Because I used the "search" utility, which turns out to be very not useful at all. The file was in a HIDDEN folder called AppData that I am able to see, but the computer, apparently, isn't able to search! Ok, ok, my bad for not searching it personally with my own eyes, but in my defense, the last time I had to bother with this business was 2 years ago.... So for my own future reference and yours, the file that Photoshop materializes (maybe at random, maybe after an update, maybe something with the tablet driver, who knows?) and that ruins a bunch of functionalities with pen pressure, cannot be found through search, it is HERE: C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop YOURVERSION\Adobe Photoshop YOURVERSION Settings Find it, kill it, make sure the tablet driver has Windows Ink properly activated, and restart PS. That's all.
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‎Jan 13, 2023
04:57 AM
I updated to 24.1.0 (windows) a few days ago and got this lovely bug/feature for my trouble. When using the Brush Preset Picker to resize and change the hardness of my current brush, if I click twice a little too fast over the bar it makes the marker skip all the way to 25 (I assume it's the default value?) and the same happens with the hardness, except that one skips back to 0% when accidentally double-clicked. This only used to happen (I even checked on a CC218) when double-clicking the TITLES above the bars, not the bars themselves. Now I have to be super careful because clicking too fast to get the number I need brings back the cursed 25px size! If this was an intentional change, it'd be great if you could keep at least ONE of the resizing modes safe from accidental double taps, so it doesn't bother us fast clickers! I will be going back to the previous version, as this didn't happen last week before I updated...
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‎Oct 03, 2022
12:23 PM
(sorry, couldn't figure out how to edit my own question) Just to say that I rolled back to version 23.5, same behaviour. However, 23.4.1 seems to be working so far! I don't know how long the fix will last, but at least for now I can create/edit text AND go back to rotating the canvas, so I'm sorted - as long as I don't update Photoshop again!
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‎May 15, 2021
03:54 AM
I just updated to CC yesterday after years of using an older CS and something is... well, not wrong, but weird! It all works perfectly, brushes behave as expected, everything looks silky smooth on my Cintiq 27 screen, and the UI looks fine - except for the brush list! This screenshot was taken at 100% zoom, with a stroke of the simplest brush in existence. As you can see (you may have to zoom in), my stroke is nice and clean, but all the miniature strokes on the list look pixelated or blurry. The same thing happens in the Fx, with the contour lines - every single one of them, straight or curvy, seems to be rendered with a "zigzag", even though the actual result is clean and if I click to edit the curves, they're straight. My Windows 10 has always been at 125% zoom because the desktop icons are minuscule otherwise, but that wasn't an issue with Photoshop CS, I never had to touch anything and it looked fine. If I put windows back at 100%, that fixes the problem, but both photoshop and the entire windows are tiny and unreadable, so that's not an option. I saw that fiddling with the PPP options might help, but no combination of settings corrected the problem. Why would the whole app scale just fine, but not the brush list? Or perhaps the most important question is, why did old versions of PS scale at 125% through and through with no issues (same windows, same screen), and the newest one breaks at a few specific points? This doesn't impact my work, everything is fine, but it makes me sad that those trusty old brushes look like they've been shrunken to subatomic size and then expanded by 1000% just before being displayed! Thanks in advance to anyone looking into my silly little problem.
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