Aug 27, 2024
07:40 AM
1 Upvote
Replying from the future, I see the colors not grayed out in PP Beta (V 25), however, they are still very limited, useless even. I am animating a paragraph word by word to change color when the word is spoken, and I would love to be able to click on the color and it change.. alas I am left with double clicking the color fill in the Effects Control panel and pasting in a value and hitting ok (yes yes you can eyedrop it, but it's still a lot of opening, clicking and confirming + half the time the values are not accurate).. TLDR: in 2024 Libraries still needs to be shown love in PP!
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Aug 12, 2024
10:56 AM
Reply from the future, I'm currently having the same issue. The only thing I got to work for me was to make a copy of the AI file and manually replace the layers from the Project panel in AE. I deleted the orginal file and renamed the copy to the original file name the changes reverted.. My only shot in the dark guess is it may have something to do with the cache? As in, it's remembering an old version and sticking to what it thinks Project.ai looks like but it will read Project2.ai or Project_copy.ai fresh. SO that's my workaround for now.
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Jul 23, 2024
07:31 AM
I am not well-versed in this process, and here are my drawbacks off the jump: 1. I am making 5 seperate videos that need to look cohesive so it's more work to pull everything into one sequence (unless you start that way) 2. Gang source and program is grayed out for me unless in multi-camera.. 3. the source still only shows the source (the orignal green screen, no edits) I need to compare the edits I've made to one clip to edits on another clip side by side- I am trying to avoid scrolling through clips, I need to see the edits in real time not guess that I'm close and be flipping back and forth..
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Jul 23, 2024
06:55 AM
1 Upvote
Maybe if the source is already good to go, but in my case I want a certain look and the source is not there already so I'm trying to match edits to one shot to another shot with different lighting.. a lot of timeline jumping in my future
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Jul 23, 2024
06:53 AM
As a lot have mentioned above, I personally use it for color grading. I stumbled on this thread looking for the reference monitor in Beta and was sad to see it's been removed. I'm working on matching the color of two shots and having to jump back and forth...
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May 10, 2024
09:52 AM
For me it had nothing to do with the view, I have removed filler words many times with ease in the past and I realize it deletes the video portion on the timeline as well (as desired). My issue was I was somehow using a static transcript... 🤦🏼 With the text-based editing transcript does exactly what I was looking for- allowing me to delete any instance of any word by searching and extracting all. How do I unsubmit an idea? lol
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May 08, 2024
09:29 AM
The replace field is empty. I apparently was working with a static transcript, not a text-editing based transcript... 🤦🏼 I remember re-transcribing it at some point, and apparently chose the wrong type. In the text-editing transcript I was able to delete all!
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May 08, 2024
08:42 AM
I agree about #1 and #4. On your 2nd point about double-clicking to edit text: At the top of the text panel there is a pencil icon for "edit active text". While it's 1. not intuative, and 2. not quick, it is arguably one less click. My suggestion for Adobe is to allow "edit active text" to be assigned to a keyboard shortcut. That way there is no moving your mouse to click a button, just a simple key-bind that speeds up that process.
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May 08, 2024
08:34 AM
1 Upvote
Solved Edit: this is already a feature using the text-based editing transcript, I was accidently using a static transcript. Idea is null. Leaving parts of the original post for reference below: Search and delete all instances of any word/phrase as filler words are not always just "um" and "uh". Currently, I can search a phrase, but it gives me no option to 'delete' or 'delete all' in either regular or Beta.. Example: a 1hr 30min video with "you know" 448 times....
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May 08, 2024
08:09 AM
1 Upvote
I am looking for a way in the Text editor to search and delete all instances of your non-typical filler words. Words I've seen time and time again overused sometimes 3 times in one sentence... "you know" "so now" "in looking at this/ look at this" Currently I'm working on a 1hr 30min video with "you know" 448 times ( I wish I was kidding) I can search the phrase, but it gives me no option to 'delete' or 'delete all' in either regular or Beta... Is this already a feature and mine is bugging, or should I elevate this to an idea?
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May 08, 2024
07:51 AM
I'm trying to get this to work now myself.. how were you able to delete all? My delete button is grayed out when I search for specific words. As you can see I have 448 instances of "you know" in an hour presentation that I would love to delete all at once.
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Apr 27, 2023
08:08 AM
1 Upvote
Yea this is close, but I want the words to be able to stack like the auto Instagram captions.
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Dec 20, 2022
12:35 PM
I'm having this exact same issue in version 23.1 ... I'm using the nesting workaround (thank you!) but I've never had something like this happen before. My video is about an hour long with ample cuts, but I've done this exact same editing process time and time again with no issues. Just bringing awareness that this issue persists.
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Dec 01, 2022
10:25 AM
Ok I finally got it. You can't search for a typeface and hover, you have to find it in the main list.. *sigh*. Still, why does it not pull your favorites from Adobe Fonts?
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Dec 01, 2022
10:11 AM
Where is the star? I thought by favoriting them on the Adobe Font website, it would transfer, no?
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Dec 01, 2022
09:53 AM
Hi, I'm looking for a way to quickly locate and use my company's brand fonts. 5 are Adobe fonts, and 6 were purchased through my organization. I thought favoriting them in Adobe Fonts would do the trick but even with them favorited online, they are not favorited in llustrator...(?) Plus that is of no help when it comes to the 6 installed fonts. Recent fonts is working ok, but if you don't use a font for a while it falls off, and you may forget about it until you have to dig for it again. Can someone please let me know how to keep brand fonts at the top of the type list, or at the least filter them.
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Oct 03, 2022
09:12 AM
Thank you for this! I was almost pulling my hair out over here.
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Sep 09, 2022
12:42 PM
...I've found what works for me.
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Sep 09, 2022
12:14 PM
1 Upvote
What does that mean- sample rates? I just wanted to share what I found that works as I run into this issue every time I edit the original audio inside of a nested sequence and go back to the main sequence and see no audio forms.
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Sep 09, 2022
08:32 AM
I know this is an old post, but wanted to share a fast fix. Sequence > Render Audio. Didn't take but a minute and now I'm back to editing! You will have to re-render if you make changes to the original nested audio, but if you make all your changes at once and are happy with the way it sounds, this will get you back to editing FAST. Nothing to do with media cache or relinking audio, Premiere just needs to re-render based on the changes you made in the nested sequence. Happy editing!
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Jun 30, 2022
07:17 AM
Thank you for this! This isn't exactly what I was looking for, but it will work! Do you know if it's possible in Premiere to stack subtitle tracks where the words stack as they appear (like Instagram captions?). I want to be able to edit the words and make sure they're accurate plus use brand fonts, but your solution is the closest to that Instagram look I can find.
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Apr 01, 2022
02:55 PM
Well, I can't replace it with the links folder because it is searching for a file. If I were to select a file, how do I know which file it's referring to? (there isn't a file named links)
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Apr 01, 2022
11:12 AM
I just moved the images out of the links folder (shown left) to the enclosing folder (March 22' WF) so it looks like: Reopened the file and still get the same error... it's because for some reason it renamed every single image "links" (see above) and can't find a file named "links" because it is in fact a folder...I don't know how to undo/ remedy that..
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Apr 01, 2022
08:25 AM
I created the file. It is located on my computer (internal hard drive) and has never been moved to an external or uploaded to Adobe Cloud. The files are all images- They are still accessible in the folder named "Links" but it says the plug-in cannot be found to read it(?) and the link names don't show so I can't just relink them considering I'm not sure where they truly belong. I have restarted my computer multiple times since the issue occurred and nothing has remedied it. Not looking to reset my preferences/ settings at the moment, but am interested on learning how to rename the preferences folder.
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Mar 30, 2022
05:55 AM
I am attempting to open a packaged file but keep getting this error message... The "file" (Links) it refers to is a folder, not a file, so when I click replace I cannot select the entire folder. When I ignore and open the file, the links are not visible at all as in it doesn't give me a name where I can easily link one and have it search the links folder for more. If anyone has any advice I'd greatly appreciate it!
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Mar 03, 2022
07:30 AM
Hi, I am working on a PDF certificate for a course with multiple sessions. I am looking for a way to send a template to the instructor where he can select the course end/certification date and then lock that specific field (so students cannot edit the date and say they were recertified). The only other field is where course participants will write thier name - that needs to remain editable. Pretty much I need the insturctor and only the instructor, to edit the date, and the participants will only have the ability to write their name. This will be downloaded for students to edit, not sent through Adobe Sign as it will add restrictions after "signed" and he would need mulitple copies for each student (hundreds) and send each one individually via email (a headache). I know you can add restrictions and make the document as a whole not editable, but is there a way to restrict editing on a specific field? (please tell me there is! I have tried locking the field but that just locks it in place)
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