‎Dec 12, 2022
01:45 PM
That is making more sense, since I likely selected the layer in the comp window and adjusted the position. That helps a lot. I really don't think I've come across this exact behavior before, so it was surprising, if not a bit frustrating. I get it now. Thanks for the help.
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‎Dec 12, 2022
01:00 PM
I'm noticing this. When I the position gets pasted, instead of the copy of the layer, when I go back to the comp I selected & copied the layer from, I notice the selection looks like this. What does it mean for the layer to be outlined like that? I've seen this for as long as I can remember using AE, but never paid much attention. If this is expected behavior, I'm just trying to understand what the behavior is. Thanks   
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‎Dec 12, 2022
12:43 PM
In this case, the position property was not selected. In fact, it was not visible in the timeline, so that is not the issue.
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‎Dec 12, 2022
10:09 AM
Issue - When I select a layer in a comp, then copy it, then select a new comp and the layer I want the new one pasted above, then paste it, the selected layer will move/scale to the position of the copied layer, instead of the new layer being copied into the comp. Adobe After Effects version number - 23.0.0 Operating system - Window 10 64-bit Steps to reproduce - Be aware that this doesn't happen consistently. In Comp A, I select Layer 1, then CTRL+C, then move to Comp B, select a layer (Layer 2) that I want to paste above, CTRL+V. Expected result - After copying Layer 1 from Comp A, when I paste Layer 1 into Comp B after selecting Layer 2 (for it to be copied above), the copy of Layer 1 will appear above Layer 2. Actual result - Layer 2 moves to the position of Layer 1, as if the position property were copied from Layer 1 and pasted to Layer 2.. Sometimes I don't have a layer selected in Comp B, so Layer 1 will not paste into Comp B at the top of the stack, as expected. So far I haven't been able to repeat the problem, which I know puts a damper on fixing it. If I can figure out how to reproduce it, I will follow up. Thanks
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‎Mar 01, 2022
05:15 AM
When moving the playhead on the timeline, the clip that the timeline is over gets automatically selected. That in itself isn't great, but I can deal with it. The problem comes when I turn off Pin to Clip, then, in the Effect Controls panel, if I scroll past the ends of the clip, the timeline jumps to the next clip because it automatically selects it. So you can't really place any keyframes outside the edges of the clip. Does anyone know how to turn off the automatic clip selection that I'm talking about? (I can make a short video to show what I'm talking about if needed)
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‎Feb 28, 2022
01:41 PM
I think Pin to Clip is a setting for the Effect Controls panel, and not a clip-dependent setting. So once you turn it off, it's always going to be off when you work in that panel.
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‎Feb 28, 2022
01:39 PM
I was originally highlighting "Level" at first, which didn't work. I didn't even think to highlight "Volume", but it worked. Thanks for the help!
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‎Feb 28, 2022
08:58 AM
Hi, I need some help. I'm trying to copy Level keyframes from one audio clip to another. I can copy them, but paste isn't working, as you can see in my screenshots. I'm not sure what I'm missing. Thanks for the help.
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‎Feb 08, 2022
04:34 AM
I'm not sure I understand how the CTE is within the "left" frame. It's clearly on Frame 06. You can see that frame 06 is highlighted. And since these are PNGs, they aren't "footage" in the sense that they have a framerate that would be affected by the comp framerate (which is 30fps). Another odd thing that's happening, and I'm sure it's related, is that at Frame 00, the Indycar graphic is visible. As expected. But it's also visible on Frame 01, despite it only having a duration of :00 - :01 frames. I can work with it as it is, it's just inconsistent with how it works at other times, and I was hoping there was something I was fundamentally misunderstanding about how single-frame images worked. But that doesn't seem like the problem, and it's just AE being AE.
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‎Feb 04, 2022
11:55 AM
Hi, I've got an odd situation, I think. As I understand the timeline, the Comp viewer should display what's immediately to the right of the playhead. I have a stack of images, each one frame long, staggered by 1 frame one after the other. When I'm on Frame 0, the first layer (Indycar) displays as expected. When I move to frame 1, nothing displays, though there is an layer at that time in the comp (see attached, look at layer "2 CheckeredFlags.png"). When I move to frame 2, the Checkered Flag layer displays, though it only exists on frame 1. In my screenshot, at frame 6, you'll see I have selected the "Create" text layer, and the "Guitar" layer. Both are displayed at the same time, despite existing on frames 6 and 5 respectively. I've purged all memory and the cache. I'm running AE 2022 on Windows 10. I'm not sure if this is a bug, but it's definitely not behaving as I'd expect it. Thanks for any help.
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‎Nov 05, 2021
11:58 AM
1 Upvote
I didn't think of doing that. But after I did, no more smudge! How strange?! Thanks for the tip!
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‎Nov 05, 2021
04:48 AM
So here's a weird one: I'm not sure I'd call this a bug, since it really doesn't affect anything that I can see, but it is strange. I'm using AE 2021 (18.4.1) on Windows 10, and when I create a new 1920x1080 comp, I get a weird yellow smudge in the bottom right area of the comp.   It only shows up when the comp is empty. I created a solid and masked it out so it wasn't overlapping the smudge, and doesn't show up. Now, I did try different frame rates for the 1080 comp, and it seems to be there in all of them. However, it does not show up for 720 or 4K comps. I rendered an .AVI of the empty comp, and the smudge is there. Again, it doesn't seem to affect anything since it goes away when I add anything to the comp. Just thought it was weird. Hopefully it's not a precursor to something worse.
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‎Nov 04, 2021
12:52 PM
I'd like to see this too. If you're using Windows, one workaround is to go into your Display settings and increase the Scale value. I use a 4K TV as my monitor, and I keep it at 150%. If you increase it, the UI for After Effects and PPro respond to it. Of course, that means all your other apps and icons will be scaled up, which might not be what you want.
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‎Nov 04, 2021
04:50 AM
1 Upvote
I opened the project in PPro 2022 and rendered it out, and so far there's no issue. Let's hope it stays fixed. I'll follow up if something changes. Thanks for all the help.
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‎Oct 28, 2021
04:43 AM
I resampled the audio to 48khz, and that did not fix anything. The sequence is set to 48khz also. I did try keyframing the Levels in addition to the ducking, but what that ended up doing is combining with the ducking and making the music nearly inaudible. Without only the ducking, the volume is around -30db, and with the levels keyframed, it drops to -57db or so. So, oddly, when I add in keyframes for levels, it then recognizes the ducking keyframes again. I wonder if there's a reason the audio ducking needs to use the Amplify effect rather than just creating keyframes on the Volume Level setting? And creating a new sequence and copying over the clips didn't solve it either. Actually, the audio is messing up at other areas where there are ducking keyframes now. I guess the workaround right now is to skip audio ducking altogether. Thanks for the help.
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‎Oct 27, 2021
05:55 AM
That workaround is also a good idea, thanks for that. But the idea of keyframing the levels, while it would probably work, defeats the whole point of audio ducking. Or are you saying to keyframe the audio levels in addition to the ducking keyframes? If so, that might work. As for the files, they are both .wav files. One is 48khz 16-bit, the other is 44.1khz 16-bit. None of the audio is from a smartphone as far as I know. The VO is from a professional VO artist, and the music is from Envato Elements. Thanks
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‎Oct 27, 2021
05:23 AM
I have a music track that I've cut in order to extend the length of it for my video. I used Audio Ducking in combination with the VO. However, at the point where the crossfade transition happens, in the exported video, the audio turns back up as if no ducking were applied. Then when it gets to the point where the next keyframe is, the audio drops back down to that level and matches the keyframe volume as it increases. It won't always play back that way in the editor, but it always exports out that way. The one workaround I found is to cut the 2nd clip about a second after the transition, then remove the Amplify effect that was applied from the Ducking, and change the Volume Level to match what the Ducking had applied (in my case, -24db). I've had this happen on other projects, but it finally got annoying enough to post about it. I'm glad to provide any info that might be needed. I'm using PPro 15.4.1 on Windows 10 Pro. This occured when exporting as H.264 both directly from PPro and Media Encoder. It also happened when exporting the audio directly as a .wav file. And this has happened on at least 2 PCs that I've used. Thanks.
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‎Oct 06, 2021
04:08 AM
So, I have PS installed on another PC, version 22.5.1, and it seems to be working as expected. I can't explain why. I'll be installing it on a couple more PCs at work soon and I'll check those also to see if the same issue crops up.
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‎Sep 15, 2021
06:14 AM
1 Upvote
Sorry for taking a while to get back to this. Work comes first. I'm attaching a couple clips I recorded. In the "transform" clip you'll see when I single-click on the right side, the image scales with my mouse, though I'm not holding down the mouse button. Then after that, I single-click on the bottom edge, and the layer moves with my mouse. In the 2nd clip (Test 2), at around 9 seconds, I click on the lower part of the right border, and the layer scales as I move my mouse (again, no dragging, just a single click). Right after that, I click the upper part of the right border and the layer moves with my mouse. I'm really confused about this behavior. I don't mind reinstalling the program if needed. I just wish it worked consistently. There are even times when I click on the border and it turns on the free transform mode, as expected, allowing me to move my mouse around without the layer attached to it in any way. Thanks for the help.
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‎Sep 03, 2021
06:27 AM
1 Upvote
Hi, I'm not new to Photoshop, been using it for years, but just not as much over the past few years. In the past, if I wanted to transform a layer, using the move tool, I would select the layer and then click once on the bounding box to bring up the transform options on the top toolbar. From there I could click and drag from the various points of the bounding box to scale, or right click to bring up the skew/distort ect. options. I want to think this is the "free transform" mode, though I've never had to use "CTRL+T" to enter free transform. It was just the single click on the bounding box. Please correct me if I don't have my terminology right. What I'm experiencing now is that when I have my layer selected (using the Move tool), if I click the bounding box of that layer, the layer is now stuck to my mouse, and though I'm not holding down the left mouse button, the layer moves with my mouse. I have to click again to get it to stay put, but then it's moved from it's original location, so I have to Undo the move to get it back so that I can do my transform from the original location. And it's not consistently behaving this way either. Sometimes when I click the bounding box, usually on the left or right side, then (without holding down the left mouse button) it will scale as I move my mouse left or right. Everything happens with single clicks, no click dragging. Is this expected behavior? I can't imagine that it is, but I know Adobe has changed things over the years, so I have no presumption that things will always work the way they have in the past. I've reset my preferences, and it's still doing it. Do I need to re-install PS? I can also record a video if needed. Thanks for the help.
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