Dan j Francis
New Here
Dan j Francis
New Here
‎Dec 06, 2024
07:49 AM
This request has been here so long, and Adobe proves again they just don't care about the needs of customers. They have gone from a creative partner to being a marketing money generator and abandoned their initial calling.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
06:40 AM
Okay, since Adobe doesn't seem to care or have the integrity to respond to everyone who has commented that the new system kills workflow, I have a work around that is working well for us that I will share. Treat your captions like a composition rather than making it a part of your timeline. What I mean by this is duplicate whatever comp you are captioning. Name the duplicate captions. Do all your transcribing and make the captions in the captions composition. When done turn off all video and audio in the composition with the captions. Bring the composition with the captions back into the original comp, unlink, and delete the audio track. Now you can move the captions composition around like a layer and put them wherever is desired. This of course is a work-around, but as we know when Adobe drops the ball and fumbles, it can take them a long time to fix the issue and often they just ignore it, like they are doing now, so it is up to us to bypass their system and come up with ways to make things work.. and this is my best solution to date. Happy editing everyone! Let's hope Adobe soon acknowledges their mistake and work on fixing it ASAP. Captions need to function as a layer, not as a stationary timeline.
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‎Jan 24, 2023
06:39 AM
Please remove the restrictions.. Here is a quick overview graphic I made up of "why". (P.S.. For creatives, there should never, EVER be restrictions, that kills creativity. Guides, etc., to stay "in the rules" when needed are fine, but finite restrictions are a big no no in design.)
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‎May 25, 2021
12:26 PM
I have been using captions in Premiere Pro for the past few years with SRTs. Imported as a layer I could creatively do what I wanted with them.. rotate them, move them to the bottom but still center justified vertically. I was so excited for the new features because it looked like that was all going to stay in place, and more. Instead, Adobe KILLED the functions of captions, and WORSE, removed the legacy option so we are stuck with this 1960s style of captioning. Another huge issue we have now, is because we make videos in triplicate for our clients, wide, square, and tall, that all use the same SRT, before when we made a correction in 1 version, it auto corrected them all because it was an asset treated like footage instead of an individual, timeline specific entity. Now we have to make changes in all 3 versions and Adobe has killed our profit margins due to this extra time. Where can we give feedback to show the programmers, who are not artists so they have no idea what we need, the things that artists & editors need for full creative control. I feel like we went backwards in a very devistating way and I just cannot comprehend why we cannot check a box in preferences that we want SRTs as a timeline layer instead of as a Text Graphic. Can someone please help guide me to where I can give feedback input? I'd be happy to provide video overview of workflows and where the bottlenecks are, etc. Thanks in advance, Dan j Francis
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