Community Beginner
Community Beginner
‎Sep 13, 2024
10:05 AM
Select your camera Layer and Drop down the options. Within Transform, click blue "Reset" button.
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‎May 22, 2024
05:27 PM
I have my elbows bending the right way but when I try to move both arms at a time from a down position upward (using a dragger on right arm) my elbows bend inward towards the body and it looks very awkward. Is there away to keep the elbows from moving inward so much?? 😞
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‎Feb 08, 2024
09:32 AM
This may or may not help but it has worked for me a few times. Regardless of wether I was rendering out of Premiere or Media Encoder I would reach a point in the timeline and it would either crash or stay on an eternal pause. I work with reaaally heavy RAW footage so I always thought the glitch was in the clip but it turned out to be 2 things: Part 1: Select the clip and render audio ONLY. then render the whole clip and see if you have the same issue. Part 2: It could be a linking glitch. Sometimes I import the original file into AE and render it out as a back up clip, same settings, aspect ratio and resolution as original clip but DIFFERENT NAME so you don't lose the OG (Since I work with ungraded footage I would export a 4444 file) Once exported, I would link the backup file instead of the original in Premiere. Solved the timeline crash. This has solved my rendering issues about 80% of the time si I really hope it helps!
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‎Mar 15, 2023
02:48 PM
Its March 2023 and I have the same issue - only it doesnt get fixed after the first time - I've shared the link for review in all possible formats and NONE of the auto-animate transitions are visible... smh
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‎Dec 30, 2022
11:56 AM
I have a series of audiofiles that I have cut and edited on the timeline panel. Is there a way to re-name selected the audio clips in bulk WITHOUT re-naming them from the SOURCE PANEL i.e. without re-naming the original file? Thank you for your help!
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‎Nov 16, 2022
08:21 AM
In th navigation bar at the top select Premiere > Keyboard Shortcuts then in the search bar type "add marker" and you'll see all the different marker color options. From there just drag and drop the key you want to assign the marker to, could be the default "M" key for marker and so all your markers will now be the color you assigned instead of the default green. Saves you time. Hope that helps
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‎Oct 13, 2022
07:42 PM
To move a .png or an image that's already in the timeline try double clicking on it from the Program Monitor (where the final video plays back) instead of clicking on the timeline. You should be able to select and move the .png freely at this point. To align it to the edge of the frame just hold the command key (⌘) while repositioning it. Red lines should pop up to help you align it properly. Hope this helps.
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