You use to be able to literally make a new layer and just use the gradient tool as if you were placing marks with the brush tool, as many times as you chose, by default. I could place 100 gradient lines on a single layer in about 10 seconds. It use to be as simple as that. I'm not sure why people make out a more convoluted thing to be simpler and more intuitive just because they are use to it. It literally use to be the simplest way, prior to this. Just as simple point of fact... all of these "answers" are more convoluted than using the gradient tool like a simple brush tool as many time as you wanted to, on a layer, regardless of whether or not we have found a way to make it function as asked. I guess I don't use gradients much but I need to today and here I am trying to sort through this nonsense. Yes, it has changed. Because here I am reading instead of working. 100% verified.
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