‎May 17, 2024
10:16 AM
Hey everyone! I hope you all are having a good day/night wherever you are 🙂
I came across a music video that I found quite interesting it has a choppy-like look, kind of similar to how a video would look if you shot at a lower frame rate. I wondered if the creators of this music video have used multiple images and placed them on each frame/few frames on the timeline or if there is an effect/expression that would create such a look. The link to the music video can be found below! 🙂
I appreciate any replies you can share. Thank you!
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‎Nov 03, 2023
08:30 AM
Hello everyone! Hope you're all having a good day 🙂 I am currently looking for album cover ideas and I came across one that I like! I was just wondering how the background was created. I like how different it is. I would like to take inspiration from this and modify it (no I do not want to copy it haha). So if anyone has any idea please let me know! Thanks, Daniel
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‎Sep 28, 2022
02:02 PM
Omg thank you! I didn't know it was that easy. I feel bad for not knowing that haha
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‎Sep 28, 2022
01:34 PM
Hey guys! I have created a shape and would like to freeze it onto the background, is there a way to do that? So far, I've been playing around with the Position key frames of the shape to make it look like it is attached to the background (which I don't think is the best way) but with this shape, I can't make it work. I have attached a video so you have an idea of the issue, it is the musical note I am trying to freeze. Thanks!
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‎Aug 27, 2022
11:40 AM
I think that is the issue here, I will start doing what you suggested for my other comps. 🙂 I did manage to get around this issue though, what I have done was, instead of adjusting the opacity of the elements inside of the pre comps I adjusted the opacity of the overall comp. So in other words, I didn't double click the pre comp, I selected the pre comps I wanted to make changes to and then pressed "T" to pull up opacity. I'm not really sure what the difference between opacity inside and outside of pre comps is but I managed to fix the issue. I know I wrote a lot but I hope you guys know what I was struggling with and how I fixed it haha. I'll be sure to make duplicates inside of the project panel from now on! Thanks, Daniel
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‎Aug 27, 2022
07:37 AM
Ya I'm really sorry about my video and explanation earlier I was just so confused. So I've just deleted the flickering on the wiring but that caused my actual flicker to disappear too.
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‎Aug 27, 2022
05:51 AM
Ah sorry about that, basically it seems like my pre comps are linked, whenever I edit one all of them change. I hope that makes sense. Daniel
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‎Aug 26, 2022
08:52 PM
Hi! So I have just started creating a neon effect and would like to add a flicker to the neon text but when I do so the neon wires flicker too. This might not make sense if you're just reading this but I've recorded the issues to make it easier to understand. What I'm trying to achieve here is neons turning on and off without the wires also flickering. If someone could help me with this I'd really appreciate it and I'm sorry if similar posts already exist, I just don't really understand how to fix this. Thanks, Daniel
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‎Aug 26, 2022
11:55 AM
1 Upvote
Hey, thanks for linking that! 🙂 I just had a look at some of their stuff and I think I found the right one! Thanks a lot, really appreciate it.
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‎Aug 25, 2022
07:43 PM
Hey! I've been really getting into After Effects lately and came across this cool neon text effect preset. Now I realise that is a preset, I could just download it and then change a few things but I'd love to learn how to create things like that myself. If you guys could give me some tips or link tutorials that could help I would really appreciate it! https://motionarray.com/after-effects-templates/neon-opener-254502/ Thanks Daniel
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‎Aug 05, 2022
05:53 PM
Wow that's a lot of info! Thanks a lot for your time to write all of that. Like you said it doesn't sound like it but it's far more efficient. I had to read through that a few times to fully understand it haha but I do get it now. I'll defo look back at this whenever I need to! Thanks so much 🙂
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‎Aug 05, 2022
01:19 PM
I see, so to sum up it's best to work on each individual animation, BG effect, etc on separate comps right? I just want to make sure I got this right hahaha. Also, Let's use my project as an example, what if I wanted to match the particles with the BG, how would I know whether the particles are matching if I cannot see the BG composition preview? Sorry if this is something straight forward.
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‎Aug 05, 2022
10:57 AM
Sorry, I also have a question about separate comps, Let's say I wanted to use a blending mode on a text, would separate comps still work the same way, or would the text have to be created in the same comp as for example the BG? Many thanks and sorry for going off topic here. I'm really trying to learn here as I'm studying creative media in college. 🙂
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‎Aug 05, 2022
10:44 AM
Hey, thanks for replying! I've actually watched a tutorial to create that wave motion just changed a few things to make it look how I wanted. Then, I added the little dots on the screen which I have animated the position of throughout the whole song. I'm overall happy with the waves but I might change the way the dots move. Do you have any tips on how I could possibly animate the movement of the dots a bit better and in sync with music? Thanks Daniel
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‎Aug 05, 2022
10:40 AM
Thanks for replying! That is defo some useful info 🙂 I'll keep that in mind. The text animation will defo take some time, I will experiment till I find the right ones but from looking at this and using your past experience do you have any fonts you'd suggest? Thanks Daniel
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‎Aug 04, 2022
06:03 PM
Sorry, the vid file was too big had to compress it. Here it is!
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‎Aug 04, 2022
05:48 PM
Hey Everyone! I have recently started creating a lyric music video, I made the BG and am about to start animating text. It'd be nice if you guys could give me some suggestions as I'm not sure what font to use and what type of animations I should go for. Another thing that I'm not too sure about is the pauses in singing when the beat drops, should I add some sort of effect or animation in those gaps, or is the BG alone good enough? Thanks, and please speak up if you dislike something I won't get offended I'm just trying to learn out here! 🙂
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‎Jul 14, 2022
05:54 PM
Hey guys! Thanks for the replies I'll check everything out 😊 Thanks for the tips I really appreciate it!
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‎Jul 13, 2022
10:34 AM
Hey everyone! I thought of creating a disco-like background for my lyric music video but I'm not sure how to achieve that. I want to animate the lights to match the song's beat as well. If anyone could drop me some tips that'd be amazing! 😊 I'm also attaching 2 images that will give you an idea of how I would like the lights to look. Thanks Daniel
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‎Jul 08, 2022
03:58 PM
1 Upvote
Thanks a lot! Really appreciate it 😊 I'll just keep trying to grow my knowledge. I am doing a creative media college course and will be progressing to my second year soon so that should help too 😂 I actually have used some paid stuff before and it was very useful but since on that student salary I can't keep spending money on those 😂It's also a really easy way out which might not be the best especially if I'm trying to get into content creation 😅 Thanks a lot again for your replies!!!
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‎Jul 06, 2022
10:59 AM
1 Upvote
Hey, I checked out all of the stuff you talked about above, thanks a lot for that! Defo going to help 😊 I was thinking of like this smoke text reveal and foggy neon text. I guess what I have in mind is quite similar to the NCS song you've sent but instead, I want the BG to associate with the text reveal if that makes sense.
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‎Jul 05, 2022
12:41 PM
Hey everyone! I have a question that may come across weirdly but I am really into creating lyric music videos and I have a really good idea in mind but I don't know how to create it. I feel like I'm good at animating text and all but I can't seem to realize this idea and whenever I try to search up different effects/animations some are extremely long to make and some just aren't what I'm looking for. Any tips on how I can improve and actually create what I have in mind? 🙂 Thanks, Daniel
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‎Jan 17, 2022
07:08 AM
Hey, thanks a lot for your reply! 🙂 I actually thought of other green card method that you mentioned but wasn't quite sure how all of that works. I honestly would love to recreate this video with a different song but then again I wouldn't wanna copy other producers. That paper effect though is really nice I might have to copy that one thing haha. I'm really happy you guys proved that it's an easy thing to do 🙂 Obviously, all of these are basic and like you said most transitions aren't seamless but I still love the look of the paper one haha. Thanks a lot for having a look at the video 🙂
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‎Jan 16, 2022
07:01 PM
Hey, thanks for the reply 🙂 I could kind of tell the cartoon effect was slapped on there using AE. Now I'm not too sure if this is the reason why but you could kind of see it move as the camera moved away from it, I was like "yep AE" mainly because I've used camera tracking before and had to deal with certain objects or text moving hahahaha. I guess with the posters and photo effects I just have to play around a bit 🙂 I'll definitely look up some tutorials to get some more knowledge about this stuff as I'm familiar with Premeire Pro and AE but I do struggle sometimes. Thanks a lot for having a look at the video I appreciate it! 🙂
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‎Jan 15, 2022
07:02 PM
Hey, I'm not too sure if this is the right place to post this but I have recently came across this random song and the music video was actually really enjoyable to watch. I know it contains some videography based transitions but how were those paper like transitions created? I'm really curious as I'm getting into editing/animation and only create lyric music videos for now but I'd love to add videography to my personal projects as well and maybe produce something like this one day 🙂 Here is the link to the music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwxTgf_J_vY&list=RDMMT1p-21a1Qeo&index=6 Any replies, thoughts, opinions, or whatever will be greatly appreciated 🙂
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