Adobe Employee
Adobe Employee
‎May 20, 2024
06:59 AM
You can sometimes speed things along by choosing "Help >> Check for Updates" in the Creative Cloud Desktop application.
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‎May 20, 2024
05:51 AM
Today's (5/20) Photoshop Beta distribution, 25.10 20240519.m.2625, should fix startup issues for you, as we have restored the ability to run Photoshop on macOS 11 (Big Sur) equipped Macs, as well as non-AVX2-equipped hardware. If you still have any issues starting Photoshop once you've installed today's Beta, please let us know more detail about your computer system.
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‎May 20, 2024
05:36 AM
Today's (5/20) Photoshop Beta distribution, 25.10 20240519.m.2625, should fix the code 0xc0000142 issue for you, as we have restored the ability to run Photoshop on a non-AVX2-equipped machine. If you still have any issues starting Photoshop once you've installed today's Beta, please let us know more detail about your computer system.
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‎May 14, 2024
12:24 PM
After analysis we've come to understdand that this is an issue with machines with CPUs that do not have the AVX2 instruction set, and we're working on a fix. Thank you for your reports! -Noel
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‎Apr 23, 2024
06:26 AM
Just a reminder to all: If you're looking to generate photo-like images in Photoshop (Beta) itself... Once you choose Generate Image, make sure to choose the Photo button/checkbox:
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‎Apr 16, 2024
03:03 PM
1 Upvote
We think we may have an idea of what's going wrong. Have you installed an optional copy of ScriptingListener.8li in the following folder at some time in the past?
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop (Beta)\Required\Plug-ins\Extensions
A recent change we made to Photoshop is incompatible with this file. If you are still experiencing the condition where Photoshop crashes at startup, please try moving ScriptingListener.8li to another folder somewhere else for safe keeping (or delete it); move it completely OUT from under the Photoshop Required folder. We would be interested to hear back about whether this resolves the issue for you. Thanks. -Noel
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‎Nov 17, 2023
08:43 AM
Please understand that our beta distributions and releases follow different processes. While we try to address reported problems as quickly as possible, it's simply not a given that a problem found in a beta while the next release is late in its testing stage will be fixed in that release. Thank you very much for reporting these issues!
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‎Jun 27, 2023
12:54 PM
1 Upvote
Sorry about that, and thank you for this report! We have already found and fixed the issue. You should see resolution in the next Beta distribution, currently on plan for late this week. For now your workaround could be to use the 24.6 released version of Photoshop.
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‎Apr 07, 2023
12:26 PM
1 Upvote
Hi folks, we know what's going on and are working to fix it. Thanks for all your reports.
Here's another workaround for now: Un-maximize (restore) the application to windowed mode, and stretch the edges to be close to the edges of your monitor. At this point your menus should open to the monitor the application is on.
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‎Apr 05, 2023
07:30 AM
1 Upvote
Hi Melih29217160ilde, Thank you for the additional info. We can see from your System Info display that you have useGPU: 0 which means that in your Preferences > Performance panel, the Use Graphics Processor checkbox is disabled OR some condition is making Photoshop judge that your graphics processor is insufficient or cannot presently be used. When the GPU is disabled we cannot draw some interactive widgets, such as the gradient widget outside the document preview itself. In this case the gradient IS actually being drawn - you just can't seen the line for the tool until it crosses the document itself. If you'd like to see the full gradient widget, including starting it outside the document preview area, please go into your Edit > Performance preferences, and check the box next to Use Graphics Processor. Then restart Photoshop. If for some reason Photoshop gauges your GPU insufficient or unstable and turns off the Use Graphics Processor setting again, please check for updated Windows display drivers for your GPU from Please let us know if this resolves your problem. Thanks! -Noel Carboni
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‎Mar 20, 2023
12:57 AM
We're still working on a proper fix. Another potential workaround is to "Restore" Photoshop, i.e., do NOT maximize it, but run it windowed. Then drag the corners so they're close to, but not over, the edges of the monitor on which you want it to run. Thanks for your patience. -Noel
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‎Mar 03, 2023
11:00 AM
We have reproduced the issue and have a possible workaround for you to try, but it involves running 3rd party software that's not in Adobe's control (Winaero Tweaker) so please do this at your own risk. Using the Winaero Tweaker application, if you configure the window Border size and Border padding settings to their lowest values, you should find Photoshop not truncating so much at the edges. Meanwhile, we're working to find a proper solution to the problem. Thanks again!
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‎Mar 03, 2023
08:47 AM
Thanks, Ged. Apologies for mixing you up with Morfuud before. We're digging into it.
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‎Mar 03, 2023
07:22 AM
1 Upvote
Thanks for all your efforts to isolate what's causing the issue, Morfuud. We've had some difficulty reproducing the issue but that may be due to system and monitor differences. When I maximize Photoshop on my multi-monitor system it perfectly lines up left and right with the edges of the monitor. Apparently that's not what is happening on your system - it appears it may be maximizing a little bit to the left of where it ought to be.
Do you have any atypical or non-standard settings in Windows for your desktop appearance that might affect, e.g. the hidden border sizes? Possibly a desktop theme modifying package? Do any other applications on your system maximize so that they appear squeezed at their left edges?
Thanks again for your input!
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‎Oct 24, 2022
05:52 AM
Hi @chuckw12268738 , I'm sorry you're having a problem. Using our current 24.0 release, I just tried converting a 32 bits/channel RGB image to 16 bits using the Exposure and Gamma Method and am unable to reproduce the problem you're describing.
We'd like to better understand and try to reproduce the problem you have described - could you please share your astroimage (or a small part of it with which you can reproduce the problem), a screenshot of the exact parameters you're using to make the translation, and your Help > System Info content. If you'd rather not share information publicly, you may feel free to reach out to me via eMail at: Thanks. P.S., some settings that may help with both isolating and working around the problem that you can try, one at a time and restarting Photoshop:
Preferences > Technology Previews: Older GPU mode (pre 2016)
Preferences > Technology Previews: Deactivate Native Canvas
Preferences > Technology Previews: Precise previews for 16-bit documents
Preferences > Performance: Use Graphics Processor
-Noel Carboni Adobe Quality Engineering Developer
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‎Mar 28, 2022
01:55 PM
1 Upvote
@PECourtejoie I'm not sure I'd say it's "normal" that 3rd party plug-ins are showing up in the "Required plugins" list in System Info, but it's been the way Photoshop has been reporting 3rd party plug-ins such as 8BF filters for a few versions now. I think we may have a bug on it already. I'll double check. -Noel
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